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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Computer Viruses

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8 Sources To Follow Computer Virus News
8 Best Sources To Follow Computer Virus News & Alerts
ESET Threat Blog | Trend Micro Threat Encyclopedia | McAfee Virus Information | Norton Threat Explorer | Securelist | ComputerWeekly | Virus Bulletin | Security News Portal |
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Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool (free)
Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool (free)
The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool checks computers running Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 for infections by specific, prevalent malicious software?ncluding Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom?nd helps remove any infection found. When the detection and removal process is complete, the tool displays a report describing the outcome, including which, if any, malicious software was detected and removed.
Because computers can appear to function normally when infected, Microsoft advises you to run this tool even if your computer seems to be fine. You should also use up-to-date antivirus software to help protect your computer from other malicious software.
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Server Protect
ServerProtect provides for simple management of multiple servers from a single, portable management console. The ServerProtect management console also enables administrators to configure servers in the same domain simultaneously and generate integrated virus-incident reports from all servers.
A virus scanner is only as effective as its most recent update. ServerProtect can be configured to download virus pattern and scan engine updates automatically and then distribute them to designated servers.
ServerProtect's intelligent help recommends solutions to virus-related problems, and the on-line virus encyclopedia provides detailed descriptions of thousands of viruses.
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Message Labs
MessageLabs is a leading provider of Internet-level managed email security services. Through its SkyScanTM portfolio of services, MessageLabs customers are protected from email-borne threats such as viruses, unsolicited mail, malicious and sensitive content and pornography, before such content comes anywhere near their network boundaries.
MessageLabs’ flagship service is SkyScan AVTM, a managed and multi-layered anti-virus service, which comes with an unprecedented 100% protection guarantee against all past, present and future viruses. MessageLabs SkyScan AV service has never let a virus infect a single customer.
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Virus Hoaxes (Symantec's List)
Although there are thousands of viruses discovered each year, there are still some that only exist in the imaginations of the public and the press. This is the comprehensive list of viruses that DO NOT EXIST, despite rumor of their creation and distribution.
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Mcafee AntiVirus Software
This is one of the most popular antivirus software packages.. from this site you can download a free version.... but you'll need to pay for one with all the features.
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Virus News
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