Best Blogs in the Gifted Community
Best Blogs in the Gifted Community

Gifted Twitter weekly #hashtag chat at #gtchat
Every Friday at 6:00 p.m. (CDT), parents, teachers and gifted advocates from all over the world gather on Twitter to take part in Global #gtchat. This real-time forum allows participants to share resources, ideas, experiences and new ways of thinking about gifted issues. The collaboration and learning taking place via #gtchat have been invigorating and inspiring! More than 1,000 tweets are now devoted to Global #gtchat each and every week.

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

The Gifted Resources Email Newsletter
The Gifted Resources Email Newsletter
Gifted Resources produces a free email newsletter for the parents and teachers of gifted students. The newsletter announces events, conferences, guest speakers, extension programs, parent support group news, resources available and interesting websites.

Gifted Twitter User and Hashtag #NAGCGIFTED #NAGC chat.!/@NAGCGIFTED
Gifted Twitter User and Hashtag #NAGCGIFTED #NAGC chat.

Gifted Forum on TES (UK)
Gifted Forum on TES : Times Educational Supplement (UK)

#gtchat : Gifted Education Twitter Chat
Every Friday at noon and 7:00 p.m. (EST), parents, teachers and gifted advocates from all over the world gather on Twitter to take part in global #gtchat. This new real-time forum allows participants to share resources, ideas, experiences and new ways of thinking about gifted issues. The collaboration and learning taking place via #gtchat have been invigorating and inspiring! We invite you to give it a whirl.
On Mondays, Deborah Mersino posts a Twtpoll, so that everyone has an opportunity to vote on five possible topics. The topic receiving the most votes will be discussed at 7:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday; the second-place topic will be featured at noon (EST) on Friday. Follow @DeborahMersino to get the link to each week’s Twtpoll.
To vote for topics CLICK HERE

Center for Talent Development
The Center for Talent Development (CTD) at Northwestern University is an accredited learning center and research facility serving the gifted community.

About Gifted Children
About Gifted Children
Is your child gifted? Find out as your explore the About Guide to gifted children.
Learn the characteristics of these children, ways to nurture their abilities, problems they encounter in school and at home, and much more!

GT-Curriculum Compacting
GT-Curriculum Compacting
Curriculum compacting is a flexible, research-supported instructional technique for modifying the regular curriculum to meet the needs of high ability students. This technique is a form of content acceleration that enables high-ability students to skip work they already know and substitute more challenging content. The goals of compacting are to streamline work that may be mastered at a pace commensurate with the student's ability, create a challenging learning environment, guarantee proficiency in basic curriculum, and buy time for enrichment and acceleration

Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education
Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development
Our vision is to inspire and serve the worldwide gifted community of students, educators, and families through exemplary leadership in advocacy, programming, and research.
The Connie Belin & Jacqueline N. Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development was established at The University of Iowa by the State of Iowa Board of Regents in June 1988.
USA Government Agencies | Organizations & Centers | Talent Searches and Programs for Study | Materials & Other Resources | Gifted Teachers Listserv |

The Seven Types of Intelligence
The Seven Types of Intelligence
Psychologist Howard Gardner identified the following distinct types of intelligence. They are listed here with respect to gifted / talented children

US National Society for Gifted Children
US National Society for Gifted Children
NAGC is a non-profit organization of parents, teachers, educators, other professionals and community leaders who unite to address the unique needs of children and youth with demonstrated gifts and talents as well as those children who may be able to develop their talent potential with appropriate educational experiences.

World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Inc. (WCGTC) is a worldwide non-profit organization that provides advocacy and support for gifted children.
The WCGTC is a diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents and others interested in the development and education of gifted and talented children of all ages.
The purpose of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children is to focus world attention on gifted and talented children and ensure the realization of their valuable potential to the benefit of humankind. To meet these goals, the WCGTC commits its resources to the following activities ....

Successful Strategies for Teaching Gifted Learners
Successful Strategies for Teaching Gifted Learners

Mensa International
Mensa International
elcome to the Mensa International web site...Mensa "provides a forum for intellectual exchange among members. Its activities include the exchange of ideas by lectures, discussions, journals, special-interest groups, and local, regional, national, and international gatherings; the investigations of members' opinions and attitudes; and assistance to researchers, inside and outside Mensa, in projects dealing with intelligence or Mensa." [Mensa Constitution]

World Class Arena
World Class Arena is a global initiative designed to identify and nurture gifted and talented students around the world.
As a teacher you may already be educating gifted and talented students who would welcome the opportunity to become involved with a programme that caters to their needs.
As a parent you may have recognised that your child has advanced abilities in the areas of mathematics and problem solving.
And as a student, you may be one of perhaps the top 10 percent of the entire population that is considered gifted and talented. Then the World Class Arena could be just what you need!
The World Class Arena consists of tests, resources and support materials. It is a global forum for sharing and comparing results worldwide and will continue to grow and evolve as the project expands.

Education Programme for Gifted Youth
Computer-Based Multimedia Distance Learning

Resource Guide for Teachers : Canada
Who are our Gifted Students | Identifying Gifted Students | Developing a Student Profile | Gifted Learners in the Classroom | Strategies |
