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Thursday 13 February 2025

The Main Music Area in the Shambles Education Directory is at :
The Main Music Area in the Shambles Education Directory is at shambles.net/music
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The Elements of Music
The Elements of Music : Practice reading and playing music
Grades 6-8 / Arts / Music

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Music & Moods: Tempo, Pitch, Dynamics
Music & Moods: Tempo, Pitch, Dynamics
Grades K-2 / Arts / Music

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Music Appreciation for Children [curated at Learnist]
Music Appreciation for Children [curated at Learnist]
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Sneak Peek of Pearl-Cohn's Project
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The National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) leads the nation in spotlighting the importance of music education year round.
Each March, NAfME ‘s annual celebration called Music In Our Schools Month,®(MIOSM®) gives music educators an opportunity to garner support for their local music programs
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Lara Savory on Musical Warm-Ups
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Prof Learning Network for Music Teachers
Professional Learning Network for Music Teachers
This site is a freely available public site that is designed specifically for Music Teachers and pre-service Music Teachers interested in continual professional development in their field of music education. While this site is free to use, all users must register for an account -for all non-logged users, clicking any of the links will take you back to this page.
Lively discussion and serious debate is encouraged on this site; however, there is a zero-tolerance policy with regard to using this site in any disrespectful manner. Please be respectful of the other users at all times. As part of the registration process you will have to validate the e-mail address that you will be using on this site and both view and agree to our terms-of-usage and privacy policies.
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Internet Resources for Music Teachers
Internet Resources for Music Teachers
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Hard To Teach - Secondary Music (video)
Hard To Teach - Secondary Music
Karin Greenhead from the Royal Northern College of Music demonstrates how Dalcroze eurythmics can be used to help music students incorporate expression into their playing.
Greenhead, an internationally recognized expert in the Dalcroze approach, teaches at the Royal Northern College of Music.
She explains how Dalcroze methods - which associate gesture and movement with phrasing and intonation - can help students learn the principles of rhythm, notation and improvisation.
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Musipedia : Open Music Encyclopedia
Musipedia : Open Music Encyclopedia
Musipedia! Inspired by, but not affiliated with Wikipedia, we are building a searchable, editable, and expandable collection of tunes, melodies, and musical themes.
Every entry can be edited by anybody. An entry can contain a bit of sheet music, a MIDI file, textual information about the work and the composer, and last but not least the Parsons Code, a rough description of the melodic contour.
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Teaching Music (Social Network)
Teaching Music ...
Teaching Music is an innovative new portal to help you reflect and improve your knowledge, understanding and skills in music education.
It is your space to access information, reflect on your practice, connect with others and contribute your own resources. Teaching Music is available to all those involved in music education: teachers, community musicians, senior management and policy makers.
Teaching Music is funded by the TDA and managed by National Association of Music Educators (NAME) and Music Education Council (MEC).
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Top 10 on the Web - Secondary Music
Top 10 on the Web - Secondary Music
Top Ten on the Web is a quick-fire run down of the ten best websites for teaching your subject.
In this episode, students and teachers from Coopers Technology College in Kent select their top sites for teaching secondary music.
Ben Moor introduces the websites with comments from teachers and sneak previews of the contents.
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Music at the StoryPlace Pre-school Library
Music at the StoryPlace Pre-school Library
The StoryPlace Pre-school Library is full of activities for you to explore.
Each one provides a theme, a story, an online activity, a paper-based activity, suggested readings, and a parent activity.
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Music 4 Education
Music 4 Education
Music 4 Education provides free classroom resources and links.
The site is designed for Music teachers, student teachers, and anyone else who is interested in developing their subject knowledge.
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Learn to Play Guitar, Bass, Keyboard and Drums. It? easy with our Lessons and Software!
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podsafe Music Network
podsafe Music Network
Works submitted to the Podsafe Music Network are the property of the artist, and all rights to these works, including lyrics and music, are the property of the artist. AND
All works contain no recordings, lyrics, copyrights, or other elements that are the copyright of any other artist, except under the limited provisions of the Creative Commons License Agreement
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Jonathan and Will's Music Teaching Website
Jonathan and Will's Music Teaching and Research Website
Loads of free music teaching resources covering a wide area of the 11 - 18 curriculum.
Drawn from the PGCE course at the Institute of Education, Manchester Metropolitan University.
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Film-Media-Resources produces curriculum resource packs for teachers of English, Media, and Film Studies.
