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Tuesday 18 March 2025

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Zimbra is an open source server
Zimbra is an open source server and client technology for next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration. Zimbra delivers innovation for both the administrator and the end-user as well as compatibility with existing infrastructure and applications (both open source and proprietary).
Our solutions are supported cross-platform, including Linux, Unix, Mac OS X on the server-side; Windows, Linux and Mac desktops; and Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer browsers.
Zimbra is an open source server and client technology for next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration. Zimbra delivers innovation for both the administrator and the end-user as well as compatibility with existing infrastructure and applications (both open source and proprietary).
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eXchange POP3
eXchange POP3 ...is an email gateway (connector) that retrieves messages from Internet POP3 email accounts (IMAP also supported) and delivers them to Exchange Server.
Exchange Server only supports expensive SMTP connections. Save money with eXchange POP3 by using any inexpensive Dial-Up or DSL/Cable connection and one or more Internet POP3 mailboxes.
eXchange POP3 protects your organization from dangerous and unwanted (spam) email and gives you complete control over messages entering and leaving your network.
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Microsoft Server Operating Systems
Microsoft Server Operating Systems | Desktop Operating Systems | Desktop Products and Technologies | Embedded Operating Systems | Servers |
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AXIGEN mail server
AXIGEN is a fast, reliable and secure mail server, with an open architecture, enabling the System Administrator to have easy management and full control of the email traffic.
Providing SMTP/ESMTP, IMAP, POP3 services, running on main Linux distributions, AXIGEN is tested for the standard mail clients and special Webmail module enables email access and delivery from internet browsers.
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SharePoint Portal Server site
SharePoint Portal Server site
Find, share, and publish information easily with SharePoint Portal Server, the flexible portal solution for your business.
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eMailman | Workgroup Mail Server
WorkgroupMail is a high performance mail server that can provide everyone in your organization with Internet e-mail and internal mail. Download it now and try it free for 30 days.
Whether you are a large multi-site organization or a small start-up company, WorkgroupMail mail server can provide you with the ideal solution.
server | servers | email | eMailman | Workgroup Mail Server | Mac (and OS X), Win, Unix/Linux, WAP, Webmail, Java |
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CommuniGate Pro: Messaging Server
Welcome to CommuniGate Pro, the Internet Messaging server application implementing:
Multi-mailbox accounts and shared mailboxes.
Remote mailbox access using the POP3 protocol.
Remote administration using any Web browser.
Personal Web Sites for every account.
Mailboxes in the form of text files, file folders, and databases.
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The Education Project Asia
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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