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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Internet Infrastructure

Encrypt the Web Report: Who's Doing What : Infographic
Encrypt the Web Report: Who's Doing What
We’ve asked the companies in our Who Has Your Back Program what they are doing to bolster encryption in light of the NSA’s unlawful surveillance of your communications.
We’re pleased to see that four companies—Dropbox, Google, SpiderOak and Sonic.net—are implementing five out of five of our best practices for encryption.
In addition, we appreciate that Yahoo! just announced several measures it plans to take to increase encryption, including the very critical encryption of data center links, and that Twitter has confirmed that it has encryption of data center links in progress.
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Internet Infrastructure ... Visible Wiring in Asia
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How The Net Works
How The Net Works
Learn how the internet works ....
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Broadband Home Central
Broadband Home Central
The BBH Central Web site is produced by Sandy Teger and Dave Waks and is provided as a resource for the Broadband Home community. Our focus is residential broadband. We believe that rapid and competitive deployment of broadband to and within the home will enable the creation of new products, services, content and applications. "Fat pipes," content, and the home infrastructure must all work together seamlessly to create compelling value for consumers.
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Find the latest and greatest broadband news in the UK, service provider information, views and comments from users like you. Looking for a new broadband ISP? Check out our ISP List and ISP Comparator. Want an answer to a question? Try our popular Message Forums.
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Broadband Internet Definition
Broadband Internet is a general term referring to Internet connections exceeding the abilities of standard analog modems and ISDN connections, i.e. connections with speeds above 128 kilobits per second.
In some countries broadband services operate at over 1 Mbps for connections to private residences, with higher data transfer rates possible for business purposes, but with a correspondingly higher charge.
In the United Kingdom many domestic users have connections either via cable modems, or via ADSL, and these typically run at around 500 kbps. Business users can obtain higher data rates for a higher subscription. In a few of the many areas not served by cable or ADSL, community organisations have begun to install Wi-Fi networks.
Internet | connectivity | infrastructure | broadband |
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Broadband - USA Federal Communications Commission
Broadband - Federal Communications Commission USA
The FCC is vigilantly monitoring the rollout of broadband access and encouraging competition
Complete information on the FCC's Notice of Inquiry seeking comment on the appropriate legal and policy approach to be accorded to high-speed Internet service provided over various platforms, including cable, wireline, wireless, satellite, broadcast and unlicensed spectrum technologies, as well as whether or not the Commission should require access to cable and other high-speed systems by Internet Service Providers.
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Pacing Change
When it comes to networking schools and classrooms, leaders tend to rush things.
In the past few years we have asked teachers and students to leave behind the security of unwired classrooms in order to enjoy wired classrooms and global networks. And now we are asking them to adjust once again — this time to wireless classrooms!
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HK Internet Service Providers Association
To serve as a forum for consideration of issues or topics that may affect the development and deployment of Internet in Hong Kong.
To promote development of Internet infrastructure, fair market competition, and the growth of the Internet industry in Hong Kong.
To formulate and promulgate policy in respect of regulatory and governmental issues involving the Internet industry and to represent the Internet industry in its interface with governmental bodies and the public at large.
To establish and maintain a Code of Practice for ISP members.
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