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Best Practices In Education
Best Practices In Education
Welcome to the Best Practices section of SERC's Web site! We're here to research, compile, disseminate and promote practices for educators and families with the goal of improving educational opportunities for all children.
SERC, with support from the CT State Department of Education and the Connecticut Vanguard Schools Initiative, has identified effective practices -- connected to nine standards found in effective schools -- that improve student performance.
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Schools that Work (USA)
Discover successful (USA) schools and strategies across the country -- and use their best teaching practices, training materials, and rubrics with your studen
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Twenty outstanding (UK) primary schools
Twenty outstanding primary schools - Excelling against the odds
An analysis of consistently outstanding schools raises three questions.
- How did they become outstanding?
- How do they remain outstanding?
- Where do they go from here?
For schools that are not yet outstanding, there is a fourth question which supplements the three above.
- How can we do it too?
This publication is arranged to explore and provide some answers to the first three questions, using specific examples drawn from the 20 schools to illustrate wider generalisations.
The main sections explore the three themes of:
- achieving excellence
- sustaining excellence
- sharing excellence.
The report is available as a single PDF and seven section PDFs.
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Education Best Practices : University if Minnesota
Education Best Practices : University if Minnesota
From this page, you can access information on current educational practices, organized under the general headings of Educational Policy and Administration Teaching and Instructional Practices.
Many of the resources that you will find on these pages have been produced by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) and the major OERI-funded institutions (Centers, Labs,
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Community Update
Community Update is a paper-based monthly newsletter that looks at how communities can learn from each other as they improve their schools. It is produced by the Department's Office of Intergovernmental & Interagency Affairs.
Community Update puts you in touch with resources, services, and publications you can use. Useful summaries of research are provided.
Featuring "best practices" and model programs from around the nation, Community Update focuses on how communities can learn from each other as they improve their schools.
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The Education Project Asia
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