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Friday 14 March 2025
  About the Internet

What Happens in 60-Seconds Online? #infographics
What Happens in 60-Seconds Online? #infographics
If you want some more eye-watering facts and figures about the internet economy, check out just how much stuff is gone every 60 seconds, including unfortunately some cybercriminals who are nowhere near as cool as Randall Raines, helping themselves to over $60K of other people’s cash in the same timeframe.
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Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends 2014 Report
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Encrypt the Web Report: Who's Doing What : Infographic
Encrypt the Web Report: Who's Doing What
We’ve asked the companies in our Who Has Your Back Program what they are doing to bolster encryption in light of the NSA’s unlawful surveillance of your communications.
We’re pleased to see that four companies—Dropbox, Google, SpiderOak and Sonic.net—are implementing five out of five of our best practices for encryption.
In addition, we appreciate that Yahoo! just announced several measures it plans to take to increase encryption, including the very critical encryption of data center links, and that Twitter has confirmed that it has encryption of data center links in progress.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Map of the Internet : iPad iPhone App (free)
Map of the Internet : iPad iPhone App
Map of the Internet is a 3D visualization of all the networks worldwide that are interconnected to form the Internet.
The map shows ISPs, Internet exchange points, universities, and other organizations that route traffic online.
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The New Digital Age: Googles Eric Schmidt & Jared Cohen
The New Digital Age: Google's Eric Schmidt & Jared Cohen
Never before have so many people, from so many places, had so much power, via the world’s largest ungoverned space, the Internet. Hear Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, and Jared Cohen, director of Google Ideas—the authors of the defining book “The New Digital Age”—talk with New York Times media columnist David Carr about how the future of people, nations and business is being reshaped and about the promise and peril that awaits us.
Video Interview
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There's No Such Thing As Offline?!?
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Map of the Internet : Infographics
Map of the Internet : Infographics
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Andrew Blum: What is the Internet, really?
Andrew Blum: What is the Internet, really?
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2012 Internet Trends Year-End Update
Mary Meeker releases stunning data on the state of the Internet
Mary Meeker, a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers, has published her latest huge deck of amazingly useful data, the “2012 Internet Trends Year-End Update.”
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History of the Internet 2002-2012 : Animated Infographics
History of the Internet 2002-2012 : Animated Infographics
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INFOGRAPHIC: Got The Internet?
INFOGRAPHIC: Got The Internet?
Our cool infographic shows you all the different things you can do online which allows you to never leave your home.
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The Evolution of the Web
The Evolution of the Web
Over time web technologies have evolved to give web developers the ability to create new generations of useful and immersive web experiences. Today's web is a result of the ongoing efforts of an open web community that helps define these web technologies, like HTML5, CSS3 and WebGL and ensure that they're supported in all web browsers.
The color bands in this visualization represent the interaction between web technologies and browsers, which brings to life the many powerful web apps that we use daily.
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What Happens Every 60 Seconds on the internet [Infographics]
What Happens Every 60 Seconds on the internet [Infographics]
World Wide Web is growing at rapid pace. On average, more than a billion new pages are added to it every day. To give you an idea of how big world wide web is, our Infographic 60 Seconds will cover some really interesting facts about websites that we use on day-to-day basis.
What happens on  the internet in 60 seconds
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Curious guide to browsers and the web
Curious guide to browsers and the web
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The Geosocial Universe In 2011 [Infographics]
Infographic: A Look At The Size And Shape Of The Geosocial Universe In 2011
The Geosocial Universe Version 2
View more presentations from JESS3
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About the Internet : Collection of Infographics
About the Internet : Collection of Infographics
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Infographic: The Internet and the Environment
Infographic: The Internet and the Environment
Brilliant Infographics .. great classroom resource to focus discussion.
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About the Internet : Infographics
About the Internet : Infographics
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What different generations do online 2010 (Pew)
Generations 2010: What different generations do online
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History of the Internet [Infographic]
History of the Internet [Infographic]
We’ve created the following infographic highlighting the major events in internet history.
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About the Internet : Poster
About the Internet : Poster
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Almost everyone nowadays uses the Internet. Stuff like Facebook, email, chat, Twitter and YouTube wouldn’t be there without the Internet.
But while the web is so useful and easy to use these days only a few understand how it functions.
If you have ever wondered about it, it’s time to find out. We have made a nice infographic showing exactly how the Internet works.
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Social Technographics
Social Technographics
Social Technographics, a way to analyze your market's social technology behavior. Social Technographics was carefully constructed, not as a segmentation, but as a profile (that is, the groups overlap).
That's because the actual data told me that people participate in multiple behaviors, and not everyone at a higher level on the ladder actually does everything in the lower rungs.
We use the metaphor of a ladder ...
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SuperPower: Visualising the internet
SuperPower: Visualising the internet
Explore this interactive graphic to find out which are the biggest sites on the internet, as measured by the Nielsen company.
This feature is part of SuperPower, a BBC season of programmes exploring the power of the internet.
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Growth of the Internet from 1998 to 2008
Growth of the Internet from 1998 to 2008
BBC News has a very cool interactive chart up, showing how the Internet grew from 1998 to 2008 in various parts of the world.
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Imagining the Internet
Imagining the Internet
This site has over 6,000 pages looking at the future of the internet .. with some looking at the past history.
The Imagining the Internet Center's mission is to explore and provide insights into emerging network innovations, global development, dynamics, diffusion and governance.
