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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Maintenance & Security

Have I Been Pwned (HIBP)
Have I Been Pwned (HIBP)
I'm Troy Hunt, a Microsoft Regional Director and Most Valuable Professional awardee for Developer Security, blogger at troyhunt.com, international speaker on web security and the author of many top-rating security courses for web developers on Pluralsight.
I created HIBP as a free resource for anyone to quickly assess if they may have been put at risk due to an online account of theirs having been compromised or "pwned" in a data breach. I wanted to keep it dead simple to use and entirely free so that it could be of maximum benefit to the community.
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Dashlane Password Manager
Your digital life creates an unsecure trail of logins, passwords, payment information, and other sensitive personal data out there on the web.
Dashlane helps you manage it all by giving you the ability to store, secure, and access the things that matter most.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Is A DOS Attack A Weapon? | Idea Channel | PBS
Is A DOS Attack A Weapon? | Idea Channel | PBS
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How to Block Undesirable stuff on Your Apple Devices
How to Block Undesirable stuff on Your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
Thinking about letting your child or teen borrow your iPad or giving them your hand me down iPhone? Just like with a PC, your big concern is probably keeping them away from inappropriate content. But an Apple product is a great choice because of their solid parental controls and the company’s strong stance against pornography — Steve Jobs once suggested that the company had a “moral responsibility to keep it off the iPhone.”
We’ll walk you through where your youngster might be able to find inappropriate content on an Apple iOS device, as well as the tools Apple provides to keep them out of it.
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Out of Your Password Minder .. Special Offer
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Apple adds two-step authentication option
Apple adds two-step authentication option for iCloud, Apple IDs
Two-factor authentication requires that you not only know your password to log in to a service; you also need access to something else that’s linked to you. Many times, this is a cell phone; that’s precisely how Google’s two-step authentication works.
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Google : Webmasters help for hacked sites
Google : Webmasters help for hacked sites
Every day, cybercriminals compromise thousands of websites. Hacks are often invisible to users, yet remain harmful to anyone viewing the page — including the site owner. For example, unbeknownst to the site owner, the hacker may have infected their site with harmful code which in turn can record keystrokes on visitors’ computers, stealing login credentials for online banking or financial transactions.
In this first step, we explain how and why hacks happen, and review options for recovery.
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Everywhere You Should Enable 2-step Authentication
Here’s Everywhere You Should Enable Two-Factor Authentication Right Now
Two-factor authentication is one of the best things you can do to make sure your accounts don't get hacked.
We've talked about it a bit before, but here's a list of all the popular services that offer it, and where you should go to turn it on right now.
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LastPass : For Password Management (Recommended)
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iFixit is the free repair manual that you can edit.
We make it easy for you to fix things yourself with our online step-by-step repair guides, troubleshooting tips, and thriving community of repair technicians who want to help. Or, check out our teardowns — sneak-peeks inside the latest gadgets.
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PassCreator is an online tool that creates passwords with many options (lowercase,uppercase,…) Just select options then generate password with create password button.
Nowaday, we use a lot of differents passwords when we surf on the internet. There are email account, social network account, forum account, game account, blog account, ….. when you don’t have inspiration, you can use PassCreator that creates randomly passwords.
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How to Avoid the most common passwords [infographic]
How to Avoid the most common passwords [infographic]
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Ghostery sees the invisible web - tags, web bugs, pixels and beacons. Ghostery tracks the trackers and gives you a roll-call of the ad networks, behavioral data providers, web publishers, and other companies interested in your activity.
After showing you who's tracking you, Ghostery also gives you a chance to learn more about each company it identifies. How they describe themselves, a link to their privacy policies, and a sampling of pages where we've found them are just a click away.
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Computer Viruses and Threats Explained by Common Craft
Computer Viruses and Threats Explained by Common Craft
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A guide to free antivirus applications on the Mac
A guide to free antivirus applications on the Mac
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Frustrated by your sluggish and unresponsive PC?
Soluto is bringing an end to PC user frustration with transparency, killer technology, and your help
"Everything we saw suggests that Soluto is likely to go on to do amazing things. And they have a terrific business model."
Soluto’s goal is to bring an end to the frustrations PC users encounter.
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Secure Websites in Plain English
Secure Websites in Plain English
These days websites make security a priority, but it is hard to know when a website is secure, or what makes it so. This video teaches the basics of website security and how to recognize a secure site.
* An overview of the most common security threats
* How SSL encryption works
* How to recognize a secure connection
* In which situations security is most important
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CleanAfterMe allows you to easily clean files and Registry entries that are automatically created by the Windows operating system during your regular computer work.
With CleanAfterMe, you can clean the cookies/history/cache/passwords of Internet Explorer, the 'Recent' folder, the Registry entries that record the last opened files, the temporary folder of Windows, the event logs, the Recycle Bin, and more.
CleanAfterMe is a portable application. This means that you can run it without any installation and without leaving any trace in the Registry.
