Nominees : Best School Admin or Principal Blog 2013
Nominees : Best School Administrator or Principal Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards

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Principals in Training
Principals in Training
I am an assistant principal at a public high school in Northern California.
What excites me most about school leadership is the opportunity to facilitate collaborative spaces where different people and ideas find convergence. This helps us all experience a sense of shared endeavor and purpose.
I continue to choose to work in education for two reasons: 1) A deep belief that our work is critical for a healthy, just society, and 2) I get to learn and try new things every day.

Headguruteacher Blog
Headguruteacher Blog

The 21st Century Principal
The 21st Century Principal
Technology, Teaching, and Public Education Advocate
Taught High School English, Middle School Language Arts 16 Years, School Level Administrator 5 years, BA English, MA Instructional Technology-Computers, MSA School Administration, EdS Educational Leadership, Licensed Teacher, Instructional Technologist, Principal, Superintendent

BISblog : HCHC Vietnam
Miscellaneous musings on education from the desk of Richard Dyer, Head Teacher, Secondary, British International School Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

PrincipalsPage's Posterous
PrincipalsPage's Posterous
Superintendent, husband, father, dog owner, blogger.

Jon Zurfluh - TechTied Blog
Jon Zurfluh - TechTied Blog
A long time educator and administrator in the U. S., Guangzhou, and Shanghai.

Paul Ochtman (Blog)
Paul Ochtman, Head of Frankfurt International School, Frankfurt, Germany

Dane's Education Blog
Dane's Education Blog

Micheal Eberling (Blog)
Micheal Eberling, Head of School, Summit School, Winston-Salem

Jonathan Martin (Blog)
Jonathan Martin, Head of School, St. Gregory College Prep, Houston

A Principals reflections (Blog)
A Principals reflections (Blog)

Ms. McCartys Blog
Ms. McCarty's Blog ... Principal of Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School.

From the Principal's Desk
Jeanette Johnson, Principal of Lorenzo Walker Technical High School and Institute of Technology, Naples, FL
Challenge your mind, Pursue your passion

ISB Heads Blog (Bangkok)
International School Bangkok, Thailand ... Heads Blog

Heads Technology Blog: Dare to Dream
Heads Technology Blog... an administrator in a Pre-K to 8 school in Los Angeles.
"My blog is my link to Web 2.0 and the reflections and expertise of the many cutting edge educators across the world."

Dear superintendent
Dear superintendent
Scott McLeod writes about a principal who used blogging successfully (generating both agreement and disagreement), but whose blog has been shut down by a new superintendent.
She was a master at using her blog to enhance communication with parents and build school community. Parents and students loved it. She was even featured in the newspaper for her blogging efforts ... but ...

The Principal Blog
The Principal Blog
Over the past few months I have blogged about blogging and podcasting. Not really "discussion" but just excitement fueled blogging about new tools I have found. It's about time I get down to the nitty gritty about what this blogging thing is really all about and get in the conversations. I think I have done a good job modeling and I have actually got some teachers and students blogging and podcasting now.

Supt's On
Welcome to Supt's On!, the blog for Kelly Smith, Superintendent of the Belle Plaine Public Schools.
This is my first attempt at blogging, so please bear with me as I try to present pertinent information about the Belle Plaine Public Schools to interested readers.
Through this column, I hope to keep you abreast of the current events in our school. Construction projects, testing, budgeting, curriculum review, and activities are all topics that I will be exploring. If you have any particular items that you want me to address, please feel free to share these with me by email ...

The Woodbury White & Gold (Blog)
The Woodbury White & Gold (blog edition) is the personal web log of Joseph Jones, Superintendent of the Woodbury Public Schools located in Woodbury, New Jersey.
While this site operates with the knowledge and awareness of the Woodbury School Board, the content and opinions posted here may or may not represent their views personally or collectively.
Also, this blog does not attempt to represent the official viewpoint of all Woodbury school administrators or employees.

Bend-La Pine Schools Superintendent's Blog
Bend-La Pine Schools Superintendent's Blog

Superintendent's Blog: Minisink Valley Central School District
Superintendent's Blog: Minisink Valley Central School District

SchoolMatters Weblog
SchoolMatters Weblog
A blog related to issues in Albemarle County Public Schools in Charlottesville, VA. It's run by Brian Wheeler, At-Large Member of the Albemarle County School Board.
Comments in this blog, especially mine, are not official communications of the Albemarle County School Board. Authorized by Brian Wheeler for School Board.

Edinburgh Academy - Junior School Headteachers Blog
Edinburgh Academy - Junior School Headteachers Blog

Gateway Headteacher's Blog
Gateway Headteacher's Blog
This section of our website is intended for parents and is to allow me to inform you of my thoughts on a range of issues as and when they arise.
The thoughts expressed are my own and have not necessarily discussed with the staff or Governors.