Its research holds a mirror to humanity's use of communications technologies, informs policy development, exposes potential futures and provides a historic record. It works to illuminate issues in order to serve the greater good, making its work public, free and open.
The Elon University/Pew Internet Project site Imagining the Internet: A History and Forecast is a multi-section resource containing thousands of pages.
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The Future of the Internet (February 2010) (pdf)
The Future of the Internet (February 2010) (pdf)t
This publication is part of a Pew Research Center series that captures people’s expectations for the future of the Internet, in the process presenting a snapshot of current attitudes.
Users are not really tuned in to debates about privacy and anonymity and their indifference will allow others to set the policies.
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Internet users as percentage of population
Internet users as percentage of population .. interactive graph
Also see the interactive map at http://datafinder.worldbank.org/internet-users?cid=GPD_44
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Periodic Table of World Internet Facts
Periodic Table of World Internet Facts
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World Wide Web ... data visualisations
World Wide Web ... data visualisations
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Internet ... Data Visualisations
Internet ... Data Visualisations
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The History of the Internet in a Nutshell
The History of the Internet in a Nutshell
Here’s a brief history of the Internet, including important dates, people, projects, sites, and other information that should give you at least a partial picture of what this thing we call the Internet really is, and where it came from.
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Social Media Stats Visualized
Social Media Stats Visualized .. video
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A Visual History of the Internet
A Visual History of the Internet
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The Web in Numbers: The Rise of Social Media
The Web in Numbers: The Rise of Social Media
Statistics about web usage.
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Free Internet Connections in Countries
Free Internet Connections in individual Countries
Free Internet
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The Future of the Internet
The Future of the Internet explains the engine that has catapulted the Internet from backwater to ubiquity—and reveals that it is sputtering precisely because of its runaway success.
With the unwitting help of its users, the generative Internet is on a path to a lockdown, ending its cycle of innovation—and facilitating unsettling new kinds of control
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An anthropological introduction to YouTube
An anthropological introduction to YouTube
Presented at the Library of Congress, June 23rd 2008. This was tons of fun to present. I decided to forgo the PowerPoint and instead worked with students to prepare over 40 minutes of video for the 55 minute presentation.
Also see
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Get your Web Licence
Get your Web Licence
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Who Protects The Internet?
Who Protects The Internet?
"In part, it’s this man – General Kevin Chilton, US STRATCOM commander and the head of all military cyber warfare."
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The Atlas of Cyberspace
The Atlas of Cyberspace
The Atlas of Cyberspace, by Martin Dodge and Rob Kitchin, is the first comprehensive book to explore the spatial and visual nature of cyberspace and its infrastructure.
It uses a user-friendly, approachable style to examine why cyberspace is being mapped and what new cartographic and visualisation techniques have been employed.
Richly illustrated with over 300 full colour images, it comprehensively catalogues 30 years worth of maps that reveal the rich and varied landscapes of cyberspace.
The full content of the book available for free download as a pdf.
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Let's junk the myths and celebrate what we've got
Let's junk the myths and celebrate what we've got
"It never fails. I'll be talking with a group about the amazing opportunities of the internet age and inevitably someone will pipe up and say, "Yes, but there are inaccuracies on the internet."
And: "There are no standards there." Or: "Most people just watch junk.""
Once and for all, I'd like to respond to these fears and complaints. They won't go away.
But at least I could, as the prime minister does in question time, refer the honourable curmudgeon to the replies I give here.
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Libraries and the Internet Toolkit
Libraries and the Internet Toolkit
Tips and Guidance for Managing and Communicating about the Internet
The American Library Association (ALA) has produced this "toolkit" to assist librarians in managing the Internet and educating their public about how to use it effectively. ALA encourages all libraries to implement policies that protect both children and public access to information and to take an active role in educating their communities about this important resource.
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Get Safe Online
Get Safe Online
It's as easy as ABC with our ten-minute internet safety guide. Our site is sponsored by the British government and leading businesses to give you free, objective advice.
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About the Internet: Videos and PowerPoints
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at http://www.shambles.net/blogforest or click where you see this button The Shambles
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The Cluetrain Manifesto
The Cluetrain Manifesto
The Cluetrain Manifesto is a set of 95 theses organised and put forward as a manifesto, or call to action, for all businesses operating within what is suggested to be a newly connected marketplace.
The ideas put forward within the manifesto aim to examine the impact of the Internet on both markets (consumers) and organisations. In addition, as both consumers and organisations are able to utilise the Internet and Intranets to establish a previously unavailable level of communication both within and between these two groups, the manifesto suggests that the changes that will be required from organisations as they respond to the new marketplace environment.
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One Billion Internet Users
One Billion Internet Users
Some time in 2005, we quietly passed a dramatic milestone in Internet history: the one-billionth user went online. Because we have no central register of Internet users, we don't know who that user was, or when he or she first logged on. Statistically, we're likely talking about a 24-year-old woman in Shanghai.
It took 36 years for the Internet to get its first billion users. The second billion will probably be added by 2015; most of these new users will be in Asia. The third billion will be harder, and might not be reached until 2040.
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What does the Internet look like?
What does the Internet look like?
Set of childrens drawings about what they think the internet looks like.
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Why the Net? An Interactive Tool for the Classroom
Why the Net? An Interactive Tool for the Classroom
What is the Internet | What is the history of the Internet, and how has it changed over time | What can the Internet do for my classroom | How can I best use the Internet in my classroom | What are some critical perspectives on use of the Internet in schools | What are the benefits of the Internet in the classroom |
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