Flipping the Classroom for Special Needs Students https://bit.ly/1oU0uRw Technology is playing a key role in keeping students with physical and learning disabilities stay engaged in class and at home.
Flipping with Kirch : My Favorite WSQ http://flippingwithkirch.blogspot.com/2012/01/my-favorite-wsq.html Flipping with Kirch : My Favorite WSQ
Welcome to my Flipped Classroom! This blog serves as a place to reflect and analyze the use of this new way of teaching and learning in my high school math classes.
My goal is to share what's working, what's not working, and ideas on how to improve as I strive to continue to help my students succeed at their highest level!
When I came up with this WSQ idea at the start of the new year, I really didn't have a clear vision of what it would look like. What I described above came out of random thought, to be honest. Every day though, I was able to think about what I liked and didn't like about the process, and the students got used to what I expect.
I asked my students to submit a picture of what they thought their "best" WSQ was from the last two weeks. Here are some samples for today's post.
Todd Nesloney on Flipping the Classroom #liveclass20 http://live.classroom20.com/archive-and-resources/todd-nesloney-featured-teacher Todd lives in Brenham, TX. In 2010, he was named FSE's Teacher of the Year, and is also the co-sponsor of the Nationally Recognized (3 times) FSE Student Council.
In 2013 Todd was selected as a White House Champion of Change, Center for Digital Education's "Top Innovators in Education" and a "20 to Watch" by the National School Board Association.
He also works with Remind101, Sophia, Classroom Champions and several other organizations.
A MUST WATCH ... don't miss the very comprehensive list of links Including a practical explanaton of how "WSQ (watch, summarize, question)" works
Flipping in Fifth [Grade] http://www.flippinginfifth.com/p/wsq-charts.html Flipping in Fifth [Grade]
Mostly Math...sprinkled lightly with science, social studies, and language arts
The WSQ (watch, summarize, question) is the format for watching the videos.
It's not what you do after you watch the video!
Here is my latest WSQ form. I included examples of graphic organizers for taking notes:
Best Practices by Teachers for the Flipped Classroom https://bit.ly/19Ky1qi Best Practices by Teachers for the Flipped Classroom.
The Flipped Classroom - Is it Worth the Hype? https://bit.ly/Ya7a1f The Flipped Classroom - Is it Worth the Hype?
Flip, Flipped, Flipping. What is all the hype over the Flipped Classroom? Recently, I had the opportunity to hear Aaron Sams speak at Pennsylvania’s PETE &C conference. As I took my seat, I was filled with excitement. I am a believer of the Flipped Classroom concept and a believer of what I has seen Aaron Sams do in his classroom – via video, so I was looking forward to hearing an expert share his ideas.
The hype for me was deserved; flipping has such great potential and a rightful place in education. If you are not flipping over the idea of the flipped classroom, once you get through these misconceptions and explore the possibilities and potential you will be.
Teachers Becoming Their Own Khan Academy http://www.stevehargadon.com/2012/12/tuesday-show-teachers-becoming-their.html Teachers Becoming Their Own Khan Academy
With Stacey Roshan, a high school math teacher at Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland. We're going to talk about the "flipped classroom," and drill down on one of my concerns about this model: the regular use in public discussion of phrases like "finding the best lecture on..." or "be taught from the best teachers.
Stacey will be joined by Shane Lovellette, a product manager at Techsmith. Together they will talk about the use of video and screen-capture to empower teachers and support students.
The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture .... https://bit.ly/TjATmp The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture for Tinkering and Maker Education
It is a model in which authentic, often hands-on, experiences and student interests drive the learning process, and the videos, as they are being proposed in the flipped classroom discourse, support the learning rather than being central or at the core of learning.
The Flip: End of a Love Affair http://plpnetwork.com/2012/10/08/flip-love-affair/ The Flip: End of a Love Affair
As this new way of learning played out over time, my students found they didn’t need me to locate or create videos for them. Instead, they learned how to learn, and they were able to find their own resources. For me, this was a much more important skill than following my directions or using the resources I told them to use.
As this shift occurred, the flip simply disappeared from our classroom. It took almost a year for me to notice it was gone. Instead, our classroom had become a place where students discovered and shared their own resources, while engaging in projects with each other.
Modified Flipped Classroom in 2nd Grade https://bit.ly/PZBEiE Modified Flipped Classroom in 2nd Grade
Flipped Classroom in 2nd grade!! I know . . . it sounds ridiculous, but I'm giving it a go. Here is my plan ...
8 Great Reasons to Flip Your Classroom https://bit.ly/TcsKRD 8 Great Reasons to Flip Your Classroom (and 4 of the Wrong Reasons), from Bergmann and Sams
Five-Minute Film Festival: Flipped Classrooms http://www.edutopia.org/blog/film-festival-flipped-classroom Five-Minute Film Festival: Flipped Classrooms
Critics say it's just a fad, relies too heavily on rote instruction, and doesn't go far enough in making the needed changes for teaching and learning reform.
