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UK Regulations for UK School Websites
UK Regulations for what information MUST be on UK School Websites
In brief, schools have to supply the following information on their website:
• Contact details
• Admission arrangements or where they may be found (community and voluntary controlled schools only)
• Link to Ofsted Report
• Most recent key stage 2 results
• Most recent key stage 4 results
• Link to school performance tables on
• School curriculum information for each year group by subject, including phonics/reading schemes and key stage 4 courses/qualifications as appropriate
• Behaviour policy
• Pupil Premium allocation, use and impact on attainment
• SEN policy
• Charging and remissions policy
• School’s ethos and values
The above is quoted from UK web designers for schools

html tools tips tutorials [area on Shambles]
html tools tips tutorials [area on Shambles]
Links to lots of sites online

Make A Free Website
Drag and drop photos, videos, text, and more. Create a unique professional online presence.
Choose from dozens of pre-designed layouts or make your own.

Wix ... Create Flash Website for Free
Wix ... Create Flash Website for Free
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Usability of Websites for Children (not free)
Usability of Websites for Children
70 design guidelines based on usability studies with kids
This report is based on usability research with 55 children, who varied by age (grades 1-5) and by country of origin (mainly United States, but some tests conducted in Israel to ensure international scope of the study).
We tested the way kids use real sites designed for children as well as their use of the kids' areas of mainsteam websites. The report contains 70 design guidelines that will make websites more suited for children and easier for them to use.

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Web Server: Apache
One of the most popular web servers for PCs ... v1.3.0. released 6June98

Asia Pacific Network Information Centre ... the organisation in Asia responsible for issuing IP addresses.