You can also run this program from a USB flash drive: In order to do that, simply copy the executable file of CleanAfterMe (CleanAfterMe.exe) into the USB flash drive, and run it from there.
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As I use more and more sites and online applications my capacity to remember passwords, and to be honest my patience in filling out lengthy forms, has become eroded. Enter Roboform - my new online best friend.
Roboform.com is the URL - and after a quick download and install you'll be asked to set a master password to protect all your data and then launched onto a webpage containing both video & online tutorials for all the aspects of this utility.
One of the features is password manager. You need to set up a passcard for all the sites you log in to - this is super easy as the form opens up automatically the first time you perform the login process.
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Ip Address Lookup Locator
Find location of any ip address and ip ranges for any country. Useful if you need to find proxy from specific country.
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How to use CAPTCHA
How to use CAPTCHA
How to understand, use and implement captcha to protect your web site against spam and form spamming.
A recommended site to start learning about captchas
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Drupal : captcha
Drupal : captcha for Drupal, an open source content management platform.
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ComputerTime is parental-control software that lets parents set limits on the amount of time and the time-of-day when their children can use the computer.
SoftwareTime believes that the computer is an amazing tool for children, both for educational and social purposes.
You no longer have to keep track of the time your children spend on the computer. ComputerTime does that for you! It takes just a few minutes to set limits for each child.
Free trial ... then US$40
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The captchas.net CAPTCHA-Service
The captchas.net CAPTCHA-Service
This server provides CAPTCHA images you can use in your web page. CAPTCHA images can prevent html-forms or web pages to be used by robots.
A CAPTCHA image shows a random string which the user has to type to submit a form. This is a simple problem for (seeing) humans, but a very hard problem for computers which have to use character recognition, especially, because the displayed string is alienated in a way, which makes it very hard for a computer to decode. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captcha.
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Compare Anti Virus Software
Compare Anti Virus Software
Avast | AVForce | CAT | ClamAV | Computer Associates | Eset | Grisoft | iDownload.com | Kaspersky | McAfee | Norton (9) OfficeScan | Panda | Safeworld | Select | Softwin | Zero-Knowledge | Zonelabs |
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The Network Box
The Network Box is a complete Internet Threat Protection appliance. It includes all the essential components required for computer security (firewall, intrusion detection and prevention, anti-virus, anti-spam, virtual private networking, web content filtering and company policy) - as standard - at an affordable price.
Computer security is a process, not just a box. Network Box experts install, configure and remotely maintain every single Network Box around the world. Network Box Data Centres also keep you updated by continually installing new virus signatures and security patches for you - currently, an average of eleven updates each day.
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What did your staff do today?
What did your staff do today?
3ami Monitoring & Audit System : For continuously monitoring your employees activity and tracking changes to hardware and software throughout your organisation now captures and securely stores all incoming and outgoing emails and attachments.
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Is Your Computer Under Attack?
Check here to see if your server has been hacked ... or is under attack ...
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Drive Vaccine PC & Mac
Drive Vaccine is the first Desktop Security solution to provide cross-platform protection of both PC and Mac workstations. Regardless of what any user does?ncluding erasing files, installing software, downloading viruses, or deliberately tampering with desktop settings?orkstations will rollback to their desired configuration upon restart. And the workstations will be perfectly configured and available for the next user... Without the need for any IT troubleshooting whatsoever.
Drive Vaccine is designed for organizations that demand optimal availability and functionality of thier public access computers.
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SC Online: Security Magazine
SC Magazine is the largest circulation information security magazine and is read in more than 50 countries around the world. It is also published in three separate editions - choose the edition which is located in your region. SC On-Line contains a wealth of additional articles. Information Security News contains daily news. These web sites contain a wealth of useful information including articles, product reviews, test results, white papers, useful links to solution providers.
IT | ICT | security | magazine | online | virus | viruses | firewalls | network | networks | cybersecurity | telecommuters | soho | internet | network | LAN | UPS | VPN |
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Belarc, Inc. develops and licenses Web based products which help make personal computers easier to use and maintain by both large and small business users and individual consumers.
Check the configuration of your computer, including a list of software installed... with serial numbers .. impressive and useful free utility. Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit | BelManage - Intranet product |
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Antivirus & PC/LAN Security Links
Links to free online antivirus news, scan/clean, pc and network security programs
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Welcome to HackerWatch, a community and collection point for Internet users to report and share information to block and catch 'hackers' and other unwanted traffic.
It is a 'neighborhood watch' for the Internet age.
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Tell Unwelcome Spyware to Pack its Bags!
For many years, the big problem has been software viruses written by malicious teenage hackers finding their way into our personal computers to set up shop with their own agendas. But today we face a new and even more insidious threat: Internet companies, whose apparent "business model" is the exploitation of consumer trust and ignorance, are sneaking their spyware systems into our machines for their own purposes.
So I created OptOut to inform and empower the individual, to bring this bad corporate behavior to light, and to publicly critique the actions of these spyware publishers.
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IT Room.. Security
Access Control / locks / CCTV / Burglar Alarm
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

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