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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  MOOs and MUDs

Multi-User Dimensions (MUDs) and Virtual Worlds
Multi-User Dimensions (MUDs) & Virtual Worlds
A range of maps of the geographic structure of text-based virtual reality Multi-User Dimensions (MUDs) and graphical 3D virtual worlds.
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MUDS Starter KIt
MUDS Starter KIt
In 1993, I tried my first MUD. I had played early text adventure games like ZORK on the Apple II, on the ATARI 130XE, on the C-64, on everything. I had even tried building my own games on different systems in the early eighties. When I discovered MUDs, it was like someone took those adventure games and turned them into real worlds: people from countries on the other side of the earth built the landscapes and buildings, designed the quests, and populated the environment of the MUD with creatures and objects. And as if that wasn't enough, people could actually talk to you, shake your hand, laugh at your jokes, or adventure by your site. Incredible.
"Moock's MUDding Guide", then, is my contribution back to the MUD community. Some of the information in the guide is quite old, and serves a historical purpose. Other parts, such as "Places to go" live on as an example of the spirit of the MUD community--the resources are kept up to date by visitors like you.
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Tapped In : for Educators / Teachers
TAPPED IN™ is the online workplace of an international community of education professionals. K-12 teachers and librarians, professional development staff, teacher education faculty and students, and researchers engage in professional development programs and informal collaborative activities with colleagues.
MOO | MUD | teachers | professional |development | online courses | platform |
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A MUVE, or Multiuser Virtual Environment, is an online area where teachers and students can collaborate on projects, hold conferences, attend sessions hosted by experts, and build virtual learning environments. Other names for this environment are MUD (Multiuser Domain), MOO (MUD, Object Oriented), and MUSE (Multiuser Simulated Environment).
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