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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Graphing Activities

Graph theory .. on Wikipedia
Graph theory .. on Wikipedia
In mathematics and computer science, graph theory is the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects.
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Out Here Graphin
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Create a graph online quickly. Create bar graphs, line graphs or pie charts.
Simply choose your settings, paste your data in the Chart data area and hit the create button. Visit the menu section if you need more specific chart settings. You can also use and modify existing graphs from the graphing example section.
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Free interactive charts tools ... browser-based.
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Pictograph Creator
Pictograph Creator ... VERY simple in a browser
... brilliant for when working with a class of young students.
Works on the iPad in a browser
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45+ Free Online Tools To Create Charts
45+ Free Online Tools To Create Charts, Diagrams And Flowcharts
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Google Image Chart Creator
Google Image Chart Creator: Create and Embed a Variety of Graphs and Charts
Google Image Chart Creator is a free web tool provided to you by Google. It lets you create a variety of graphs by entering data points. In addition to plotting the data, it lets you customize various aspects of the graphs such as colors and margins.
When you first visit the site you view thumbnails of different types of graphs that you can select from.
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How to make searchable, Web-based Google charts
How to make searchable, Web-based Google charts
A rise in free tools, however, has made it easier to make interactive graphs in charts, whether you’re a designer, developer, Web producer or hobbyist. The Google Visualization API, for instance, gives you options without making the work too complicated.
I’ve created a tutorial below to help you make simple, Web-based Google charts. (You can click on any of the screenshots to go to a larger version.) In the first example, we’ll craft an interactive bar chart that compares the numbers of tornado-related deaths in the United States throughout the past four years.
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Barchart Generator
Barchart Generator
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Google Spreadsheets and Charts
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JS Charts | Free download
JS Charts | Free download
JS Charts is available free for both non-commercial and commercial purposes.
JS Charts is a free JavaScript based chart generator that requires little or no coding. With JS Charts drawing charts is a simple and easy task, since you only have to use client-side scripting (i.e. performed by your web browser). No additional plugins or server modules are required. Just include our scripts, prepare your chart data in XML or JavaScript Array and your chart is ready!
Our online editor, that has an easy to use interface, enables you to create highly customized charts in minutes, and then export them (upload the sources to your server) or get the embedding code (hosted version).
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Make your own using our Graph Builder or upload your own files, images or videos. All our charts are user-submitted.
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Crappy Graphs
Crappy Graphs
Because “Awesome Graphs!” sounded way too pretentious.
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FooPlot: online graphing of mathematical functions
FooPlot: online graphing of mathematical functions ... just enter your equation
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Search statistics and watch it move with Gapminder
Search statistics through Google and watch it move with Gapminder
In a web browser or free download software .... this application will completely change your views on graphs .... brilliant
Google Subscribed Links makes it possible to search deep into Gapminder's moving graphs visualizing world development.
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Presentation by Hans Rosling
If you want to see the most amazing use of graphs ...
that you've probably ever seen ... then have a look at this Presentation by Hans Rosling
Video online .... brilliant .. and highly motivating to want to be really creative with graphs.
Hans Rosling is professor of international health at Sweden's world-renowned Karolinska Institute, and founder of Gapminder, a non-profit that brings vital global data to life. With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, he debunks a few myths about the "developing" world. (Recorded February, 2006 in Monterey, CA.)
The PowerPoints themselves are downloadable from http://www.gapminder.org/
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Meet the Graphs (uses Excel .. speadsheets)
Meet the Graphs (uses Excel .. speadsheets)
This interactive TeachersFirst lesson introduces students to bar and pie graphs using a sample spreadsheet.
Students can enter their observations, then watch to see how the different graphs represent their data.
The lesson includes teacher instructions, an introduction that can be presented using powerpoint or the web, and downloadable spreadsheet file.
Aligned to NCTM (USA) standards.
