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Saturday 15 February 2025
  Education Research

Innovating Pedagogy 2012 (pdf)
Innovating Pedagogy 2012
The Open University [UK]
Exploring new forms of teaching, learning and assessment, to guide educators and policy makers.
This series of reports explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. The first report proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education.
New pedagogy for e-books | Publisher-led short courses | Assessment for learning | Badges to accredit learning | Rebirth of academic publishing | Seamless learning | Learning analytics | MOOCs | Rhizomatic learning | Personal inquiry learning |
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Critical Factors for Success in the 21st Century
How can educational settings and technologies help kids develop the non-cognitive skills (aka non-content knowledge) and hardiness to deal with life's rainy days?
That's the subject of a 90+ page draft report from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology, "Promoting Grit, Tenacity, and Perseverance: Critical Factors for Success in the 21st Century."
This report takes a close look at a core set of noncognitive factors—grit, tenacity, and perseverance—that are essential to an individual’s capacity to strive for and succeed at important goals, and to persist in the face of an array of challenges encountered throughout schooling and life.
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Figshare allows researchers to publish all of their research outputs in seconds in an easily citable, sharable and discoverable manner.
All file formats can be published, including videos and datasets that are often demoted to the supplemental materials section in current publishing models.
By opening up the peer review process, researchers can easily publish null results, avoiding the file drawer effect and helping to make scientific research more efficient. figshare uses creative commons licensing to allow frictionless sharing of research data whilst allowing users to maintain their ownership.
Figshare gives users unlimited public space and 1GB of private storage space for free.
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CAST is an educational research & development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning.
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Education Research Digests
Research Informed Practice Digests offer easy access to essential research findings for teachers, governors, parents and all those who support them in the education of school age students.
The digests are mostly based on research published in research journals, this is because publication there means studies have already been scrutinised for academic rigour.
We also appraise the studies to ensure that they provide strong evidence directly relevant to practice in schools and we check that the authors of the original study believe that the digest presents a faithful picture of their work.
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RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms
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The Importance of Childhood Play
Recent Studies Emphasize the Importance of Childhood Play
Childhood play is coming under increasingly serious study. Reports underscore the importance of kids' play to address childhood obesity, build social skills and problem-solving abilities, and unleash creativity.
Here are summaries of some of this research ...
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