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Thursday 27 March 2025
  Ice Breakers

Choosing Icebreakers with a Purpose
Choosing Icebreakers with a Purpose
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Teampedia - Icebreakers and Teambuilding Tools for Teams
Teampedia is a collaborative encyclopedia of free team building activities, free icebreakers, teamwork resources, and tools for teams.
This site is designed for group leaders, trainers, teachers, managers, directors, counselors, youth groups, camps, task forces ... anyone wanting to enhance collaboration and creativity.
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Pumping Them Up with Digital Icebreakers
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GoNoodle : Free brain breaks
Free brain breaks that help channel classroom energy for good.
There’s a short brain break activity for every part of the day. Calm the classroom or energize your students depending on the time of day.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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How Do You Play
Learn how to play useful icebreakers, classroom games, party games and teambuilding activities.
Completely free.
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Great Group Games
Ice breakers, group games, party games and more to help you relax and save time.
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flyChat ... iPhone Social Game
flyChat ... iPhone Social Game
I suspect that this iPhone App has potential to be used as an Ice Breaker in meetings ... providing everyone has an iPhone of course.
"... app designed to let you interact with completely random strangers by attaching your message to virtual flies who buzz around on the iPhones of other users. The idea is to help you meet new people; the methodology is quirky, strange, and buzz-worthy.
flyChat’s iPhone app throws the traditional social network model up in the air, and instead uses themes, tags, and chance encounters to ensure that your updates get seen by interested parties."
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Youth Group Icebreakers
A collection of games and icebreakers for youth groups
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ImInLikeWithYou : inclides Ice Breaker Games
ImInLikeWithYou : inclides Ice Breaker Games ... OK it's a dating site ... but there is something to learn here about ice breakers.
The name of the game is Blockles, and it’s like a group effort for Tetris. Consider it the no-pressure ice breaker where you can meet other users. As with most other group games, you can either create a match, or join one that’s waiting to begin
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Icebreaker Games and Teambuilding Activities
Instructions to useful ice breakers and fun games such as Defend the Egg, Photo Scavenger Hunt, Telephone Charades, Sardines, Personal Trivia Baseball, and more.
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Group Games and Icebreakers
A database of over 25 of the best icebreakers, group games, and team building activities, useful for a variety of settings: classrooms, organizations, parties, companies, college students, clubs, youth groups, camps, and game lovers in general.
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Presentation Skills : Videos and PowerPoints
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at http://www.shambles.net/blogforest or click where you see this button The Shambles Forest of Theme Blogs
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Icebreaker Games at Fun Attiic
Icebreaker Games at Fun Attic
Cheeky Cheeky | Dress the Mummy | Gum Art | Gum Game | Ha Ha | Ice Cube Hunt | King Boe Boe? Ring | Memory Game |
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Ice Breaker Activities
Ice Breaker Activities | Musical Hand Shake | "TAG" That Person | Early Bird Gets The Worm | Parent-Child Game | You Too?! | Block Buster | Clothespin/Porcupine Tag |
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Icebreakers & Group Process Activities
Icebreakers & Group Process Activities
Icebreaker - Color, Car, Character | Icebreaker: Imagination | Icebreaker: Who Am I?/What Am I? | Icebreaker: I Expect Icebreaker: Who Am I/What Am I? |
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ESL Icebreakers
ESL Icebreakers
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Teacher Ice Breakers
Teacher Ice Breakers
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Icebreakers, Warm-up, Review, and Motivator Activities
Icebreakers, Warm-up, Review, and Motivator Activities
For the following activities, it often helps to break the group into couples or trios. The smaller groups allow for more discussion, keeps participants from mentally wondering off, builds rapport, and allows for "one-on-one" relationships.
Sometimes the problem is not warming up, but the need to calm or "come down" to reality after some intensive material is presented. Also, to get the full benefit of new material, some "introspective time" is needed.
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Daves ESL Cafes Idea Cookbook Ice Breakers
Daves ESL Cafe's Idea Cookbook Ice Breakers
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Shamblesguru 'Ice Breakers' Video Picks on Youtube
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The Education Project Asia
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