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Saturday 15 February 2025
  Library Design+Furniture

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Can a School Library Be Replaced by E-Readers?
Can a School Library Be Replaced by E-Readers? Apparently, it Can
Instead of the 20,000 books the school currently has, the students of Cushing Academy will have 18 e-readers at their disposal.
The learning centre – the replacement for what was once the school’s library – will also have three large TVs, a coffee shop, and laptop-friendly booths.
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Furniture from Books
Furniture from Books
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Lots of Photographs of Libraries (and Librarians)
Lots of Photographs of Libraries (and Librarians) .. you can add your own for free.
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Big Cosy Books
Erik has been building and upholstering furniture for more than 22 years.
He began creating whimsical Big Cozy Books when his kids thought his design for a local library seating area was, well, boring. His daughter said, "Why don't you make the seats look like big books?" The light bulb went on, and he started creating.
Big Cozy Books aren't all fun and games...we use fabrics and construction materials that withstand the wear and tear of lots of little feet and large groups. Our customers have absolute confidence that our products will continue to look great for years.
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Computer & ICT Furniture ( for theLibrary )
When designing your library consider when you are selecting the charge desk equipment not using library furniture per se. Choose from standard school and office furniture which comes at a lower price and often is in modular forms that make it flexible, moveable, and rearrangeable as your program continues to grow.
Nothing is more of a millstone than one of those humongous charge out desks that take up a half acre of space. Consider trapeqoidal tables that can be rearranged for need, too.
(Jay Hilda)
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The Librarian's Yellow Pages (USA)
The Librarian's Yellow Pages
One of the options on this site is a very comprehensive list of suppliers of Equipment, Furnishings & Supplies
USA focussed.
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Building Libraries and Library Additions
Building Libraries and Library Additions
ALA Library Fact Sheet Number 11
Building new libraries, additions, and even remodeling can be a daunting task, and one that most librarians do not undertake frequently.
This fact sheet provides references to the tools, resources, and advice to help you manage your library building project, whether large or small.
Although this list has been segmented by type of library, materials listed for one type may have useful information for planning other types of buildings.
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Library Design Associates
Library Design Associates, Inc. is a unique organization committed to serving the library profession.
The LDA consulting team, consisting of design and sales professionals, plans library buildings, furniture and equipment to satisfy functional and aesthetic requirements.
All phases of work are coordinated through the use of a computer network and database.
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