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Saturday 15 February 2025
  eBook Creation

Book Creator Free
The simple way to create your own beautiful iBooks, right on the iPad.
Read them in iBooks, send them to your friends, or submit them to the iBookstore. Ideal for children’s picture books, photo books, art books, cook books, manuals, textbooks, and the list goes on.
Try it free to create your first book (with in-app purchase for unlimited books).
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Create Books On The iPad
8 Powerful Apps To Help You Create Books On The iPad
Want to self-publish a novel? Get your classroom materials into the hands of others? Share your brilliant insight and call yourself an author? Then publishing on the iPad may be something worth considering.
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eBook Creator iOS App [$3.99]
eBook Creator iOS App [$3.99]
‘eBook Creator’ is the simplest and easiest ebook creation application. Its interface is designed for all ages and skill levels so that young kids are able to make ebooks using the app.
You can make good quality ebooks using the functions such as image brightness and contrast adjustment, voice recording, background musics, etc.
If you have printed books at home, the books can be transformed into ebooks on iPhone just in minutes. Record your voice reading pages, the app turns pages and play the recordings just like you do the same thing.
'eBook Creator' helps yours kids develop good “reading habit”. Furthermore, the kids will get to feel that reading books is pretty enjoyable if they record their own voices.
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Mosaic : iPhone iPad App
Mosaic : iPhone iPad App to create a book of 20 photographs.
Creating a Mosaic is fast and easy — just tap. Quickly pick those great birthday or BBQ photos, flip through the stunning book preview, and order. It's that easy. Best of all, it's always with you so you can create wherever inspiration strikes.

Meet Mosaic - Birthday from Mosaic on Vimeo.

