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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  About the Internet

All About the Internet
All About the Internet
In this area you will be able to access an Internet Tutorial for beginners, net-happenings, mailing lists and listservs, Distance Learning, Domain Name, Email, Internet 2, search engines, copyright, research guide, security information.
The info is great for the K12 education, parents, and everyone else on the net.
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Webwise: The BBC Guide to Using the Internet
Webwise: The BBC Guide to Using the Internet
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How Internet Infrastructure Works
How Internet Infrastructure Works
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History of the Internet, Internet for Historians
History of the Internet, Internet for Historians (and just about everyone else)
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Hobbes Internet Timeline
An Internet timeline highlighting some of the key events and technologies that helped shape the Internet as we know it today.
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Internet Proficiency Scheme for KS2 (UK)
Internet Proficiency Scheme for KS2 ... lots of materials available to download for free.
The aim of the Internet Proficiency Scheme is to help to develope 'safe and discriminating' behaviours when using thw Internet and other technologies.
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Welcome to BBC Becoming WebWise!
Welcome to BBC Becoming WebWise!
This online course is the easy way to get to grips with the Internet. It lets you learn at your own pace and can lead to a (UK) nationally recognised qualification.
The eight key sections, or trips, will take you through the Internet basics in a simple and easy to follow format. Remember, you can return to any of the sections as often as you like. It will probably take you about ten hours to complete the course.
Becoming WebWise will help you find out about getting connected, e-mailing, searching, bookmarking, making your own address book and the very basics of building your own web page.
You will also learn about technological developments like Digital TV and WAP phones, your legal rights online, the history of the net, and the other ways in which you might get online.
As you progress through the course, you will be able to see your scores by visiting your scorecard. This will tell you which trip and landmarks you have visited and also your scores in our tasks and quizzes.
It is important to log out at the end of your visit so that your scores and progress will be saved.
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Internet Secrets
Auction Secrets | Communication Methods | Computers/Internet | Contests | Entertainment | Government/Politics | Household | Money | Music | Search Engines | Shopping Secrets | Travel |
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How the Net Works : 20 Questions
The Internet is a tool that comes with few instructions. Most of us are let loose on it while we're still scratching our heads.
What is the Internet backbone? Should you be worried about browser cookies? Aren't ActiveX and Java basically the same thing? What is an intranet? Could people you don't know be reading your email? Who is Veronica, and what is she doing on the Net? Why is everyone talking about "push"?
For anyone who wonders about these things, we've prepared 20 questions and 20 corresponding answers to help you sort through the basics.
Internet | how it works |
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Provides statistical data about the use of the internet.
comScore provides the only comprehensive information available on Internet users, including buying behavior, anywhere on the Web.
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Computer Terminology / IT Glossary
List of IT terms
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Why the Net? An Interactive Tool
What is the Internet? | What is the history of the Internet, and how has it changed over time? | What can the Internet do for my classroom? | How can I best use the Internet in my classroom? | What are some critical perspectives on use of the Internet in schools? | What are the benefits of the Internet in the classroom? |
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Predictions for the Web in the Year 2000
Micropayments Staring / Mobile Web / Unbundled Services / Y2K Problems /
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Learn about the Internet
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An A-Z of Internet Terminology
NetLingo is an online dictionary about the Internet. It contains thousands of words and definitions that explain the technology and community of the World Wide Web, e-mail, chat, and newsgroups.
The Online Dictionary | The Pocket Dictionary | The Smileys Page ;-) | Chat Acronyms & Shorthand | ASCII Art, ooh la la | All About E-mail | The Web Design Coloring Book | Color Swatch Reference Guide | HTML Code Cheat Sheet | The Interactive IQ Test | International Country Codes | New Words that are in the Book | The Search Station |
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Int.Society for Technology in Education
ISTE.... a list of books about the internet can be found here.
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The Education Project Asia
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