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7 Habits of Highly Effective Tech-leading Principals
7 Habits of Highly Effective Tech-leading Principals
"The role of the principal is one of facilitation and modeling behavior," remarks Robert Farrace, senior director of communications and development with the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
"The principal who models these behaviors is going to be able to inspire innovation in their school much more effectively than a principal who simply requires that teachers use technology, or collaborate, or take risks."

Embracing Web 2.0 for the Administrator
Embracing Web 2.0 for the Administrator
This workshop is part of the K12 Online Conference and is designed for the K-12 administrator looking to dip their toe into Web 2.0.

List of Headteachers Blogs, wikis +
This link takes you to an area on Shambles that lists actual Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and other web 2.0 applications that are being used by senior managers in their schools for mainly administrative purposes. (with some teaching and learning)
headteachers | principals | superintendents | web 2.0 | web2 | headteacher |
