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Saturday 15 February 2025
  School Leadership

Welcoming New Leaders in Education
Welcoming New Leaders in Education
New Leaders have arrived in education, and they’re not beholden to anyone or anything that came before them.
They do not fit any one profile or group or demographic. They lead in ways of thinking and working and succeeding that look ahead, not behind.
It’s an empowering, self-actualizing way of looking at the world, and it is changing the way we learn and lead.
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Ten Big Ideas of School Leadership
Ten Big Ideas of School Leadership
Here are ten ideas I have learned in the 30 years since I became a principal.
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The 14 Principal's Principles
These "14 Principal's Principles" were shared on Twitter on August 6, 2010 and are many of those basic to my educational philosophy. Those dated 9/1968 (1-5) I shared with my staff at "Independence Elementary School" on my first day as a new principal 42 years ago.
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Narrowing The Gap In Outcomes: Leadership.
Narrowing The Gap In Outcomes: Leadership.
This report is based on research conducted by the NFER and commissioned by the LGA for the national Narrowing the Gap team. It aims to identify whether or not leadership has an effective role in narrowing the gap in outcomes between vulnerable children and young people and other children.
The study included a literature review and interviews with case study local authorities.
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David Allen Company Podcast (Podcast Series)
David Allen Company Podcast (free series .. subscribe with itunes)
The only official David Allen Company podcast designed to help you win at the game of work and business of life.
David Allen is the bestselling author of the productivity classic Getting Things Done, and in this podcast he discusses a number of the central principles for managing your time and work, including tips for dealing with email, interruptions, and other issues that arise. Currently on the feed there's a series of interviews with Allen conducted by Merlin Mann who is the creator of the popular productivity website 43 Folders. Learn how to increase your productivity in business and in life with the David Allen Company Podcast.
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Extraordinary Leadership ... a free audio book
Extraordinary Leadership ... a free audio book
Robin Sharma, one of the planet’s top leadership development experts and success coaches, has helped CEOs, famous entrepreneurs, rock stars and royalty get to world-class. On this idea-rich and exceptionally practical audio program you will discover ....
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Academic Earth:Leadership and Adversity video lectures
Academic Earth:Leadership and Adversity video lectures
Academic Earth, 1,000s of video lectures from the world's top scholars.
We are building a user-friendly educational ecosystem that will give internet users around the world the ability to easily find, interact with, and learn from full video courses and lectures from the world’s leading scholars.
Our goal is to bring the best content together in one place and create an environment in which that content is remarkably easy to use and in which user contributions make existing content increasingly valuable.
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ALISON : Free Online Courses
ALISON is a free online learning resource for basic and essential workplace skills.
ALISON stands for "Advance Learning Interactive Systems Online"
ALISON provides high-quality, engaging, interactive multimedia courseware for certification and standards-based learning. All courses on ALISON are accessible for free to individual learners.
The mission of ALISON is to enable anyone, anywhere, to educate themselves for free via interactive self-paced multimedia. It is our belief that through ALISON, the cost of access to high-quality education can be removed.
Through the ALISON learning platform we can assist people around the world in educating themselves, thereby creating a more equitable and sustainable global society.
Free Digital Literacy & IT Skills | Free Enterprise & Business Skills | Free Financial & Economic Literacy | Free Health & Safety & Compliance | Free Health Literacy | Free Leadership & Management Training | Free Language Skills | Free Personal Development & Soft Skills | Free Teacher Training |
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Leadership and Learning (Video Presentation)
Dare to Dream Conference
Presentation given were recorded and the video+audio are available online ... with topics
The Six Secrets of Change : Keynote speaker Michael Fullan, Author, Former Dean of OISE/University of Toronto
Technology and Literacy, the New Frontier : Keynote Speaker Rob Policicchio. See how technology can be integrated into the classroom and how it can enhance presentation and projects.
Leadership and Learning : Keynote speaker Dr. Brian McNulty, Vice President, Leadership Services, Leadership and Learning Centre, Denver Colorado
If You Can't Believe It, You'll Never Achieve It : Keynote speaker Carl Boyd, Advice Teacher, Arizona, USA
Preparing Students for a Changing World : Keynote speaker Dr. Willard R. Daggett, President, International Centre for Leadership in Education
What Really Matters for Struggling Readers : Keynote speaker Richard Allington, Past President, International Reading Association, Professor of Education, University of Tennessee
Getting Immersed in a Bookworld : Keynote speaker Richard Allington, Past President, International Reading Association, Professor of Education, University of Tennessee Affiliation
Dreaming the First Free South African University Out of Nothing : Keynote speaker Dr. Teddy Belcher, CEO of CIDA City Campus, South Africa
Leading Edge Learning Panel Discussion : With moderator Dr. Willard R. Daggett, President, International Centre for Leadership in Education Education Minister Kathleen Wynne
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Successful School Leadership (Booklet)
Successful School Leadership (Booklet) .. free download pdf file .. New York
With more than 40% of principals eligible to retire by 2006, a new generation of school leaders will take the helm to accelerate the transformation of the New York City school system.
What does good principal leadership look like? Like a well-managed business, a well-orchestrated symphony, or a well-run classroom.
In a well-led school, you might not even notice its leader, but you would certainly notice his or her influence.
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Leadership development assessment
Leadership development assessment
According to leadership expert Jim Collins, the most successful leaders are concerned for their organization's success rather than for their own riches and personal recognition. These 'Level 5' leaders blend ambition for their organisations with empathy for their people.
The CLQ-3 assessment is designed to help you assess your leadership style and the leadership level you have reached. It will also pinpoint the key competencies that you need to work on to improve your leadership effectiveness.
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Overview of Leadership in Organizations
Overview of Leadership in Organizations
Many people today are seeking to understand -- and many people are writing about -- the concept of leadership today. The topic has become almost evangelical and prophetic in tone.
This topic in the library helps readers gain broad understanding of the concept of leadership along with the various areas of knowledge and skills required to lead from a variety of perspectives and in a variety of contexts.
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Consortium for School Networking
The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) promotes the use of telecommunications to improve K-12 learning. Members represent state and local education agencies, nonprofits, companies and individuals who share our vision. Our goals are:
Leadership Development | Advocacy | Coalition Building | Emerging Technology |
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Schoolmanager.net is an education management and leadership web service that will help you do your job more easily and effectively, enabling you to save time, save money and solve problems.
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The Assemblies Website
The Assemblies Website aims to provide high-quality, instant access primary school assemblies for teachers and others leading collective worship. It exists to promote good practice and to help schools comply with the legal requirements for collective worship. The assemblies it offers are Christian in outlook, but the site aims to provide a resource for use in a wide range of schools, and the assemblies it offers are designed for use with all children regardless of their faith or cultural background.
The site provides two assemblies a week, with standing assemblies for special events, positive and negative, that can hit any school, and rapid response assemblies will also be provided when world events touch children’s lives.
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UK National College of School Leadership
The UK NCSL opened in November 2000
Based on outstanding practice the College, will offer heads, deputies and other school leaders professional support and expertise as part of the drive to transform schools.
For the first time it will provide a single national focus for leadership, development and research, a provider and promoter of excellence, strong on innovation and a focus for national and international debate on leadership.
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OnLine Journal
The International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning
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