Fon Fon is the world's first global WiFi network built by people like you. We think of it as crowdsourced WiFi. As a member of the Fon community, you agree to share a little bit of your WiFi at home, and get free roaming at Fon Spots worldwide in return.
Sharing WiFi with Fon is safe and secure, and you won't even notice when others are connected because Fon only uses a tiny portion of your bandwidth. Fon has over seven million Fon Spots across the globe. Imagine enjoying videos, movies and games at WiFi speeds while you're away from home - for free!
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The Unwired Classroom: The Unwired Classroom: Wireless Computers Come of Age by Jamie McKenzie With the arrival of high performance wireless notebook computers, we stand at the beginning of a promising new phase. The wireless notebook, especially when delivered to classrooms in sufficient quantities, is likely to bring about a welcome shift in attitude and use by classroom teachers.
Bluetooth Bluetooth wireless technology is a de facto standard, as well as a specification for small-form factor, low-cost, short range radio links between mobile PCs, mobile phones and other portable devices.
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