Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the media and entertainment lives of kids and families.
We exist because media and entertainment profoundly impact the social, emotional, and physical development of our nation's children. As a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization, we provide trustworthy information and tools, as well as an independent forum, so that families can have a choice and a voice about the media they consume.

History of Broadcast Media in Australia
From Wireless to Web : History of Broadcast Media in Australia

Media Studies in the UK
Media Studies in the UK : Approved content provider for the National Grid for Learning

Shambles Video Online Area : List of Websites
Shambles Video Online : List of Websites
This area has a list of sources of videos and movies online ... many of them free or open source ... not to be missed for media studies students
There is one website where students can also submit / publish their own movies for showing to the public (for free)

Newspapers in English Teaching
Newspapers in English Teaching
Newspapers are a really useful resource for English teachers - they're cheap, disposable, constantly renewed, always topical, are mainly a written medium, have features which fit perfectly into several UK National Curriculum targets
Reading: show understanding of the ways in which meaning and information are conveyed ... select and synthesise a range of information from a variety of sources ...
ICT: organise, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences ... select information needed for different purposes ...
Writing: appropriate choices of style in a variety of forms ... paragraphing and correct punctuation are used to make the sequence of events or ideas coherent and clear ...
All of these can be easily worked on using newspapers either online or on paper and the following structured exercises can either stand alone or be a first stage towards examining real newspapers and ultimately writing your own.
Try the following lessons which are suitable for Years 7-11 and ideal for mixed ability Year 9. .....

Top 100 Leading Media Companies USA
Top 100 Leading Media Companies USA

Editorial Cartoons in the Classroom
Editorial Cartoons in the Classroom - Adding Humor to Your Lessons
Teachers know the value of a good laugh, but for many of us, adding humor to a lesson is tough.
Fortunately, students don't expect great humor in their lessons and they do respond quite well to cartoons. Adding cartoons to your lessons is now easier than ever because so many are available on the Internet. You will find them quickly using the resources gathered in Cartoons in the Classroom.
cartoons | fun | media | studies | news |

Film Education website
Welcome to the Film Education website which has been created for primary and secondary teachers and students using film across the UK National curriculum.
Our aim is to encourage and promote the study of film and cinema within the Curriculum. In supporting teachers, Film Education aims to give pupils the opportunity to analyse and evaluate a wide range of Media, including film.
Study resources include film specific study guides, generic study guides, television programmes, study videos, CD-ROMs and educational internet pages, plus an information pack for cinema managers working with their local schools.

Advertising Age's 50 Best Commercials
Advertising Age editors holed up in a windowless conference room reviewing hundreds of TV commercials from the past half-century. Just as agencies pursue greatness in their craft, we were pursuing the greatest of the great- the 50 Best TV spots of the past 50 years.

Television Commercials
Library of over 30,000 TV commercials...

Assessment in media education
Why is assessment important in media education? Media education is a subject that seems to be constantly under threat for its existence. There are many reasons for these threats:

Cyber Film School
Study of film and video ... this site is halfway between the fan type of site and the academic.

The Internet Movie Database ... recommended

The Roland Collection
The Roland Collection is the work of 230 film makers from 25 different countries. This web page has over 7.5 hours of Real Video(TM) available for free (okay... so you have to pay for the internet connection time)
