Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Xtranormal at a Glance (in comic form for printing)

Clay Animation in the Classroom
Clay Animation in the Classroom (video) .. ephasis on science projects

Scripts for Improving Your YouTube Experience
Scripts for Improving Your YouTube Experience
This collection of over 20 Greasemonkey scripts can completely change your user experience at the popular video sharing site!

Gawker is an application for Mac OS X that creates time-lapse movies using a webcam.
Images from your camera can be shared, allowing other users to record your image stream. Streams can also be combined to create a time-lapse movie with up to four locations side-by-side.

Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.
Scratch is designed to help young people (ages 8 and up) develop 21st century learning skills.
As they create Scratch projects, young people learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also gaining a deeper understanding of the process of design.

Apture provides the first rich communication platform allowing publishers and bloggers to easily turn flat pages of text into multimedia experiences.

Ed.VoiceThread is ...
It's a web-based collaborative network that is simple, powerful and safe. Specifically designed for K-12 educators and students, Ed.VoiceThread enables rich collaboration around multimedia in a secure environment. More like a pencil than a software platform, Ed.VoiceThread is a space for creating digital stories and documentaries, practicing language skills, exploring geography and culture, solving math problems, collaborating with other students, or simply finding and honing student voices.
The Ed.VoiceThread network is a worldwide community where safety is built upon a foundation of accountability. All users are known users, responsible for their content and behavior. Access is restricted to K-12 educators, students and administrators, and all content is created exclusively by registered members of the community.

Download Videos from Websites (e.g.YouTube)
Download Videos from Websites (e.g.YouTube)

Bombat TV ... how to use it.
Screencast Tutorial about ... a website that allows you to put subtitles and voice over old Bollywood movies.

Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.
Scratch is designed to enhance the technological fluency of young people, helping them learn to express themselves creatively with new technologies.
As they create Scratch projects, young people learn important mathematical and computational ideas, and they gain a deeper understanding of the process of design.
Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, with financial support from the National Science Foundation, Intel Foundation, and MIT Media Lab research consortia.

VirtualDub : Video Capture Free Software
VirtualDub : Video Capture Free Software
VirtualDub is a video capture/processing utility for 32-bit Windows platforms (95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP), licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It lacks the editing power of a general-purpose editor such as Adobe Premiere, but is streamlined for fast linear operations over video. It has batch-processing capabilities for processing large numbers of files and can be extended with third-party video filters. VirtualDub is mainly geared toward processing AVI files, although it can read (not write) MPEG-1 and also handle sets of BMP images.

Squeak (free software)
Squeak (free software)
Squeak is a "media authoring tool"-- software that you can download to your computer and then use to create your own media or share and play with others.
Many students are using Squeak to learn more about how the world works. See children's projects and teacher's comments in School Stuff.
Other "Squeakers" use Squeak to develop games and other forms of online entertainment, while still more are writing software and basing companies on this remarkably powerful scripting language.
Multimedia Software FREE

iMovie Tutorials
iMovie Tutorials
Through the use of easy-to-follow movies, step-by-step instructions, and helpful tips, our tutorials are a great way to get started with iMovie.

Make Your Own Movie Online : DigitalFilms
Make Your Own Movie Online
Unleash your creativity and make your digital film for free! Choose a background scene, characters, animated actions, dialog, introduction, and ending credits. Put your name as the producer and email the movie to your friends! You can also signup for free as a registered user, which gives you access to more advanced features, such as being able to save or edit the movies that you create.

Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-olds
Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-olds
Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-olds, examined media use among a USA nationally representative sample of more than 2,000 3rd through 12th graders who completed detailed questionnaires, including nearly 700 self-selected participants who also maintained seven-day media diaries.

Make Movies web site
Animation Lessons | Animation Scriptwriting
(Creating characters and stories) | Curriculum Animation (Techniques, equipment and materials) | Computers for Animation (Scanners, digital cameras etc.) | bouncing ball | roller | Animation workshop material | recommended for schools

Powerbullet Presentation Software (free)
Powerbullet Presentation Software (free)
Easy animated presentations for the web.
Create a slick animated Flash presentation by typing, clicking and dragging. Drop in sounds and images from other sources. Paste in formatted text from other applications.
Powerbullet Presenter is specifically designed for creating multi-page presentations that are commonly used in electronic sales brochures and catalogues, splash screens, slideshows and student projects. Or you can create a self-running show, specifying delays on each page, or you can link the timing to the sound attached to each page. For information kiosk functionality, you can specify a full-screen mode, which works with most modern browsers.

Camtasia Studio
Camtasia Studio - is the premier video screen recording program that records, edits and shares videos of any action on your Windows desktop.
"Camtasia Studio is a phenomenal tool for both new and experienced users. I created 20 math videos one night in about two hours to help my students study for a test, and then I used MenuMaker to put them on a CD. It took me far longer to burn the CDs for 85 students than it did to make the videos. And boy did my students and their parents like them! I've gotten more positive feedback from creating them than just about anything else I've done in several years."

Digital Video (uk newspaper article)
New to the curriculum - Digital video technology will make film-makers of us all, while schools all over the country (uk) are embracing it as a new educational tool, writes John Davitt.
Just how effective an education tool is the new technology? Fifty schools participated in a nationwide (uk) pilot scheme and the findings have just been published.
One reason why digital video suits primary schools so well is the in-built flexibility of the timetable. Jack Kenny looks at three projects.
In secondary schools, DV is being used effectively to teach a range of curriculum subjects, from media studies to citizenship.
DV can help special needs pupils to discover their creativity and raise their self-esteem.
School-focused training courses in digital video are a still a rarity. Jerome Monahan attended one to find out how teachers can introduce DV into the curriculum.
Make your own digital video -
A step-by-step guide in pictures.
A good motivator - DV has been shown to be a motivator of specials needs students, disaffected youngsters and even young offenders. But what other applications might it have?
DV | digital | video | multimedia |

Windows XP Media Center Edition
Offers the best of computing and entertainment for the home user.
Formerly known as "Freestyle," Windows XP Media Center Edition turns your PC into a media center, bringing together rich entertainment experiences with the freedom to access them from anywhere in the room with a simple remote control.
Windows XP Media Center Edition is designed to run all your Windows XP experiences. Use Microsoft Internet Explorer to browse the Internet; Windows Messenger to communicate with your friends, family, and colleagues in real time using text, voice, and video; Windows Media™ Player to create, manage, and play your digital media; Microsoft Office, Microsoft Works, or other programs to work from home, keep your household in order, manage your finances, help the kids with their homework or play your favorite games, plan trips, and explore your creative side;.

Digital Video Editing
Digital Video Editing .. including all the latest news.

Muvee Video Editing Software
“Our aim is to empower everyone to produce video as part of their daily lives, using advanced software technology to make the user experience simpler, faster and more fun.”
muvee Technologies launches muvee autoProducer - The world's only smart automatic video editing software (PDF).
video | edit | editting | multimedia |

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