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Free Online Graph Paper / Grid Paper PDFs
Free Online Graph Paper / Grid Paper PDFs
Graph Paper | Square Graph Papers | Multi-Width | Dots | Lined Paper with Light Verticals | Axonometric Perspective | Triangle / Rhomus / Hexagonal | Equilateral Triangle (Isometric) | Hexagonal | Hex Dot | Semi-bisected Trapezoid | Iso-Dots | Tumbling Block - Trapezoid | Diamond - Trapezoid | Asymmetric | Brick Layout | "174 Paper" | Accounting - Ledger Paper | Logarithmic / Semi-Logarithmic Paper | Music Notation Staves | Guitar / Bass Fretboard Diagrams | Number Line Paper | Celtic Knot / Celtic Knotwork Graph Paper | Writing / Penmanship / Note-Taking | Cornell Note Taking System PLUS Graph Paper | Writing and Penmanship Paper | Calligraphy Guideline Paper | Chinese Character Guide Paper - Hex Style | Chinese Character Guide Paper - Hash Style | Chinese Character Guide Paper - X Style | Japanese Character Guide Paper |
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Create a Graph Online
Create a Graph Online
Here you will find five different graphs and charts for you to consider. Maybe it will help explain what you are trying to show. Use homework problems, things you have a special interest in, or use some of the numbers you find elsewhere on this site.
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Furbles (Windows and Mac)
Furbles is an interactive probability and statistics application. It generates populations of creatures (such as the one on the right) with various attributes. They can self-organise into statistical representations of themselves, and a 'Furble Lottery' function allows one furble to be selected at random from among the population.
The application is designed to be Interactive Whiteboard friendly, and it targeted for use with Key Stages 2 and 3, though it may also be useful with Key Stage 1.
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Graph Paper
We offer many styles of free, printable graph paper perfect for homework, tests, sketches, craft projects and more. Print on regular paper, card stock, transparency film, adhesive paper, waterproof paper, or other specialty papers. Our graph paper is optimized for printing on letter and A4 sized paper and is available in .pdf format.
Cartesian, engineering, polar, isometric and logarithmic graph paper PDFs.
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HandyGraph free blank graphs
Software to create blank graphs, grids, and number lines within Microsoft Word. Whenever you want to draw graphs by hand, HandyGraph can provide the template.
You can make custom axes and grids, and integrate them with the text of your document. (It can make graph paper too.)
Download a free copy and give it a try. If you like it, register your copy for only US$21.95.
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Charts and Graphs : web links and activities
Charts and Graphs : web links and activities
A graph is a chart or drawing that shows the relationship between changing things. They are a diagram displaying the relationship between numbers or amounts. Common graphs use bars, lines, or parts of a circle to display data.
A graph or chart is used to present facts in visual form. They are a drawing that displays the relative sizes of numerical quantities. A graph is one of the easiest ways to compare numbers.
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Create A Graph
Create A Graph online
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Graphing Activities at EdHelper
Graphing Activities at EdHelper
Graphs Tool - Create your own graphs and printables | Data, Graphs, and Picture Graphs (grades 2-3) | Snacks Survey (pre-made) | Create your own survey printable | Graph and Analyze Data (introduction; grades 3 and up) | Mean, Median, and Mode |
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Create Graphing Worksheets Online
Create Graphing Worksheets Online
Graphing | Number Lines | Coordinate Plane | worksheet | maths | math |
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Graph templates at Microsoft
Graph templates at Microsoft - search for graph paper on this page.
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Graphs at AAAMaths
Graphs at AAAMaths - These pages have information about graphs.
Graphing Applet |
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Free Blank Graphs
Free Blank Graphs - made with HandyGraph - for educational or personal use only
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EZ Graph
Here is Zona Land's graphics calculator, EZ Graph. With it you should be able to graph almost any polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, or trigonometric function. It will allow you to enter variables into your function definition so that you can see the effect of changing coefficients easily.
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Collecting, Graphing, Analyzing Data : Lesson Plan
Collecting and Analyzing Data
Objective - Each group of students will collect and interpret data for a specific question and create a multimedia presentation to present their findings to others.
This lesson would be a great activity to do as a part of a unit on graphs.
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