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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Internet Translation

Thing Translator
Thing Translator
Take a picture of something to hear how to say it in a different language.
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The Birth and Death of the original online translator.
Babel Fish was an online language translator. It was an easy-to-use way to get a quick translation of a word or phrase on the fly.
The Babel Fish platform was the predecessor to Google Translate. But Google Translate took a large majority of the Babel Fish users and expanded into the influential translation tool it is today, eventually causing Babel Fish to disappear entirely.
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Online dictionaries by bab.la - loving languages
Search translations in the dictionary and have fun learning languages with vocabulary lessons and many free games and quizzes.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Readlang : online translation for language learners
Readlang : online eReader for language learners

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Transfluent :
Engage with fans in their native language on Facebook and Twitter
We multiply the impact of your messages by publishing them in up to 60 languages.
That's language super powers for all!
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Linguee is a unique translation tool combining an editorial dictionary and a search engine with which you can search through hundreds of millions of bilingual texts for words and expressions.
The Linguee search results are divided into two sections. On the left hand side you will see results from our reliable editorial dictionary.
The results are displayed clearly and offer you a quick overview of the translation options. On the right hand side, you will find example sentences from other sources to provide you with an impression of how your search expression has been translated in context.
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eType is your online multi-language dictionary with translations and word substitutes to virtually any language in the world.
eType is your writing guide that auto-completes your words as you type them, enabling you to type faster and boost your level of confidence in your writing. eType prevents you from making spelling mistakes before they happen and helps you select the best word choice possible – even if you are not writing in your native language.
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4 Fun Things to Do with Google Translate
4 Fun Things to Do with Google Translate
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New Google Translate Features
We've launched (Jan 2011) three new features as well as a new look and feel for Google Translate
Along with our shiny new layout, these new features should make it faster and easier for you to translate text between our 2550 language pairs:
Translate instantly: Say goodbye to the old "Translate" button. Google Translate now translates your text right as you type.
Read and write any language: Want to say "Today is a good day" in Chinese, but can't read Han characters? Click "Show romanization" to read the text written phonetically in English. Right now, this works for all non-Roman languages except for Hebrew, Arabic and Persian.
Text-to-speech: When translating into English, you can now also hear translations in spoken form by clicking the Speaker Icon.
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Inside Google Translate
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5 Twitter Translation Tools
5 Twitter Translation Tools That Help With Tweets In Other Languages
Here’s a look at five of these online Twitter translation tools. Most of the Tweet translation services are mashups of Google Translate. Ultimately, the only thing that sets them apart from each other is the way they take in your tweet and tweet out the result.
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HOW TO: Translate Your Tweets
HOW TO: Translate Your Tweets
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Google Translate
Google Translate
Google Translation Center connects translators with people who need content translated into other languages.
All compensation arrangements are left to the individuals involved, but Google will store results on its own servers.
The service has been compared to Amazon's Mechanical Turk service, which matches up people/companies needing services with those who can provide them.
Google doesn't take a cut of whatever arrangements are made,
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Lingro - turns any webpage into an interactive language learning tool
Lingro takes any webpage and then allows you to click on any word in that page to get its translation back into English, Spanish, French, Polish, German or Italian.
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Lingo24 - Contextrans
Lingo24 - Contextrans
Lingo24 offers a free online Arabic-English and English-Arabic translation tool.
Our system currently supports English to Arabic and Arabic to English translations. More language combinations will be available in the future.
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Online internet language translation ... including some Asian countries ... Chinese, Korean, Japanese
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Promt Online
Promt Online
Online internet translation
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Add Translation to your Website
Add Translation to your Website
This is a simple Step by step guide to provide instant language translation in your website. Your site visitors can translate any webpage by clicking on the corresponding country flag and read your website in their native language.
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Be Translated
Document translation | Website translation | Translation in teams |
French | English | German | Spanish | Italian | Dutch | Russian | Chinese | Japanese | Korean |
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The Dialectizer
The Dialectizer takes text or other web pages and instantly creates parodies of them!
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A selection of the best free translators, dictionaries and language courses on the web. Easy to use, and for all languages.
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Fagan Finder > Translation Wizard
Fagan Finder > Translation Wizard
The Translation Wizard is a tool which connects you directly to online translation tools. Fagan Finder itself does not contain these translation tools. Instead, it includes a listing of many translation tools, each of which has different language and translation capabilities. It matches up the translation you want with a tool that can handle it. Try it out to see for yourself. Enter text (or a website), select the source and destination languages, and click the translate button.
An international keyboard is available for typing characters that may not be on your actual keyboard.
To write using a language written from right to left, simply select that language. The textbox will adjust itself accordingly.
Afrikaans | Albanian | Arabic | Basque | Bulgarian | Catalan | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | English | Esperanto | Estonian | Farsi / Persian | Finnish | French | Frisian | German | Greek | Hawaiian | Hebrew | Hungarian | Icelandic | Indonesian | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Latin | Latvian | Malay | Norwegian | Polish | Portuguese (2 dialects) | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Slovak | Slovenian | Spanish (2 dialects) | Swahili | Swedish | Tagalog / Filipino | Thai | Turkish | Urdu | Welsh | Yiddish |
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Google Web Page Translation
Google Web Page Translation
Google breaks the language barrier with this translation feature. Using machine translation technology, Google now gives English speakers access to a variety of non-English web pages. This feature is available for pages published in Italian, French, Spanish, German, and Portuguese plus +++
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Language to Language
Language to Language
Translations of words online ... plus the opportunity to add a translator to your own website.
translate | translation | internet | online |
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I Love You! - in many languages
I Love You! - in many languages
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Translate with BabelFish
The AltaVista Translation box (also called Babel Fish) enables you to translate short passages to and from English to a number of languages and to and from several specific pairs of languages (for example, German to French, French to German). You can also translate Web sites.
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Google Translator Toolkit
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