Keyboard Template to download & print
From Teachnet - a keyboard for you to download FREE and print. It is set up as 8.5x14 inches so that it may be printed "actual size" on legal paper, if your printer will do this. Otherwise, just print it to fit and enlarge it on a copier. \
The keyboard is designed as a blackline, so you may also have students color in the resting position keys."
keyboard template for printing | keyboard | skills | typing | keyboarding | touch | |

Touch-type, Read and Spell
Touch-type, Read and Spell
- For whom is this course designed? -
TTRS is for anyone who has reading, spelling, or writing difficulties.
TTRS helps both ADULTS and CHILDREN.
TTRS is especially helpful for those who are DYSLEXIC or who have SPECIFIC LEARNING DIFFICULTIES.
- What does it do? -
TTRS is designed to do several things at one time.
It teaches the student to TOUCH-TYPE.
At the same time it teaches SPELLING and READING.
It does this using PHONICS
It encourages students to 'SPELL WITH THEIR FINGERS'
- Will the course interfere with other teaching the student is having? -
This is most unlikely.
The system teaches essential spelling and reading skills.
Can I see the program before committing myself? - Yes, certainly. See details about FREE lessons.
keyboard | skills | typing | keyboarding | touch |

Letter Chase Typing Tutor
Letter Chase Typing Tutor
Letter Chase Typing Tutor (32 bit) is a full featured typing tutor for both beginners and advanced typists. Includes 8 new lessons for new typists.
Features beginner's, intermediate, and advanced sections, as well as two other sections to develop speed. Animated hands are used to teach the keys. Speed tests are included to monitor progress. Requires Windows 95/98/2000/XP and a Pentium or faster PC.
keyboard | skills | typing |

Stamina Typing Tutor
Stamina Typing Tutor
Amusing, yet multifunctional touch-typing tutor with support for several layouts: QWERTY (US/UK/...), Dvorak etc.
ONLY in Stamina besides the traditional finger positioning on the keyboard are you offered an ALTERNATIVE method (to reduce hand stress)!
After having gone through the fire, water and the course, you will be able to swiftly type away long emails (spam), efficiently misbehave in chat rooms, ICQ and so on without ever looking at the keyboard. The benefits are obvious!
Intimate details: work with lessons and text (5 modes), a lesson editor, statistics, progress graphs, virtual keyboard (can be hidden), super MP3 sounds and music, a playlist, support for several users, user-friendly thought out interface, detailed help with a logic game, + a small elephant pile of pleasant tidbits. The program is perfect for novice as well as advanced users.
Shareware | 30 days download evaluation | US$10 |

Up to Ten
Young children are the most suitable audience for this project as they learn to control a computer mouse, a keyboard and work with computers in general.
Open an UpToTen User Account to give your child FREE access to UpToTen Kids (there are more than 600 educational games and activities).
To help get the most from the activities, there is a system of easy to understand icons, sorted into four categories: Green icons indicate motor skill development. Blue icons indicate intellectual agility development. Orange icons indicate computer literacy development. Red icons indicate that parent/teacher presence is necessary
keyboard | skills | mouse |

Animated Beginning Typing
Animated Beginning Typing : -
Is designed for young typists (grades Pre-K to 3rd), and teaches proper typing technique for the letter keys. Sound effects and animation are used to make learning to type fun (and funny). Help is given with an animated tutorial, a screen to show proper fingering, and an on-screen keyboard which highlights the correct key when needed.
Because of the program's design - no arcade distractions and only one element is presented at a time - it is a good choice for beginning typists or children with dysgraphia or other special learning needs.
There are three games in the program. "Jumping Letters" is designed for very young students, and can be played at any pace. Each correctly typed letter is rewarded with the letter being removed by an animated "critter" chosen by the pupil. When 10 letters are completed (context- sensitive help insures success), the child gets a silly cartoon.
keyboard | skills | typing | literacy |

TypingMaster Web Site - Test & Train Your Typing Skills
TypingMaster 2002 for Windows is a personal touch typing trainer that helps you to use the keyboard up to 4 times faster and save your valuable time.
Get familiar with TypingMaster 2002 with a free demo version.
TypingMaster iTutor is a Java(TM) based cross-platform typing course that works in your intranet without administration.
AssessTyping.com Service - Arrange an online typing test for job applicants in minutes on our AssessTyping.com web site.
TypingMaster iTest - This cross-platform typing test integrates seamlessly to your intra/internet pages.
typing | keyboard skills | typing test |

EasyType (free) online typing tutor
This is free after you register.

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