I've rounded up this list of videos so you can learn more about the challenges and benefits of flipped classrooms.
Engage Students with Flipped Video Tasks http://bit.ly/NJGbZb Engage Students with Flipped Video Tasks
One of the major criticisms of the Flipped Classroom is that a dull unengaging content doesn't suddenly become engaging because it's on a video on the web, so how do we get students to engage with the content and make sure they watch it in a challenging and interactive way.
Good Teachers — Not Good Videos http://bit.ly/KG0ZB3 Why Good Teachers — Not Good Videos — Are Key To The ‘Flipped’ Classroom
UDL and The Flipped Classroom http://bit.ly/MFdOfy UDL and The Flipped Classroom
This post describes the principles of Universal Design for Learning and how they naturally occur when a full cycle of learning, including ideas related to the flipped classroom, are used within the instructional process.
The Flipped Learning Network https://flippedlearning.org/ The Flipped Learning Network
Launched spring of 2012, the Flipped Learning Network’s mission is to provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources to successfully implement Flipped Learning. The vision is preparing educators to adopt the Flipped Learning Ideology.
Laptops replace lectures in some area schools http://bit.ly/KpeNd5 Laptops replace lectures in some area schools
Last year, Kim Crosby spent about 80% of her class time teaching math concepts at Waukesha STEM Academy. For the other 20%, she helped students individually.
This year that time is reversed: 80% of her class time is spent moving from student to student; about one-fifth continues to be a standard lecture format. The rest of the direct-instruction materials she wants students to see, she assigns to watch or read at home.
Flipping the Classroom Requires More Than Video http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2012/04/flipping-the-classroom/ Flipping the Classroom Requires More Than Video
Early in the Flipped Classroom movement, educators Mike Tenneson and Bob McGlasson argued change begins with clear goals for both instructor teaching and student learning. They observed that the things teachers most want to address about their classrooms include issues of student motivation, teacher productivity and support for innovative instruction
Picture of the Flipped Classroom Model. http://bit.ly/JLF846 Jackie Gerstein’s Full Picture of the Flipped Classroom Model.
Five Ways to Flip Your Classroom http://nyti.ms/uV1WYq Five Ways to Flip Your Classroom With The New York Times
There Is No Such Thing as THE Flipped Class http://bit.ly/ols1wi There Is No Such Thing as THE Flipped Class
The term "Flipped Classroom" is being thrown around a lot lately in both positive and negative light. I think the term is a bit ambiguous and does not fully do justice to all that is being done under the guise of the Flipped Classroom.
Five Reasons I'm Not Flipping ... http://bit.ly/oj4vL5 Five Reasons I'm Not Flipping Over The Flipped Classroom
If you've read my thoughts about the Flipped Classroom in ''USA Today, you probably are either in agreement with my caution over the excitement around the flipped classroom made popular by Sal Kahn or you are a flipped classroom advocate who wants to convince me and other innovative educators that flipping is for everyone.
While I certainly see benefits in flipping instruction as I wrote about earlier this year, there are also reasons to move ahead with caution.
Reverse and Improve Your Instruction with Screencasts: http://bit.ly/o75Eor Reverse and Improve Your Instruction with Screencasts "I still think it’s a good idea to have students create screecasts. But Ramsey explained how his own screencasts completely transformed his daily classroom. He showed that, by creating screencasts yourself, teachers can become much more effective and make their lives easier simultaneously. Best of all, everything he does in regards to screencasting is backed up by brain research.
Now, although Ramsey teaches AP chemistry, I recognized that his ideas can be transferred to nearly any classroom, so I couldn’t keep his revelations to myself."
Flipped Classroom Defined ... at Digitalsandbox Blog http://digitalsandbox.weebly.com/flipped-classroom.html Flipped Classroom Defined at Digitalsandbox Blog "Flipped Classroom Defined
The flipped classroom provides avenues for teachers to become facilitators of learning and move away from the sage on a stage approach to teaching. The foundational concepts of instructors guiding students or facilitating their progress are based on the idea that the instructor is no longer at the center of the interaction and application of knowledge. The instructor remains available to students as a facilitator of resources, a resource who should frequently check students for understanding for their learning."
The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture http://bit.ly/o5r9fF The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture Excellent explanation
Due to Khan Academy’s popularity, the idea of the flipped classroom has gained press and credibility within education circles. Briefly, the Flipped Classroom as described by Jonathan Martin is ....
Flip teaching (Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flip_teaching Flip teaching (Wikipedia) Flip teaching is a format of education which reverses the roles of homework and classroom teaching.
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