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Creative Book Builder ... for iPad iPhone [App]
Creative Book Builder
All books generated by Creative Book Builder are compliant to epub standard. You need to join as content provider for iTunes.
Read a Review
Download the iPad App
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ITM 34: Create Your Own Textbooks
ITM 34: Create Your Own Textbooks using iBooks Author
ITM .. the Infinite Thinking Machine
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Student Created Books in the iClassroom [iTunesU]
Student Created Books in the iClassroom [Course in iTunesU]
This is an educational workshop focusing on the iPad and its many uses in the classroom.
Participants will explore and discover many ways to use the iPad as an instructional tool and also as a student-centered personal learning device. Participants will be required to familiarize themselves with a variety of book creation apps in order to integrate them into an instructional setting. Participants will create and share an "apptivity" using the apps listed within the course.
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Book Creator for iPad
Book Creator for iPad
The simple way to create your own beautiful iBooks, right on the iPad.
Read them in iBooks, send them to your friends, or submit them to the iBookstore.
Ideal for children’s picture books, photo books, art books, cook books, manuals, textbooks, and the list goes on.
Amazingly simple App $4.99 .. recommended
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Blurb is a company and a community that believes passionately in the joy of books – reading them, making them, sharing them, and selling them.
So we put our minds together, and developed a creative publishing service simple and smart enough to make anyone an author – every blogger, cook, photographer, parent, traveler, poet, pet owner, marketer, everyone. (This means you.)
With Blurb, you’ll find all the tools you need to make your own photo book, whether you’re making a personalized wedding album, cookbook, baby book, travel photo book, or fundraising book. Count on bookstore-quality printing and binding, and a range of choices from Hardcover photobooks to Softcover paperbacks in an array of trim sizes. Use any of our free online book-making tools to create your own book. Learn how to publish a book and much more with our free how-to tips and tutorials or watch our two-minute BookSmart video and see how easy it is to make a coffee table photo book.
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Publishing with iBooks Author [links curated at scoopIT]
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Independent Publishing with 'CreateSpace'
Independent Publishing with CreateSpace
Through our services, you can sell books, CDs, and DVDs for a fraction of the cost of traditional manufacturing, while maintaining more control over your materials. We make it simple to distribute your books, music, and video through Internet retail outlets, your own website, and other bookstores (inc Amazon), retailers, libraries, and academic institutions.
This company is owned by Amazon.
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110 Page Guide to Publishing With iBooks Author
110 Page Guide to Publishing With iBooks Author
iBooks Author is the first tool of its kind. Never before have publishers, authors, and content creators had a tool for making dynamic, interactive ebooks in a WYSIWYG environment. This book is intended to get you up and writing in iBooks Author.
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Book Creator for iPad
Book Creator for iPad
US$ 4.99 By Red Jumper Studio
Available in the Apps Store
The simple way to create your own beautiful iBooks, right on the iPad.
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List of Apple's iBook Author Tutorials
List of Apple's iBook Author Tutorials
There are numerous sites that are now offering Tutorials and how-to guides for creating ebooks in iBook Author.
As teachers are now comfortable with the idea of creating their own e-textbooks more and more people are looking for resources to learn how to build touch enabled books that take full advantage of the iPad capabilities.
Inserting video and high resolution photographs is one thing but how about inserting 3D manipulatives and models that are touch sensitive.
Here is a list of some of the resources online.
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7 Reasons to Learn Apple iBooks Author Now
7 Reasons to Learn Apple iBooks Author Now
We have identified seven reasons why you should consider adding iBooks Author to your knowledge base.
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Smashwords is an ebook publishing and distribution platform for ebook authors, publishers, agents and readers. We offer multi-format, DRM-free ebooks, ready for immediate sampling and purchase, and readable on any e-reading device.
For readers, Smashwords provides an opportunity to discover new voices in all categories and genres of the written word. Once you register, the site offers useful tools for search, discovery and personal library-building. Each week we add new features based on feedback from members.
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Creating MultiMedia eBooks
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Apple iBooks Author Tour [video]
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The open source platform to write and publish print and digital books.
Booktype is a free, open source platform that produces beautiful, engaging books formatted for print, Amazon, iBooks and almost any ereader within minutes. Create books on your own or with others via an easy-to-use web interface.
Build a community around your content with social tools and use the reach of mobile, tablet and ebook technology to engage new audiences.
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MacBreak Weekly 283 (Podcast)
MacBreak Weekly Episode 283 : Jan 2012
This episode is almost entirely about Apple's iBook Authoring, iBooks Store and iTunes U ... a very balanced review ... pros and cons
Recommended viewing
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Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books. It has a cornucopia of features divided into the following main categories...
calibre can convert from a huge number of formats to a huge number of formats. It supports all the major e-book formats.
It can automatically detect/create book structure, like chapters and Table of Contents. It can insert the book metadata into a "Book Jacket" at the start of the book.
Calibre has a modular device driver design that makes adding support for different e-reader devices easy.
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myebook aims to revolutionise the way we create, publish and share ebook content online. Built on a feature-rich social platform, complete with powerful, browser-based, builder software, and a slick reader environment, there's never been an easier way for anyone and everyone to 'get it out there'.
With myebook.com, we've made it possible for anyone to upload, or create from scratch, beautifully simple or adventurously complex page designs and covers online, in no time. What's more, you can publish your book with a single button and release it to the world before the (virtual) ink's dry! You can create as many publications as you want. And it's all free.
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Microsoft Word Templates for EBooks
Microsoft Word Templates for EBooks
I will assume that you are going to write your book in Microsoft Word, converting it to Adobe PDF to distribute it. To this end Microsoft Word templates can give you a head start by insuring that your EBook is laid out in a consistent and pleasing way.
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ZappTek :: Legend Maker
ZappTek :: Legend Maker
The easy way to create ePub and Kindle books! Are you looking for an easy way to create ePub books for your iPad? Are you trying to make your books available for the Kindle? Are you spending too much time trying to properly format your books instead of focusing on writing? Legend Maker for Mac OS X takes all the hassle, confusion, and mystery out of creating perfectly formed ePub and Kindle books so you can do what you do best, write!
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Online Barcode Generator
Online Barcode Generator
The world's most sophisticated free web-based online barcode generator,
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Sell Your eBook | Create an eBook | Convert an eBook | Discuss ePub Bud | Digitize a Real Book | Sell Your eBook | ISBNs for just $5 | The ePub Bud Forum |
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Get a unique ISBN number for each book title
Get a unique ISBN number for each book title you plan to release. Cost is $25 per ISBN
This is the only electronic ISBN Application form accepted by the U.S. ISBN Agency. This application is for a U.S. ISBN Publisher Prefix and is not for foreign publishers use (foreign publishers must apply to their own national agencies to obtain ISBNs).
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Convert files To ePub and publish to Apple
How to convert files To ePub and publish to Apple IiBookstore
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Using the Kindle Previewer to Read Your eBook
Using the Kindle Previewer to Read Your eBook
Kindle Previewer is a tool which emulates how a book displays on the Kindle device and other Kindle enabled devices such as the iPad or iPod. Use it to view how your text will appear and to identify areas which may require further modification.
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Using MobiPocket Creator to Build Your eBook
Using MobiPocket Creator to Build Your eBook
MobiPocket Creator is an application that will convert your Web Page, Filtered (htm and html) file into an eBbook.
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Guide to building Kindle Books using Microsoft Word
This is a simplified guide to building Kindle Books using Microsoft Word, an application from the Microsoft Office Suite. You won't find confusing tech jargon or convoluted instructions in this guide, just the basics.
Word is a great tool to use because it's extremely easy to format. We suggest writing your book in Word or converting an existing source file into Word (.doc) format before continuing. Remember these important tips below to ensure an excellent eBook presentation.
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Mike Matas: A next-generation digital book [video]
Software developer Mike Matas demos the first full-length interactive book for the iPad -- with clever, swipeable video and graphics and some very cool data visualizations to play with.
The book is "Our Choice," Al Gore's sequel to "An Inconvenient Truth."
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Book Creator
Book Creator
Click for review
Book Creator is an app that “finally” allows to anyone to create a book by staying completely within the iPad environment. It is an app that takes the concept of transformative teaching and learning to heart. I can envision many more uses for teachers and students.
The app is super intuitive! I was working on a book for my 7 year old niece (who lives in Brazil) in no time. It took me about 30 minutes to put together a book for her, publish in iBooks and email the ePub file to my brother…to open it up on his iPad…. for my niece to read it.

