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Friday 28 March 2025
  Listservs / Mailing Lists

JISCmail is a mailing list service sponsored by the JISC, for the UK Higher and Further Education communities, enabling members to stay in touch and share information by e-mail or via the web.
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Google Groups
Google Groups : Create, search, and browse groups to discuss and share ideas.
Google Groups is a free online community and discussion group service that offers the Web's most comprehensive archive of Usenet postings (more than a billion messages). We've recently added a number of features that make Google Groups an even more effective way to communicate with groups of people online.
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LISTSERV Choice Awards
In celebration of its 10th Anniversary, L-Soft is launching the LISTSERV Choice Awards. The contest invites all LISTSERV e-mail list enthusiasts to participate in the award program for the most interesting, creative, innovative or exemplary usage of L-Soft software worldwide. The contest will feature seven different list categories: Educational, Philanthropic, Community, Announcement, Technical Innovation, Newsletter and E-Mail Marketing.
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Teacher Mailring Center
Join a network of over 50,000 of the world's brightest educators, connected through the magic of e-mail.
No cost to join - simply complete the form below and select the mailring you'd like to join. Once you're subscribed to the mailring, you'll receive further instruction for posting and immediately receive e-mail from your teacher colleagues around the world!
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CataList, the official catalog of LISTSERV lists
CataList, the official catalog of LISTSERV lists
From this page, you can browse any of the 69,135 public LISTSERV lists on the Internet, search for mailing lists of interest, and get information about LISTSERV host sites. This information is generated automatically from LISTSERV's LISTS database and is always up to date.
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National Academic Mailing List Service
Facilitating Discussion, Collaboration and Communication within the UK Academic Community and beyond
Listserv / Mailing list
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Teacher Mailring Center (listserv)
Teacher Mailrings are the bloodstream of the Teachers.Net community. Join a network of over 8,000 of the world's brightest educators, connected through the magic of e-mail. No cost to join - simply complete the form below and select the mailring you'd like to join. Once you're subscribed to the mailring, you'll receive further instruction for posting and immediately receive e-mail from your teacher colleagues around the world!
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The Education Project Asia
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