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  Homework Policies

Homework, Sleep, and the Student Brain
Homework, Sleep, and the Student Brain
As a history teacher at St. Andrew's Episcopal School and director of the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, I want to be clear that I both give and support the idea of homework.
But homework, whether good or bad, takes time and often cuts into each student's sleep, family dinner, or freedom to follow passions outside of school. For too many students, homework is too often about compliance and "not losing points" rather than about learning
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Show My Homework
Show My Homework is a simple online application that enables school teachers to post homework, display it in a simple calendar form, and even asses it online. The site was originally set up for Henry Compton School and its community, but has now become popular among teachers across the world.
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Feedback Survey on Homework
Feedback Survey on Homework
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Homework Help
Math and Reading Help for Kids is a directory of articles offering tips for homework help, improving test scores, developing positive study habits, and more.
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Example and sample school homework policies from NCSL
Example and sample school homework policies from NCSL National College for School Leadership (UK)
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When Homework is Not Completed
Student accountability on paper
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Helping Your Students With Homework
Helping Your Students With Homework : A Guide for Teachers
Homework practices vary widely. Some teachers make brilliant assignments that combine learning and pleasure. Others use homework as a routine to provide students with additional practice on important activities. And, unfortunately, some assign "busywork" that harms the educational process, by turning students off - not only making them feel that learning is not enjoyable or worthwhile, but that their teachers do not understand or care about them.
Homework has long been a mainstay of American education for good reason: it extends time available for learning, and children who spend more time on homework, on average, do better in school. So how can teachers ease homework headaches?
The ideas in this booklet are based on solid educational research. The information comes from a broad range of top-notch, experienced teachers. As you read through, you will find some familiar ideas, but may also find tips and assignments that suit your teaching needs and style.
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Como Ayundarle a su Hijo con la Tarea Escolar
... the Spanish version of "Helping Your Child with Homework" ... provides practical ideas for helping children complete homework assignments successfully.
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A Guide for Parents
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Helping Students with Homework: A guide for Teachers
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Help Your Child With Homework
The Office of Educational Research and Improvement has produced Helping Your Child With Homework to contribute to the drive to increase family involvement in children's learning. As the handbook points out, we know that children who spend more time on homework, on average, do better in school, and that the academic benefits increase as children move into the upper grades.
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