Book Creator for the iPad from Red Jumper Studio on Vimeo.

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1st Graders Create Their Own Audiobook
1st Graders Create Their Own Read-Along Audiobook with thoughts to ePub
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Creating an ePub Book Using Pages
Creating an ePub Book Using Pages – How to Make the eBook Cover Look Good
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Creating an Epub in iWork
Creating an Epub in iWork
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Embedding videos in an eBook
"One of the coolest things about the EPUB eBook format is its ability to include "embedded" videos within the eBook which are playable directly. It is NOT necessary to have a "live" Internet connection to view these.
They do not stream. The videos play as part of the eBook. Together with images and hyperlinks, I think embedded videos truly make EPUB eBooks "21st century digital books!"
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iAuthor an iBook : slides
iAuthor an iBook : slides from the presentation
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iAuthor an iBook - Megan Wilson Links from the webinar
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iAuthor an iBook-Megan Wilson [webinar presentation]
iAuthor an iBook-Megan Wilson [webinar presentation]
60 mins ... mainly creating an ebook using Apple Pages .. a brilliant inroduction if you have never made an ebook ePub document before.
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Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books. It has a cornucopia of features.
Calibre can convert from a huge number of formats to a huge number of formats. It supports all the major e-book formats. The conversion engine has lots of powerful features. It can rescale all font sizes, ensuring the output e-book is readable no matter what font sizes the input document uses. It can automatically detect/create book structure, like chapters and Table of Contents. It can insert the book metadata into a "Book Jacket" at the start of the book.
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Test your ePub ebooks
Test your ePub ebooks
Bookworm isn't just for readers. Publishers can use it to test their ePub files before distributing them, and to experiment with advanced features such as stylesheets and SVG.
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dotEPUB is software in the cloud that allows you to convert any webpage into an e-book.
Compatible with the IPhone, the IPod Touch, the IPad, the Sony Reader, the Nook, the iLiad, the BeBook, the Cool-er, the CyBook, the Alex eReader, the Kobo eReader, the Elonex eBook, the eSlick, the eClicto, the Hanlin eReader, the QUE ProReader, the Papyre, the Leqtor...
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Shamblesguru 'eBook Creation' picks on YouTube
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EPUB ePub ePUB EPub epub
ePub : short for electronic publication.
EPUB (short for electronic publication; alternatively capitalized as ePub, ePUB, EPub, or epub, with "EPUB" preferred by the vendor) is a free and open e-book standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). Files have the extension .epub.
EPUB is designed for reflowable content, meaning that the text display can be optimized for the particular display device used by the reader of the EPUB-formatted book. The format is meant to function as a single format that publishers and conversion houses can use in-house, as well as for distribution and sale.
EPUB became an official standard of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) in September 2007, superseding the older Open eBook standard.
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Creating Authoring Distributing eBooks and iBooks
This page is all about creating, authoring and distributing eBooks and iBooks
The main eBooks section on Shambles is at www.shambles.net/pages/staff/ebooks
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