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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Online Research Help

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Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research
Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research
Academics use Academia.edu to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics they follow. 2,896,010 academics have signed up to Academia.edu, adding 1,646,844 papers and 756,417 research interests. Academia.edu attracts over 5 million unique visitors a month.
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9 Tips Every Teacher should Know about Google Scholar
9 Tips Every Teacher should Know about Google Scholar
"Google Scholar is among the best scholarly search engines online yet only a few select of educators know its secrets.As a rule of thumb that applies to all Google products, the effective use of any service from Google s can only be achieved through mastering its deep and hidden features.
Today, I will be walking you step by step through those important features that Google Scholar provides to its users. I am very much hoping that you would share it with your students and help them conduct better searches in Google Scholar. "
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Figshare allows researchers to publish all of their research outputs in seconds in an easily citable, sharable and discoverable manner.
All file formats can be published, including videos and datasets that are often demoted to the supplemental materials section in current publishing models.
By opening up the peer review process, researchers can easily publish null results, avoiding the file drawer effect and helping to make scientific research more efficient. figshare uses creative commons licensing to allow frictionless sharing of research data whilst allowing users to maintain their ownership.
Figshare gives users unlimited public space and 1GB of private storage space for free.
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If you browse or read a lot on the web, we believe you will find Diigo indispensable. Diigo is two services in one -- it is a research and collaborative research tool on the one hand, and a knowledge-sharing community and social content site on the other.
Diigo provides a browser add-on that can really improve your research productivity. As you read on the web, instead of just bookmarking, you can highlight portions of web pages that are of particular interest to you. You can also attach sticky notes to specific parts of web pages. Unlike most other web "highlighters" that merely clip, Diigo highlights and sticky notes are persistent in the sense that whenever you return to the original web page, you will see your highlights and sticky notes superimposed on the original page, just what you would expect if you highlighted or wrote on a book!
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NoteStar is an Internet utility to assist in the preparation of research papers.
Teachers and students can set up research projects with topics and sub-topics. Students may then take advantage of NoteStar's many features to collect and organize their notes and prepare their bibliography page.
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ALTEC's ThinkTank
ALTEC's ThinkTank
ThinkTank is designed to help students develop a Research Organizer (a list of topics and subtopics) for reports and projects. Based on the subject assigned, the students can refine it by choosing from a variety of suggestions and by using a random subtopic generator. This helps students learn how to refine a subject so that it is more manageable for Internet research.
ThinkTank can be used alone or with another ALTEC product, NoteStar. Once students have developed their topics, they may export their topics to NoteStar. The only requirement is that their instructor has already set up NoteStar Accounts for them.
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BibMe : autogenerater for bibliographies (web 2.0)
BibMe : autogenerater for bibliographies (web 2.0)
The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It's the quickest way to build a works cited page. And it's free.
Search for a book, article, website, or film, or enter the information yourself ... Add it to your online bibliography.
Download your bibliography in either the MLA, APA, or Chicago formats and include it in your paper
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Calvin College's Knight Cite (free online)
Calvin College's Knight Cite
Not only does it cite in in the three styles MLA, APA and Chicago, but it helps to cite sources that are print as well as electronic and a variety of multimedia.
Citation online generator free
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Zotero (web 2.0)
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather and organize resources (whether bibliography or the full text of articles), and then lets you to annotate, organize, and share the results of your research.
It includes the best parts of older reference manager software (like EndNote)?he ability to store full reference information in author, title, and publication fields and to export that as formatted references?nd the best parts of modern software such as del.icio.us or iTunes, like the ability to sort, tag, and search in advanced ways. Using its unique ability to sense when you are viewing a book, article, or other resource on the web, Zotero will?n many major research sites?ind and automatically save the full reference information for you in the correct fields.
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Otto Bib
Otto Bib
Put in the ISBN number of the book, then select MLA APA AMA or Turbian.
Click the button and you have a citation along with suggest similar books from Amazon.
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Online (free) Education Journals
Online (free) Education Journals
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Writing a Literature Review
Writing a Literature Review ... area on Shambles with links to relevant sites.
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NoodleTools is a suite of interactive tools designed to aid students and professionals with their online research. From selecting a search engine and finding some relevant sources, to citing those sources in MLA or APA style, NoodleTools makes online research easier!
Free Tools include:
NoodleBib MLA Starter (formerly "Quick Cite"): A free, simplified MLA version for our youngest scholars
NoodleTools Knowledge Base: Our growing, easy-to-search database of how-to articles and expert answers to your trickiest MLA and APA citation questions.
NoodleLinks: Browse bibliographies written by researchers around the world on hundreds of topics.
MLA Library Subscription Database Wizard
Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need. Search strategies based on an analysis of your topic.
NoodleQuest: Develop the optimum Web-based search strategy, based on your research topic.
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Citation Machine
Citation Machine
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Smart Tools. Smart Research
NoodleTools is a suite of interactive tools designed to aid students and professionals with their online research. From selecting a search engine and finding some relevant sources, to citing those sources in MLA style, NoodleTools makes online research easier!
NoodleBib is an interactive bibliography composer that automates the confusing process of creating a bibliography or works cited list
NoodleQuest : is a wizard that helps you get started down the right path. Just answer a few questions about your research topic and NoodleQuest will tell you some of the best search strategies you can use, and even explain why! NoodleQuest is free to all users.
NoodleLinks : Whether you need a few good resources for your research paper or you're still just trying to think of a good topic, NoodleLinks can help! Browse by category or search by keyword for bibliographies written by researchers around the world on hundreds of topics.
NoodleBoard : Want to share interesting ways that technology is incorporated into your classroom? NoodleBoard is our online moderated discussion board that allows you to talk to the NoodleTools community.
research | online | bibliography |
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Easybib : Citations | Creat a Bibliography
Easybib.com adheres to the current versions of the official MLA and APA handbooks.
Need More Sources?
Try our great new research tool, BibSearch! (The demo is free, so check it out.)
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Modern Language Association of America
Founded in 1883, the Modern Language Association of America provides opportunities for its members to share their scholarly findings and teaching experiences with colleagues and to discuss trends in the academy.
Over 30,000 members in 100 countries
Programs serving English and foreign language teachers MFL
The style recommended by the association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers concerns itself with the mechanics of writing, such as punctuation, quotation, and documentation of sources. MLA style has been widely adopted by schools, academic departments, and instructors for nearly half a century.
language | MFL | citing | research |
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Archives Hub
Revolutionising access to the archives of UK universities and colleges
A major national gateway to archive collections held in UK universities and colleges, forming part of the National Archives Network.
Access to a wide range of material with relevance to many areas of research.
Fully indexed archival descriptions which can be searched in a variety of ways.
You can start searching just by entering a few words in the Quick Search box. | university
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Albert Sloman Library (Univ. of Essex)
Over 780,000 books, periodical issues and microforms ....
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American Educational Research Association AERA
As well as useful links and publications there is also an archive of AERAs Listerv
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British Education Index
Refereed journal articles from over 300 of the UK's education and training journals ... but now the plans are to make it much more.
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