(best viewed at 800 x 600)

  Alerting Parents

The end of unread printouts, sticky notes, and emails.
Reach students and parents where they are.
Send quick, simple messages to any device—for free.
Personalize communication for all classes, small groups, and individuals.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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ZippSlip enables schools and parents to fully process paper forms online, from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.
All results are tracked and displayed by our cloud based app that is 100% HIPAA and FERPA compliant.
There's no training, and virtually no I.T. support required. But, because everyone signs up to avoid paper forms, you can leverage your first truly two way, fully secure channel for media rich interactions with parents and the community.
It’s like nothing you've deployed, yet complements everything you're already doing.
See Webinar Presentation at Classroom 2.0
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7 Services for Sending Group Texts to Parents
7 Services for Sending Group Texts to Parents and Students
People, particularly teenagers, have an almost compulsive reaction to open text messages when their phones beep or buzz. So if you want to quickly deliver an important message to student or parent today, sending a text message is the best way to do it.
Managing a list of cell phone numbers can be a daunting task. Here are seven services that educators can use to easily send and manage group text messages.
Some may not work outside of the USA
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ClassPager is a wonderful website that gives teachers a safe, free, and easy way to text message with students and parents.
Text your classroom. Broadcast updates to parents and students. Engage any student on any device — during or after school. Ask and answer questions, individually or with groups of students.
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Remind101 [Free]
Remind101 allows teachers to text message or email students and parents ... free

Remind101 from remind101 on Vimeo.

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ParentMail (UK)
Over 1200 UK schools use ParentMail to communicate with Parents, Staff and Governors by Email and Text message.
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The Education Project Asia
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