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Pinterest and Copyright
Pinterest and Copyright
Pinterest is turning out to be a great opportunity for small and large businesses to gain exposure and increase sales. Other blog and news sites, such as Mansurovs, are garnering additional traffic as a result of people pinning its articles to various photography boards.
Despite the positive aspects of Pinterest, however, I believe there are some real issues with its business model, specifically related to copyright violations.
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Berne Convention
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, usually known as the Berne Convention, is an international agreement governing copyright, which was first accepted in Berne, Switzerland in 1886.
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Childrens Internet Protection Act (USA)
Children's Internet Protection Act (USA)
The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers. CIPA imposes certain types of requirements on any school or library that receives funding for Internet access or internal connections from the E-rate program – a program that makes certain communications technology more affordable for eligible schools and libraries. In early 2001, the FCC issued rules implementing CIPA.
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The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use
The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education
This document is a code of best practices that helps educators using media literacy concepts and techniques to interpret the copyright doctrine of fair use.
Fair use is the right to use copyrighted material without permission or payment under some circumstances—especially when the cultural or social benefits of the use are predominant.
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Supreme Court Rules Against Student (June07)
Supreme Court Rules Against Student in “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” Case
In the first major Supreme Court decision on student free speech in almost a generation, the Court ruled against a student who was suspended for displaying a banner with drug-related messaging just off the school campus. What does the ruling mean for students punished for online activities that take place off-campus?
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Deleting Online Predators Act of 2006 (USA)
Deleting Online Predators Act of 2006 ... listing in Wikipedia
The proposed act would amend the Communications Act of 1934, requiring schools and libraries that receive E-rate funding to protect minors from online predators in the absence of parental supervision when using "Commercial Social Networking Websites" and "Chat Rooms".
The act would prohibit schools and libraries from providing access to these types of websites to minors. The act also requires the institutions to be capable of disabling the restrictions for "use by an adult or by minors with adult supervision to enable access for educational purposes."
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Intellectual Property Digital Library
The Intellectual Property Digital Library Web site provides access to various intellectual property data collections currently hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
These collections include Hague, JOPAL (non-patent reference), Madrid and PCT data and support fully searchable information retrieval and display by users on demand. Access to the Digital Library is available to the general public free-of-charge. The services are operational and are updated on a daily, weekly and monthly basis respectively.
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BitLaw - The Law & The Internet
BitLaw is a comprehensive Internet resource on technology law, containing over 1,800 pages on patent, copyright, trademark, and Internet legal issues. BitLaw was created by Daniel A. Tysver, a partner with the intellectual property law firm of Beck & Tysver.
copyright | technology | IT | ICT | law | Patent applications, infringement, & design patents | Why software is now patentable, usefulness of software patents, & software patent resources | Trademark infringment, searching, & applications | Copyright protection, registration, fair use, & database protection | Domain names, linking, framing, & web sites | Statutes, regulations, treaties, & Patent Office documents | Large collection of annotated legal links | P.T.O. forms, Copyright Office forms, and example contracts |
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Internet Law Library
Welcome to the Internet Law Library where you can find internet law articles, internet law statutes, internet law cases and resources.
The Internet Law Library is part of our sister site, Coollawyer.com Legal Forms, which offers internet law and small business legal forms, internet law monthly news, online incorporation services, an internet lawyer for hire, lawyer jokes and more.
Our internet law library of articles contains articles on website law, cybersquatting law, domain name law, internet copyright law, trademark law, hiring service providers, talent agency regulations, copyright law, patent law, adult web law, and how contracts such as affiliate agreements, cobranding agreements, advertising agreements, confidentiality agreements, website agreements, service and service level agreements, contractor agreement and employee policies, software license agreement, software escrow agreements can protect your business.
Our internet law library of cases contains a selection of important cases in the areas of copyright law, trademark law, domain name law, cookies, data retrieval, cybersquatting law, and internet gambling law.
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Ethics in Computing
Commerce | Speech Issues | Privacy | Risks | Computer Abuse | Intellectual Property | Basics | Risks |
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Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 : USA.
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Just Ask!
Just Ask! is the website of the Community Legal Service. We're your first port of call for legal help and information in England and Wales.
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Acceptable Internet Use Plocieis: A Handbook
To assist school divisions, we have created an electronic "handbook" of resources. Since schools are at various stages of implementation in the use of computer networks, this electronic handbook does not prescribe a single Acceptable Internet Use Policy. Instead, it provides links to various sources of information that may be helpful to administrators, teachers, library media specialists, and parents in the development of a local AUP
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Promoting the Responsible Use of the Internet in Schs.
This leaflet offers advice to schools on the responsible use of the Internet and is the result of co-operation between BCS and NAACE.
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Australian Copyright Council
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Education Commission of the States
Contains a useful article "Harnessing Technology for Teaching and Learning in Schools" ... A Resource Guide for Policymakers.
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Education Commission of the States
Contains a useful article "Harnessing Technology for Teaching and Learning in Schools" ... A Resource Guide for Policymakers.
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