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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Mgt.Info.System CMIS

Capterra : find alternative software to that you already use
Capterra is a free resource to help you find the right software for your business.
Software can help you save time and solve problems, but sometimes it’s hard to figure out the solution that’s right for you. That’s where Capterra can help.
Start your research in one of our 500+ software categories. From AB Testing and Project Management, to Yoga Studio Software, we’ve got you covered.
Buying guides, blog posts, and thousands of user reviews help you evaluate your options from an unbiased, third-party source.
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Clever keeps educational applications rostered and up-to-date. We make using software in schools as easy as ABC.
More than 200 applications support Clever, so schools can use their software with less hassle.
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Archivist Online - School Management Software
Archivist Online is a cloud-based school management software providing its users with a complete suite of remarkable features.
This highly advanced software solution simplifies all sorts of administrative problems with complete effectiveness. Some of its popular modules consist of exam management, accounts management and student enrollment. Archivist Online is especially designed to assist school admins suffering all sorts of administrative problems. The digital school management system automates most of the paperwork providing admins with fast and accurate results. The online school management software saves institutes from suffering issues such as fraud, theft and printing errors. It is currently among the most cost-effective software solutions available in the market.
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Easy Church Tools
We take a fresh approach to ministry software, and work closely with churches to develop our products.
We offer church management software, church donation software, and a sermon podcasting system.
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Pligg open source CMS (Content Management System)
Pligg is an open source CMS (Content Management System) that you can download and use for free.
Pligg CMS provides social networking software that encourages visitors to register on your website so that they can submit content and connect with other users. Our software creates websites where stories are created and voted on by members, not website editors.
Use Pligg content management system to start your own social networking community in minutes.
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Administrators Plus CMS
Rediker Software's student information system, Administrator's Plus, is the trusted choice of school administrators across the USA and in over 100 countries.
Our flagship products, Administrator's Plus and the School Office Suite, provide an easy-to-use integrated student management software system that streamlines administrative tasks throughout the entire school.
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The Joomla : open source content management project
The Joomla : open source content management project
Joomla : is one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet. It is used all over the world for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications. Joomla! is easy to install, simple to manage, and reliable.
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This site was created with one goal in mind. To give you the opportunity to "try out" some of the best php/mysql based free and open source software systems in the world. You are welcome to be the administrator of any site here, allowing you to decide which system best suits your needs.
The administrator username and password is given for every system and each system is deleted and re-installed every two hours. This allows you to to add and delete content, change the way things look, basically be the admin of any system here without fear of breaking anything.
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IconCMO - Church Management Online
IconCMO - Church Management Online is now the most complete web-based church management software available. With the seamless integration of IconCMO's Membership, Fund Accounting and the Parishioner Access modules.
Revelations - Church Management Software our Windows-based church management software solution used by thousands of churches to manage their membership and contribution information.
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Focus/SIS is a powerful tool for managing student data.
Focus/SIS has been deployed by many (USA) K-12 districts around the nation, and is ready to help your district manage its burgeoning student data and share that data with the people in your district who really need it.
Focus/SIS employs best-of-class open-source technologies, making it a next-generation student information system (SIS). Its next-generation features include:
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PCR Educator (MIS)
PCR Educator (MIS)
School administrative divisions, admissions, registrar, scheduling, development and student billing are finally integrated with your school's website!
Community Website | Admissions | Registrar | Scheduler | Teacher Portal | Health | Development | Student Billing | Summer |
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Snowman Software (MIS)
Snowman Software (MIS)
If you are responsible for admissions or development activities for your school, you know the importance of accuracy, follow-up, and attention to detail.
Most comprehensive software solutions are too expensive for the average school budget. Wouldn't it be great to have an affordable software solution which increases your productivity and effectiveness? Now there is ?Introducing DaySchool.
This cost effective and easy to use software program will provide a centralized database for your school.
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Firefly.NET is a web-based content management system, designed to power intranets and websites in an academic environment: hence its particular strength is in enabling the development and continuing maintenance of large and expandable sites which must be built quickly and simply by a disparate team of people each responsible for different parts.
This central objective of easy development and subsequent growth, by enabling distributed control and management of content, is valuable in many environments outside Firefly.NET's origins, and allows it to be compared favourably with the well-known competitors in the field.
CMS | Content Management System |
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The Rainbow Project
The Rainbow project is an open source initiative to build a comprehensive content management system using Microsoft's ASP.NET and C# technologies.
Rainbow, available today in 27 languages, allows content authoring to be safely delegated to role-based team members who need little or no knowlege of HTML. Rainbow optionally supports a two-step approval-publish process. 70 plug-in modules are now included in the standard release, including support for an e-store, XML news feeds, Flash, Maps, Newsletter, Surveys, Forums, Document Management, Custom Lists, and more.
Rainbow has received more than 58,000 downloads to date and is already in production at many commercial internet and intranet sites.
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BECAS Language and Academic College Administration SYstem
Software designed to integrate your College Marketing, Admissions, Classing, Homestay and Financials since 1988
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WCBS - West Country Business Systems CMIS
At West Country Business Systems, we're in the business of simplifying and easing the core management processes on which schools depend - the business of helping to make people's lives easier and institutions more efficient.
So, for over 15 years, we've dedicated ourselves exclusively to providing the systems and services that streamline the financial, administrative and information functions of independent educational establishments.
PASS, our integrated suite of administration and accounting software solutions, therefore delivers everything you would expect from a high quality, specialist package based on over one-and-a-half decades of specialist experience. It's robust, easy and flexible to use and manage, stable, fast and has a scope that covers every aspect of managing a school.
Full database records for parents, contacts, staff other schools | Comprehensive records for prospective, current & past pupils | Billing for any combination of fees & charges, whoever is paying | Supplier accounts and full purchase Ledger | Complete nominal Ledger accounting | Management reports plus full ODBC compatibility to give complete flexibility of reporting, mailing & presentation | Payroll Management for all staff |
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Oasis - Open Accounting Software for Independent Schools
The origins of Oasis go back to 1982 when a system was designed and developed for Harrow School. In 1990 Beaver decided to redesign and re-launch the system. The objective was to provide the bursary with the most functional software available - but with the flexibility to change easily as circumstances dictate. The new system was named OASIS
Although OASIS started life as a system primarily aimed at the bursary of independent schools, it now also includes a considerable number of facilities to help with the administration of pupil records. Users that are happy with their existing administration software can share data easily with the bursary data-base, ensuring that pupil names, addresses, and other shared data are always current.
OASIS was launched in 1993 and was the first accounting system for Independent schools to be available in a Windows PC environment.
Pupil Records | Fee Accounts | Nominal Ledger | Purchase Ledger | Payroll | Support | Training | User Group | Graphic links | MIS | student | records | accounts | accounting |
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SIMS Management Software for Schools
The following pages contain information on the major components of the SIMS integrated system.
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