The Music Industry pack is available now and is suitable for use with students of Media Studies at GCSE, A Level and GNVQ (Intermediate and Advanced).
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Sheet Music Consortium
Sheet Music Consortium
The Sheet Music Consortium is a group of libraries working toward the goal of building an open collection of digitized sheet music using the Open Archives Initiative:Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI:PMH).
For a definition of sheet music and a review of other sheet music digitization projects, consult the sheet music on the web section.
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Songs for Teaching : Using Music to Promote Learning
Songs for Teaching
Creative teachers can use music to teach content across the curriculum - to students of all ages.
A host of educational experts brings you tested ideas for using the magic of music in your lesson plans.
Educational songs from popular artists are presented by subject.
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A Glossary of Popular Music Terms
A Glossary of Popular Music Terms
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Welcome to Ricci Adams' Musictheory.net. To begin your journey into the realm of music theory, please select either 'Lessons', 'Trainers', or 'Utilities' above. If you are in a hurry, you may use the pop-up menus below.
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Interactive Music Lessons Online
Interactive Music Lessons Online
The Staff, Clefs, and Ledger Lines | Note Duration | Measures and Time Signature | Rest Duration | Dots and Ties | Simple and Compound Meter | Odd Meter | Steps and Accidentals | The Major Scale | The Minor Scales | Key Signatures | Intervals | Introduction to Chords | Triad Inversion | Introduction to Analysis | Phrases and Cadences |
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Audio Interviews with Composers
Audio Interviews with Composers
Arnold, Malcolm: b1921 Known for his melodic and accessible music, Malcolm Arnold's works include nine symphonies, 12 concertos, six sets of symphonic dances and three film...
Britten, Benjamin: 1913 - 1976 Internationally-acclaimed British composer, noted especially for his magnificent operas, Benjamin Britten was also an outstanding pianist and...
Copland, Aaron: 1900 - 1990 Copland "showed the world how to write classical music in an American way". Made up of simple harmonies, folk melodies and straightforward...
Coward, Noel: 1899 - 1973 Composer of "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" and many other well known songs, Noel Coward's comedies were also hugely successful during the 30s and ...
Glass, Philip: b1937 Philip Glass's music uses rhythmic, tonal, constantly-repetitive structures with subtle changes in rhythm and form. In 1999 he won the Golden Globe...
Lutyens, Elisabeth: 1904 - 1984 Daughter of the famous architect Sir Edwin Lutyens, Elisabeth Lutyens used her own method of serial (12-tone) composition to create individual,...
Maconchy, Elizabeth: 1907 - 1984 "Being a composer is a wonderful life sentence from which there is no escape." Elizabeth Maconchy is considered to be among the finest British...
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MITs OpenCourseWare - Music and Theater Arts
Welcome to MIT's OpenCourseWare : a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world. OCW supports MIT's mission to advance knowledge and education, and serve the world in the 21st century. It is true to MIT's values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.
MIT OCW: Is a publication of MIT course materials | Does not require any registration | Is not a degree-granting or certificate-granting activity |
MIT's OpenCourseWare - Music and Theater Arts
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soundbyte.org is an online portal that provides electronic access to an array of music resources for teachers, students and young people. discover electronic and computer music production through a range of tutorials on soundbyte.org - upload and listen to music created at school or in community organisations and participate in online virtual jam sessions with other musicians in remote locations using a specially developed unique dase v2.0 software.
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Bulletin Boards for the Music Classroom
Bulletin Boards (Notice Board Displays) for the Music Classroom
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Free Sheet Music
Free Sheet Music
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Musical Pairs
Musical Pairs
A new version of my Pairs game but all about music.
Please note that all my (Grey Olltwit) programs are full versions, do not require registering and are completely free. I don't make commercial or shareware programs.
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Animal Blocks - Creating Music
In our quest to make exciting educational technologies for children, we partnered with Neurosmith, the maker of MusicBlocks. MusicBlocks is an award winning toy which enables very young children to use short musical phrases to create their own compositions. Children can do this by rotating physical blocks and changing their order. Each block plays a particular portion of a song and every shape is associated with a certain instrument or sound.
The creators of MusicBlocks wanted to expand the capabilities of their toy. Therefore, they came to our team to brainstorm new ideas. Together we created the Animal Blocks, software that works with the MusicBlocks hardware.
music | software | animal | animals | blocks |
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Welcome to MusicAtSchool.co.uk
This site has been designed to help music teachers and pupils. It provides resources and internet links for secondary school music study.
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Worldwide Internet Music Resources
Individual Musicians (All Genres) and Popular Groups | Composers and Composition | Groups and Ensembles (Except Popular) | Other Sites Related to Performance | Genres and Types of Music | Research and Study | Journals and Magazines | The Commercial World of Music |
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