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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Equal Opportunities

National (USA) Center for Women & Info Technology
National (USA) Center for Women & Information Technology
Follow NCWIT on Twitter
Girls in ICT (more global) info at http://girlsinict.org/
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Lean In
Lean In
Lean In is focused on encouraging women to pursue their ambitions, and changing the conversation from what we can’t do to what we can do. LeanIn.Org is the next chapter.
We are committed to offering women the ongoing inspiration and support to help them achieve their goals. If we talk openly about the challenges women face and work together, we can change the trajectory of women and create a better world for everyone.

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The War of the Sexes [Gender]
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Gender Equality : UNICEF Resources
Gender Equality : UNICEF Resources
This collection of teacher resources, including units, lesson plans, videos, multimedia, and stories, are intended to raise student awareness of the importance of gender equality.
TeachUNICEF is a portfolio of free global education resources.
They were designed and collected by the U.S Fund for UNICEF for educators and students. TeachUNICEF resources cover grades PK-12, are interdisciplinary (social studies, science, math, English/language arts, foreign/world languages), and align with standards.
The lesson plans, stories, and multimedia cover many topics.
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Empowering girls through education
Oprah’s words on empowering girls through education
When Oprah Winfrey was 3 years old, her grandmother taught her to read. When Winfrey walked into a radio station at age 16, she had never thought about becoming a broadcaster. But she was sure of one thing - she loved to read.
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Neda Soltan and the power of human rights video
Neda Soltan and the power of human rights video
We’re also taking this opportunity to begin a series of blog posts in partnership with WITNESS, an international human rights organization that supports people using video to document and expose human rights violations, to explore these issues.
The official YouTube Blog
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10 Most Racist Moments In TV
10 Most Racist Moments In TV
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What About Prejudice? (1959 film)
What About Prejudice? (film made in 1959)
Pioneering film that encourages youth to look into themselves for the causes of prejudice.
Since they never actually show the individual it is directed to, you don't know if is racial, religous, or ethnic.
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Girl Power (video/presentations)
Girl Power (video/presentations)
Eve Ensler is the playwright of "The Vagina Monologues" and founder of the global movement, V-Day. (Recorded February 2004 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 21:11)
Helen Fisher is an anthropologist with Rutgers University, specializing in gender differences and the evolution of human emotions. (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 24:13)
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This Charming Couple - film made in 1950
This Charming Couple
Marriage training film dramatizing a partnership too fraught with conflicts to survive. Produced as part of a post-World War II initiative to make marriages more sustainable in the face of postwar dislocation.
A series of films based on the textbook "Marriage for Moderns," Made in 1950
social | marriage | gender roles | equal opportunities | stereotypes |
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Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (Australia)
Disability Rights | Human Rights | Racial Discrimination | Sex Discrimination |
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Women in the Ancient World
Women in the Ancient World
Dowry and Bride Price in the Ancient World | Women in Ancient Egypt | Women in Ancient Rome | Women in Ancient Greece | Women in Ancient Israel | Women in Babylonia under the Hammurabi Law Code |
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a principal online destination for people interested in dismantling bigotry and creating, in hate's stead, communities that value diversity. (Read more about how we define "tolerance.")
If you want to know how to transform yourself, your home, your school, your workplace or your community, Tolerance.org is a place to start ?and continue ?the journey.
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Racism : No Way (Australian Site)
Racism : No Way (Australian Site)
The Racism. No way! project aims to assist school communities and education systems to recognise and address racism in the learning environment.
What Schools are doing about racism | racism game | newsletter | Framework for countering racism |
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Women | Women Studies |
Also see these General Resources on women, or use keywords to search for people or topics, such as Eleanor Roosevelt or Early Music Women Composers.
equal | opportunities | women | biography | biographies |
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Today's Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Rights
When police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay nightclub in Greenwich Village, on June 28, 1969, gays and lesbians fought back. This marked a turning point in the struggle for gay and lesbian rights in the United States. And more than three decades later, the struggle still continues. In this lesson, students examine the issues that now surround the quest for gay and lesbian equal rights.
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Anti-Defamation League
Fighting Anti-Semitism, Bigotry and Extremism Since 1913
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Equal Opportunities Commission, Hong Kong
The EOC was established in 1996 with the goal of promoting equal opportunities and eliminating discrimination. To achieve this goal, we need the support of the community and the business sector.
The effective use of human resources is one of the key elements of every business's success. And equal opportunities is about using human resources effectively. Its basic philosophy is to create a level-playing field for the individual. In the employment world, it means matching the right person with the right job. We focus on people's abilities, not on their gender, marital status, or what they cannot do. Companies will reach their competitive potential when every employee feels fully valued and fully utilized.
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Welcome to Britkid. This is a website about race, racism, and life - as seen though the eyes of the Britkids
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Civil Rights
Civilrights.org is a joint project of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and the Leadership Conference Education Fund.
The goal of civilrights.org is to recruit, educate and mobilize individuals of good conscience in the ongoing struggle for equal opportunity.
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Women & Social Movements in the USA 1820-1930
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Institute of Race Relations
The London-based Institute of Race Relations (IRR) conducts research and produces educational resources which are at the cutting edge of the struggle for racial justice in Britain and internationally. It seeks to reflect the experience of those who suffer racial oppression and draws its perspectives from the most vulnerable in society.
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Human Rights Web
What are Human Rights? / An Introduction to Human Rights / A Short History of the Human Rights Movement / Biographies of Prisoners of Conscience / Human Rights Legal and Political Dosmileents / United Nations Doloveents / Human Rights Issues, Debates, and Discussions / What can I do to Promote Human Rights? / Getting Started: A Primer for New Human Rights Activists / Join a Human Rights Organization! / Human Rights Resources /
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