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Saturday 15 February 2025
  Emergency Planning

Smart Phones and Citizen Scientists
Smart Phones and Citizen Scientists Can Help Streamline Disaster Relief
During a disaster, it's often the people in the middle of it who have the best information, the best video and photos of what's happening, and that information can be a huge benefit to those just entering the scene to help with relief efforts. Yet it is tough to get such data out to those who need it during relief efforts, including vital information that scientists and relief workers have to have but which the average person doesn't know to provide.
Jules White is an assistant professor at Virginia Tech, and he has come up with the idea of a cell phone app that can transmit the vital data collected by the phone's owner to search and rescue workers after a disaster like an earthquake or flood.
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Pandemics Area on Shambles
Pandemics Area on Shambles
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Preparing For the Active Shooter
Preparing For the Active Shooter
Everywhere you look in education, people are doing drills – basketball drills, math drills, spelling drills, football drills, and so on. And they are doing those drills for one primary reason – to get better at whatever activity is involved. Repetition and practice are always keys to success.
A few weeks ago, a school district superintendent said this to me: “You know, we are good at running fire drills because we’ve all been doing them since kindergarten. But, we’re not good at any other kind of emergency drills because we rarely do them. We come up with great-looking plans that sit on shelves and gather dust.”
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Disaster Resource Center
Disaster Resource Center
A disaster is frightening to children and adults, alike. It is important to explain the event in words children can understand. Adults should also acknowledge the frightening parts of the disaster when talking with a child about it. Minimizing the danger will not end a child's concerns. Several factors affect a child's response to a disasters.
The way children see and understand their parents' responses are very important. Children are aware of their parents' worries most of the time, but they are particularly sensitive during a crisis. Parents should admit their concerns to their children, and also stress their abilities to cope with the disaster.
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Disaster Preparedness for Children
Disaster Preparedness for Children
Create a family disaster plan and supply kit
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Apps to Prepare You For Natural Disasters in Asia
6 Useful Apps to Prepare You For Natural Disasters in Asia
Asia certainly has its own share of natural disasters and calamities like earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, and floods. Although they say weather and calamities are unpredictable, it doesn’t really hurt to be prepared. Thankfully, various groups and agencies have made apps geared towards disaster relief or preparedness. Here’s a list of six apps that could help you prepare and plan ahead for when the worst happens.
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Shamblesguru's 'Emergency Planning' video playlist on YouTube
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How to Turn Your Smartphone Into An Emergency Kit
How to Turn Your Smartphone Into An Emergency Kit
While apps can’t replace your doctor or local police, there are many that can make a major difference in an emergency. Here are nine that will help you prepare for, react to, and report such situations.
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Emergencies : UNICEF Resources
Emergencies : UNICEF Resources
Many children face danger after a natural disaster or an emergency. The teacher resources in this collection raise students' awareness about both natural and war-related emergencies, the ensuing humanitarian response and other areas of UNICEF's emergency response.
TeachUNICEF is a portfolio of free global education resources.
They were designed and collected by the U.S Fund for UNICEF for educators and students. TeachUNICEF resources cover grades PK-12, are interdisciplinary (social studies, science, math, English/language arts, foreign/world languages), and align with standards.
The lesson plans, stories, and multimedia cover many topics.
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Emergency Planning for Natural Disasters
Emergency Planning for Natural Disasters
Interactive Discovery Education
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Preparing an Emergency Plan (in Plain English)
Preparing an Emergency Plan Explained by Common Craft ... video
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MySchoolAlerts Keeps Faculty, Parents, and Students Connected in Emergencies
A free messaging and notification system called MySchoolAlerts that will allow schools to communicate instantly with teachers, parents and students.
The school simply creates an account and the faculty members, parents and students just subscribe to the service. Everyone has the option to receive the messages any way they prefer because they can be delivered via e-mail, SMS, voice, widget or through a desktop application. Other types of alerts can be added as well, such as child safety alerts, severe weather warnings, gas price alerts and more.
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Prepare For Your Death Online
Prepare For Your Death Online: 20+ Helpful Tools
No one likes to think about it, but death is inevitable. After it happens, you won’t have to care about paying the electricity bill anymore, but what’ll happen to your blog, e-mail, online profiles? The fact that you’re, well, dead, is no excuse for slouching online; therefore we bring you over 20 tools that will take care of your online stuff after you’re gone.
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Alerting Parents
Alerting Parents ... an area on Shambles that lists solutions to alert parents in the case of an emergency .... solutions using sms, email,voice.
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Guidebook for planning education in emergencies
Guidebook for planning education in emergencies and reconstruction
The Guidebook benefited from the collaboration of a high-level team of recognized specialists brough together by IIEP, representing researchers and practitioners from institutions, agencies and ministries across the world.
Published by UNESCO: IIEP International Institute for Educational Planning
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Mini Disasters in the USA
This map pinpoints mini worldwide disasters as they happen.
| Avian flu sickness | biological event | climate change | Earthquake | plague | mass sickness | explosion | Fire | flood | Land / sand / rock falling | radioactive | nuclear | power plant | mass sickness | power failure | Avalanche | snowstorm | Terror attack | Heavy storm | Tornado | Tropical storm | submarine accident | Aircraft accident | volcano activity |
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Disaster Preparedness, A Guide .....
Disaster Preparedness, A Guide for Human Service Providers in Emergency Situations gives providers a step by step framework to develop plans specific to their structure, location and consumers served. In addition to plans for natural disasters related to severe weather, earthquakes, volcanos, structural and forest fires, and landslides etc., the guide covers civil disturbances, bomb threats, riots, hazardous materials and radiation release and resource shortages.
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Disaster Resources for People with Disabilities
Disaster Resources for People with Disabilities and Emergency Managers
Disabled People and Disaster Planning
This page is FULL of relevant links.
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Library Disaster Plan Template
Library Disaster Plan Template
The Library Disaster Plan template is to be used in conjunction with the Disaster Planning and Preparedness Guidelines to prepare institutional emergency plans that include collections priorities and disaster response procedures.
California Preservation Program
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International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
The ISDR aims at building disaster resilient communities by promoting increased awareness of the importance of disaster reduction as an integral component of sustainable development, with the goal of reducing human, social, economic and environmental losses due to natural hazards and related technological and environmental disasters.
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Trauma Area on Shambles
"Trauma" Area on Shambles .. with links to resources.
Stress, Conflict, and Self Help | A Practical Guide to Crisis Response in Our Schools | Crisis Response in Our Schools | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | The ChildTrauma Academy |
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