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Sunday 30 March 2025

App Zulu
App Zulu
No-Code, Easy-to-Use App Builder
Enhance your brand and launch an iOS or Android app today with appZulu's no-code, easy-to-use, feature-rich Mobile Apps Development Platform!
Our advanced Mobile Apps Builder allows you to build your app from scratch and add needed features and functionalities as you see fit.
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Online Course Kit from Google
Planning Your Online Course
Are you new to creating online courses? Would you like insights into what we learned about ours? Checkout our Online Course Kit to help you plan and design your online course. Jump to the Quick Start to get started immediately. See Insights for our collection of articles and blog posts about our own experiments in online education.
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Online learning for everyone.
In the classroom or the office, creating powerful, interactive online learning experiences has never been easier.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Adobe Captivate #webinar #liveclass20
Captivate Our Kids! Tammy Moore
Adobe Captivate is a tool that will let us make lesson presentations, cool interactive activities and games, software how-tos, screen recordings, self-scoring quizzes (you can even set them up to post the grades automatically to an LMS), and more. What is made can run on a desktop computer with or without internet access and can even run on iPads. Captivate used to be a tool used by the pros in the e-learning industry, but now we teachers can get it.

Tammy's page on the Adobe Education Exchange
Rapid eLearning | Adobe Captivate Blog
Adobe Captivate Tutorials
Adobe Captivate, Presenter & eLearning Suite Examples

