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Friday 07 March 2025
  Ensuring Quality

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Teaching to Academic Standards (workshop)
Welcome to Teaching to Academic Standards. Start here in the Explanation section, which is all about the CONCEPT. Then go on to Demonstration and the following sections, where we move from CONCEPT to CLASSROOM!
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Content standards for K-12 curriculum (USA)
Content standards for K-12 curriculum USA
Many educators see the publication of the now-famous report A Nation at Risk (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983) as the initiating event of the modern standards movement.
Amid growing concerns about the educational preparation of the nation's youth, President Bush and the nation's governors called an Education Summit in Charlottesville in September 1989. That summit concluded with the establishment of six broad goals for education that were to be reached by the year 2000. The goals and their rationale are published under the title The National Education Goals Report: Building a Nation of Learners (National Education Goals Panel [NEGP], 1991).
The purpose of our project is to address the major issues surrounding content standards, provide a model for their identification, and apply this model in order to identify standards and benchmarks in the subject areas. McREL's standards database |
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Institute of Quality Assurance: IQA
IQA, the Institute of Quality Assurance, is the UK's leading body for the advancement of quality practices, a respected contributor to policy issues at a national and international level and can give you the opportunity to help shape the future of business.
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Rethinking Schools : OnLine magazine
Only some of the articles available online..
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Teacher Quality
Teachers are the most basic educational resource that communities provide their children. Plans to increase student learning—to improve reading skills, to integrate technology into schools, to reach high standards—will succeed only when we focus on the quality of instruction in all our classrooms. Meeting the challenges of today's classrooms requires that teachers know and do more than ever before. Therefore, they need to be well-prepared and supported throughout their careers.
Recruiting | Preparing New Teachers | Raising Standards for Teachers | Professional Development | Research and Dissemination | Teachers Share Their Wisdom | Classroom Resources | Speeches and Studies |
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