An Insider? Guide to Cheating
An Insider? Guide to Cheating
Definition of Cheating | Examples of Cheating | Why You Shouldn? Cheat | How We Know You Cheat | How You Get Caught | Consequences of Cheating | How To Avoid Cheating |
Anti-Plagiarism Strategies for Research Papers
Anti-Plagiarism Strategies for Research Papers
The availability of textual material in electronic format has made plagiarism easier than ever. Copying and pasting of paragraphs or even entire essays now can be performed with just a few mouse clicks. The strategies discussed here can be used to combat what some believe is an increasing amount of plagiarism on research papers. By employing these strategies, you can help encourage students to value the assignment and to do their own work.
What is Plagiarism & How Can You Avoid It?
What is Plagiarism & How Can You Avoid It?
A list of relevant URLs
JISC Plagiarism Advisory Service (uk)
JISC Plagiarism Advisory Service
Welcome to the Plagiarism Advisory Service web-site.
This service, funded by the JISC, is based in the Information Management Research Institute at Northumbria University. The service, which was inaugurated in September 2002, aims to raise awareness of plagiarism in the academic community by providing:
- Generic advice for institutions, academic staff and students
- Educational tools for students in the area of plagiarism
- A portal to external online resources on the issue of plagiarism
- Guidance on copyright and data protection issues relating to plagiarism
- A link to the electronic detection service and training on its use
Plagiarism webpage of links by Sharon Stoerger
Articles | Copyright & Intellectual Freedom | For Instructors | For Students
Plagiarism Case Studies | Plagiarism Detection Tools | Term Paper Sites--Examples | Additional Plagiarism Resources | Additional Ethics Resources |
recognized and trusted resource for helping prevent Internet plagiarism. Since 1996, we have been helping educators and students ensure the Internet remains an asset rather than a detriment to learning.
Deterring plagiarism for nearly 3 million students and educators worldwide - growing at a rate of one new user once every 20 seconds - widely used in over 45 countries, at some of the world's most respected institutions - includes Peer Review, the only online collaborative learning solution to protect against peer collusion - the only class management system to include plagiarism protection
plagiarism | copying |
Preventing Digital Plagiarism
Preventing plagiarism is becoming more and more difficult, especially with the vast amount of information on the Web. With just a few mouse clicks, students can copy text and graphics from any Web page, paste them into a word processor, and call it their own.
It is also alarming to note the growing number of Web sites selling customized essays and term papers for under 10 dollars.
With these temptations readily available, how can we keep kids honest?
Plagiarism | copying | copyright | intellectual property |
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism Policy from the University of Florida
Death and Rebirth of Plagiarism
At the close of the second millennium, many educators are concerned about how easy the Internet makes plagiarism and the concomitant difficulties this causes for teachers. Various coping strategies have been suggested: outlaw websites that sell or store term papers, emphasize critical thinking and synthesis instead of fact gathering, create checkpoints throughout the entire research process instead of just the end, and so on
Glatt Plagiarism Services
This site is designed to help deter and detect plagiarism ... although mainly focussed on higher education. Contains three useful resources .... 1. A Teaching Program (GPTeach) a tutorial program on what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it. .... 2. Screening Program (GPSP) to detect plagiarism... typically used in academic institutions or in the legal profession for cases of copyright infringement ..... 3. Plagiarism Self-Detection Program (GPSD) ... to help detect inadvertent instances of plagiarism.
The New Plagiarism
Seven Antidotes to Prevent Highway Robbery in an Electronic Age. Many teachers who work in "wired schools" are complaining that new technologies have made it all too easy for students to gather the ideas of others and present them as their own.
Cut-and-Paste Plagiarism
Preventing, Detecting and Tracking Online Plagiarism
Plagiarism Stoppers: A Teacher's Guide
Places to go for help with student plagiarism, how to identify it, what to do when it happens, how to prevent it. Plagiarism is a rapidly growing problem in many venues to day. Because it is so easy to locate information using the Internet, students have given in to the temptation to take materials and use them for their own. This needs to be addressed by all who are in the education field -- by teaching the observance of proper citation and copyright compliance AND by making sure our students know that stealing someone else's work is wrong.
EVE2 is a very powerful tool that allows professors and teachers at all levels of the education system to determine if students have plagiarized material from the World Wide Web. EVE2 accepts essays in plain text, Microsoft Word, or Corel Word Perfect format and returns links to web pages from which a student may have plagiarized. EVE2 has been developed to be powerful enough to find plagiarized material while not overwhelming the professor with false links.
How To Avoid Cheating And Plagiarism
Guidelines for students.
Cheating and Education
A list of links about plagiarism.
FindSame (Plagiarism)
Online screening program to detect if material is "on the net." This demo shows Digital Integrity's ability to search for content, not keywords. You submit an entire document, and we return a list of Web pages that contain any fragment of that document longer than about one line of text. Enter a URL or paste some text in one of the boxes below, or upload a file. Then click the "search" button and we'll show you where on the Web any piece of the text at that URL appears.
Instructors Guide to Internet Plagiarism
The purpose of this site is to help teachers or professors (or even parents) determine if a given piece of academic work has been obtained from the Internet.
Plagiarism Theme Page
This "Theme Page" has links to information about Plagiarism. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content...) and reference materials to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are also links to instructional materials (lesson plans) which will help teachers provide instruction in this theme.
Plagiarism Solutions that charge
The above URL is for a software solution called 'EVE", others options are: IntegriGuard: Turnitin: also at