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Saturday 15 February 2025

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ck-12 : FlexBook Platform : Statistics
ck-12 : FlexBook Platform : statistics
Free easy to use tools for you, your teachers and your schools so that you can get your learning done.
Free educational resources. USA Standards-aligned and customizable.
Read online, print a copy, or use it on any device. Our content can be used with the Kindle, iPad, NOOK, and more.
Add bite-sized lessons to FlexBooks or assign to students for independent learning.
Videos and multimedia simulations bring learning to life.
Enable students to track their progress with instant feedback.
Get assessments, answer keys and ideas for differentiated instruction.
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The USA Public Debt Clock
The USA Public Debt Clock
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Statistics and Probability Instructional Videos .. LOTS!
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Economic Indicators (USA)
Economic Indicators
Available from April 1995 forward, this monthly compilation is prepared for the Joint Economic Committee by the Council of Economic Advisors and provides economic information on prices, wages, production, business activity, purchasing power, credit, money and Federal finance.
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Quick Notes Statistics
Quick Notes Statistics
This free e-book contains advertising. A copy without advertising sells for $5.95.
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FlowingData explores how statisticians, designers, computer scientists, and others are using data to understand more about ourselves and our surroundings.
The money you spend, how much you exercise, the time you waste, and the personal information you enter are all data. In addition to the data that you yourself produce, it's also generated by the environment, sports, government, entertainment, and plenty of other interesting fields.
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Search statistics and watch it move with Gapminder
Search statistics through Google and watch it move with Gapminder
In a web browser or free download software .... this application will completely change your views on graphs .... brilliant
Google Subscribed Links makes it possible to search deep into Gapminder's moving graphs visualizing world development.
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Mathematics Probability Tutorials (recommended)
The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) is an NSF (USA) supported project that began in 1999 to develop a library of uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials, mostly in the form of Java applets, for mathematics instruction (K-12 emphasis).
The project includes dissemination and extensive internal and external evaluation.
Math | Maths | Mathematics | interactive | multimedia | Free | Number and Operations | Algebra | Geometry | Measurement | Data Analysis | Probability |
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Create a FREE, fully-functional online survey
Create a FREE, fully-functional online survey in just minutes!
To create your free trial survey, please provide the information requested to the right. Once you submit this information, an account will be created, and you will be able to start building your survey.
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Survey Random Sample Calculator
Survey Random Sample Calculator
If you have not yet conducted your survey and want to calculate how many people you need for your random sample, use these calculators.
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Web Interface for Statistics Education (WISE)
Web Interface for Statistics Education (WISE)
The Claremont Colleges' "Web Interface for Statistics Education" seeks to expand teaching resources offered through Introductory Statistics courses, especially in the social sciences. This project aims to develop an on-line teaching tool to take advantage of the unique hypertextual and presentational benefits of the World Wide Web (WWW).
This teaching tool's primary application is as a supplement to traditional teaching materials, addressing specific topics that instructors have difficulty in presenting using traditional classroom technologies. The tool serves to promote self-paced learning and to provide a means for advanced students to review concepts.
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The World of Statistical Humor
The World of Statistical Humor and Statistics Jokes
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Statistics and Probability : web links and activities
Statistics and Probability : web links and activities
A statistic is a fact or piece of information that is expressed as a number or percentage. The facts and figures that are collected and examined for information on a given subject are statistics. Probability is the likelihood of something happening or being true.
Statistics is a set of methods used to collect and analyze data. Those statistical methods help people identify, study, and solve a variety of problems. Statistics help people make good decisions about uncertain situations. Probability is used to describe events that do not occur with certainty.
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Statistics at AAAMath
Statistics at AAAMath - Statistical Mean or Average - 1 digit numbers | Statistical Median - 1 digit numbers | Statistical Range - 1 digit numbers | Statistical Mode Statistical Mean or Average - 2 digit | numbers | Statistical Median - 2 digit numbers | Statistical Range - 2 digit numbers | Statistical Mean or Average - 3 digit numbers | Statistical Median - 3 digit numbers | Statistical Range - 3 digit numbers |
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Migration Information Source
Migration Information Source
Includes feature stories, country profiles, a global database which generates charts and tables, and more.
The Migration Information Source provides fresh thought, authoritative data from numerous global organizations and governments, and global analysis of international migration and refugee trends. A unique, online resource, the Source offers useful tools, vital data, and essential facts on the movement of people worldwide.
Working with a team of international correspondents, we chronicle global migration movements, provide perspectives on current migration debates, and offer the tools and data from numerous global organizations and governments needed to understand migration. We do this in a way that is accessible to researchers, policy makers, journalists, and other opinion shapers.
statistics | population | countries | glossary | country profiles | global data |
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The Chance Project
This site contains materials to help teach a Chance course.
This "quantitative literacy course" seeks to educate readers about the uses of probability and statistics in current news reporting. The site offers lectures, videos, teaching aids, online texts, and interesting articles demonstrating concepts.
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National UK Statistics
This site allows you to search the latest comprehensive range of official UK statistics and information about statistics as well as providing free access to a selection of recently released publications and press releases in downloadable formats.
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The Population Reference Bureau
Population shapes almost every aspect of our lives. Population defines the need for resource allocations — where to build roads, schools, or hospitals. Population shapes political systems and helps determine economic vitality. Because population has such a profound effect on how we plan for and realize our dreams, the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) is working hard to provide you with all the facts you need to better understand our changing world.
The Population Reference Bureau is the leader in providing timely and objective information on U.S. and international population trends and their implications.
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Statistical Resources on the Web
Agriculture | Business and Industry | Comprehensive Subjects | Consumers Cost-of-Living | Demographics | Economics | Education | Energy | Environment Finance | Foreign Government Data Sources | Foreign/International Economics Foreign Trade | Government Finances | Health | Housing | Labor | Military Politics | Science | Sociology | Tourism | Transportation | Weather
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The Education Project Asia
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