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iTunes U: A Course Creation Guide for Educators
iTunes U: A Course Creation Guide for Educators
This course is designed to act as a resource for educators who are interested in building their own iTunes U courses.
iTunes U is a dynamic, easy-to-use educational content delivery library designed by Apple to distribute digital materials to learners in an efficient and effective way.
This course will cover instructional design best practices for iTunes U via video tutorials and bulleted guides. Each area of iTunes U course manager will be covered, as well as information on lecture capturing and document formatting.
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SkyPrep : Create an online course [free if public and for sale]
SkyPrep is an online training software that gives you all the training tools you need to create online courses. Add training material and create tests , then track learner progress.
Create online courses and tests in minutes.
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TinyTap : iPad App .. for making games
TinyTap is a free app for the iPad that lets parents and kids turn their shared experiences into personal and educational games.
Every photo you take is now an opportunity to learn, play, and create a truly personal game.
Every time your kids play a game, they will hear someone they love, play with them.
Every game that you create can be published for all to enjoy! Send it to your family and friends, or to the world - and spread the joy.
Review : bit.ly/NBwFJB
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GoMo Learning
GoMo Learning is a mobile learning authoring tool, allowing you to create your own high-quality mobile training applications quickly and cost-effectively.
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ShowMe : Record IWB + Audio [also iPadApp]
ShowMe : Record IWB + Audio [also iPadApp]
ShowMe is a global learning community - a place where anyone can learn or teach anything.
Our mission is to make learning as accessible as possible, while giving great teachers and experts a platform to reach even more students.
Our community has created hundreds of ShowMe's, from chemistry to history to football strategy - and more knowledge is being shared everyday.
What if we could flip the traditional classroom model, where students struggle through lectures in class and left completely alone to do homework?
Teachers are making the flipped classroom a reality with ShowMe. By recording lectures for students to watch at home, teachers are using class time to inspire through group collaboration and project-based learning.
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ARIS is a tool for you to make mobile games, tours and interactive stories. Using the GPS and QR Codes, ARIS players will experience a virtual world of interactive characters, items and media placed in physical space.
Dozens of artists, educators, game designers and story tellers are making ARIS games. If you have an iPhone or iPod touch, then download ARIS to your device and start playing some of our demo games.
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A practical guide to creating learning videos
A practical guide to creating learning videos
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myUdutu offers an enterprise solution without risks, hassles and headaches. Whether you are a large corporate organization or a small business, the myUdutu Online Course Authoring Tool can save you time and money.
MyUdutu is a FREE web-based tool which provides a user friendly platform to create highly interactive elearning courses quickly and easily.
Anyone can design, build and implement online training courses without any prior technological expertise.
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I'm not sure if this should be under the heading of "Social Aggregator" or "Social Media Aggregator" or "Authorare"
In either case it is a brilliant tool ... especially when considering the potential for educators
We are building a new communications platform that lets anyone package and share anything on the internet in ways never before possible.
A flowgram combines the advantages of slide presentations and screencasts with an interactive user experience that fully exploits the fact that almost all the information we might ever need is already on the web.
Using the zero download Flowgram Maker, creators can assemble and annotate web pages, photographs, videos etc on any topic, and add a voice narrative which provides context, emotion and consistency. This uniquely personalized package can be shared as an embeddable widget, email or as a link to either a private group or with the world.
Flowgram recipients can interact with any of its pages by, for example, clicking on links, and playing and pausing videos.
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Ed.VoiceThread is ...
It's a web-based collaborative network that is simple, powerful and safe. Specifically designed for K-12 educators and students, Ed.VoiceThread enables rich collaboration around multimedia in a secure environment. More like a pencil than a software platform, Ed.VoiceThread is a space for creating digital stories and documentaries, practicing language skills, exploring geography and culture, solving math problems, collaborating with other students, or simply finding and honing student voices.
The Ed.VoiceThread network is a worldwide community where safety is built upon a foundation of accountability. All users are known users, responsible for their content and behavior. Access is restricted to K-12 educators, students and administrators, and all content is created exclusively by registered members of the community.
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Squeak is a "media authoring tool"-- software that you can download to your computer and then use to create your own media or share and play with others. It is free and downloadable here.
Squeak is open source software
Education is a primary focus for many Squeakers - who are doing cutting edge research on how computers can be used to enhance and amplify learning. At Viewpoints Research, "Squeak Central", creator Alan Kay and director Kim Rose use Squeak with students to explore how this can be achieved. A 45 minute, multiple Emmy winning, documentary film called "Squeakers" was recently completed on this work. Several clips are available here.
Some students work with media created in Squeak by their teachers; others are creating their own simulations and models to test their theories and deepen their understanding of math and science.
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Learn. Teach. Collaborate. Online elearning the tutorom way.
Access thousands of lessons or use our tools to create and control access to your own courses, collaborate with colleagues and much more.
Create tutorials online, share educational resources and collaborate with colleagues. Anyone can create their own courses, and either charge for them, restrict access to them, or deliver as public courses - with advertising revenues being split between the service and the author.
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Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.
Scratch is designed to enhance the technological fluency of young people, helping them learn to express themselves creatively with new technologies.
As they create Scratch projects, young people learn important mathematical and computational ideas, and they gain a deeper understanding of the process of design.
Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, with financial support from the National Science Foundation, Intel Foundation, and MIT Media Lab research consortia.
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Screen Casting Area on Shambles
Screen Casting Area on Shambles ... reviews, software, how to .... most software available is listed here
Screen casting | screencast | screen capture |
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Create Interactive Content for E-Learning Courses
Create Interactive Content for E-Learning Courses
With Engage, e-learning course developers can now actively encourage discovery by prompting learners to interact, such as .....
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The Webcast Academy Open House (Webcasting)
The Webcast Academy Open House
The Academy is a hands on, collaborative training center for people interested in learning how to produce and host live, interactive webcasts. You can learn more about Webcast Academy Session 1.1 here. You can also register to begin online participating.
webcasting : free online authoring and hosting tool
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Macromedia Breeze Online Seminar
Macromedia Breeze Online Seminar
Learn more about Macromedia Breeze by attending a live seminar given by a Breeze expert. Whether you want step-by-step instructions on using Breeze for the first time or an extensive review of Breeze capabilities and benefits for your organization, we offer a seminar to meet your needs.
Breeze software integrates live and on-demand online communication to increase your training reach and effectiveness.
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ReadyGo Web Course Builder
Courses developed in ReadyGo Web Course Builder can be easily integrated with popular Learning Management Systems (LMS) including Avilar, Claroline, Click2Learn, Docent, GeoMetrix, Hospital U, ILIAS, KMS-inc, Knowledge Planet, LearnFrame, MaxIT, Meridian KSI, Moodle, OnTrack, Oracle, Pathlore, PeopleSoft, Plateau, Questionmark, Saba, Sun, Track-ED by MRT Multimedia, Test Track, THINQ, and Ynot Learn.
Download a fully functional trial version of ReadyGo Web Course Builder; available in Danish, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
ReadyGo Web Course Builder supports the AICC, SCORM, IMS (XML), and ADA/508/W3C (for use with blind readers) standards.
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Yacapaca Authoring
Yacapaca Authoring
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Demo Builder
Demo Builder is a powerful, yet simple to use, software tool for creating professional and fully interactive application demonstrations and simulations, presentations and tutorials.
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BB FlashBack Express
BB FlashBack Express - the reduced price version of BB FlashBack - has everything you need to make great screen recordings.
Free trial version available for downloading.
FlashBack capture technology ensures perfect reproduction. Record a spoken commentary while recording the screen.
Record a window, region or full screen. BB FlashBack Express's easy to use interface makes it a breeze.
Review your recording frame by frame with the VCR-like movie player.
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EasyGenerator is a comprehensive e-learning suite.
Interactive training can be developed three times faster than was previously possible. Discover on this website to find out what EasyGenerator?can do for you or your company.
With EasyGenerator?Suite complete study paths can be set out to match competency profiles within organisations. The Suite also offers valuable management information on the progress of employees on the training courses and tests. At any time a complete overview can be provided on the training progress of the organisation.
Interactive training courses without programming knowledge
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The Education Project Asia
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

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