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Saturday 15 February 2025
  Education Portals

Great Websites for Kids
Great Websites for Kids is a compilation of exemplary websites geared to children from birth to age 14. Suggested sites are evaluated by the Great Websites for Kids Committee using established selection criteria. The committee is made up of members of the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association.
Newly evaluated and accepted sites are added to the database three times a year. The committee also reviews all sites within the database twice a year to guarantee sites are still relevant, appropriate and accessible.
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Curriki : Open Educational Resources
Curriki : Open Educational Resources
Curriki is an open community of educators, parents, and students who share curriculum.
What happens when classroom teachers from every country in the world take part in a global community of sharing curriculum and best practices? Teachers are empowered to create extraordinary learning experiences for their students. Barriers to equal access to education begin to lift—geography and politics become immaterial. And the economy benefits from a highly educated population.
That’s why we founded Curriki, a nonprofit K-12 global community for teachers, students, and parents to create, share, and find free learning resources that enable true personalized learning.
We believe free and equal access to the best curriculum materials is possible and Curriki is leading the way.
VIDEO : Executive Editor of Mashable, sat down in the Samsung Smart Lounge at CES 2012 with Scott McNealy, Founder of Curriki.org, for a conversation about technology's impact on education and the benefits of providing educational tools and materials that are easily accessible online.
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Teaching with Gooru - Xenia Shih #webinar #liveclass20
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Gooru : A Search Engine for Learning
Gooru : A Search Engine for Learning
Teachers and students can use Gooru to search for rich collections of multimedia resources, digital textbooks, videos, games and quizzes created by educators in the Gooru community.
Gooru is free (of cost and ads) and developed by a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to honor the human right to education.
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E-learning for Kids
E-learning for Kids : Portal
Our vision is to be the source for childhood learning on the Internet – available from anywhere and without charge.
Established in late 2004, e-Learning for Kids is a global, nonprofit foundation dedicated to fun and free learning on the Internet for children ages 5 - 12. We offer free, best-in-class courseware in math, science, reading and keyboarding; and we’re building a community for parents and educators to share innovations and insights in childhood education.
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Virtual Learning Resources Center VLRC
Virtual Learning Resources Center VLRC
The mission of the Virtual Learning Resources Center is to index thousands of the best academic information websites, selected by teachers and library professionals worldwide, in order to provide to students and teachers current, valid information for school and university academic projects
The Virtual LRC is both a dedicated index of over 10,000 web pages maintained by a real human being, as well as a meta-search engine that includes in its results information gleaned from many of the best research portals and university and public library Internet subject guides recommended by teachers and librarians.
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Global Community
Developing and sharing resources. Global focus.
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Webschool (uk)
Free resources for students and teachers. Open Source philosophy exists here.
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FirstGov for Kids (USA)
We have divided the site into educational subjects that you might have in your school. Within each subject, we have also divided the sites into these categories: Government, Organizations, Education, and Commercial. The Government sites could be Federal, State, or Military sites. Government sites generally do not sell anything. They are simply sharing information with visitors.
FirstGov for Kids is a gateway to other information resources. That means that when you click on our list of links, you will be leaving our site.
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MERLOT is a free and open resource designed primarily for faculty and students of higher education. Links to online learning materials are collected here along with annotations such as peer reviews and assignments.
You are welcome to browse the collection or search for materials. Members may add materials, comments and assignments to MERLOT. Membership is free.
MERLOT is also a community of people who are involved in education. Community members help MERLOT grow by contributing materials and adding assignments and comments. Many community members make their professional information available in MERLOT's member directory.
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Education-Quest (UK)
Questions Publishing publish a range of magazines covering literacy, maths and science, schools management, ICT, thinking skills, PE & sport, citizenship, and special needs. Each magazine includes leading educational opinion, essential classroom worksheets, and reviews of the latest equipment and books. Subscribers to any of the Questions magazines will soon also have access to our archive of educational material, spanning over fifteen years, get advice and information from our legal resources and enjoy hundreds of special offers on books, software, videos and school equipment.
ICT | publications | magazine | portal | education |
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Best on the Web for Teachers
As we are sure that you are aware, there are tons of wonderful web sites available to teachers. In fact, we created our site to help teachers find those sites. We have reviewed many wonderful sites and finally realized that our users never see most of these sites. No matter how wonderful our directory or system is organized, there are just too many sites!
Among the services that Teachnology, Inc. provides are 1) a free web portal designed specifically for educators that includes tutorials aimed at enhancing the knowledge and use of technology as related to teaching; 2) educational lectures, workshops, seminars, demonstrations for pre-service and/or in-service teacher education programs; and 3) professional development consultations that are designed to offer K-12 schools the support mechanisms needed to successfully plan and implement programs focused on technology in teaching.
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I Love That Teaching Idea
Worksheet & Reproducible / Photocopiable Center
Love That Teaching Idea! was founded in 1998 by twin sisters Kim Christopherson and Kris Thurgood. The company was originally named The Teachers Toolbox. Both names represent the vision of the founders, which is to provide elementary school teachers creative, practical and effective ideas and techniques to enhance their enjoyment and performance in the classroom.
lesson plans | ideas | teaching | classroom management | reading | science | writing |
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The Digital California Project DCP
The Digital California Project is a multi-million dollar effort designed to build the necessary network infrastructure needed to prepare California's schools to take advantage of tomorrow's advances in network technology. In essence, we are developing an advanced-services network to serve the entire K-20 education and research community.
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She believes that learning occurs only when children are actively engaged with the curriculum. Technology engages children more than any other medium. This is this rationale for creating this website. Gamequarium.com can be used by parents, teachers, and students of all ages who are in pursuit of fun, interative learning experiences. The games and activities are arranged by subject to allow for ease of navigation.
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At School ... a primary school portal
Welcome to @school. We make it easy for children, teachers and parents to explore the World Wide Web and make the most of its rich source of nursery and primary level educational material.
Ideal for ages 4 right up to 13, @school has been carefully designed to give children the confidence they need to use the Internet as part of their education in an absorbing, fun way.
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Shamblesguru's Twitter Stream
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Lesson Plans - Teacher's Lesson Plans - WebQuests - Primary Teacher Resources - Math Lesson Plans - Writing Lesson Plans - Reading Lesson Plans - Science Lesson Plans - Technology Lesson Plans - Social Studies Lesson Plans
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Spark Island
Thank you for visiting Spark Island. We provide online educational activities to help 3-12 year-olds learn in a wonderful cartoon world.
- Kids and parents, start by: playing some games, meeting some amazing characters, and finding in-depth advice;
- Teachers, start by: visiting our dedicated teachers' site to see how our activities are designed to meet specific curriculum learning outcomes and allow you easily to integrate ICT into your classroom.
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GridClub is for children aged around 7 to 11. It's a place to play and to learn at home or at school. Go to the Library to play games and find things to help with your homework. Go to the Clubs to have fun and work with other GridClub friends.
Want to know more about GridClub? Grown Ups - find out how GridClub will help your children.
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Project HappyChild
Project HappyChild is a massive project to link children all across the world. We hope you will choose to become part of this.
We're building an index of Educational Resources available on the Internet for schools, parents and children,
constructing a network of links to schools in many countries,
and publicising initiatives helping less fortunate children, wherever they may be.
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ePALS : Classroom Exchange
ePALS gives K-12 students and teachers a sense of what everyday life is like in a foreign country. ePALS email projects are perfect for teacher-monitored school assignments, language arts, cultural learning, history, geography, social studies, science - or just making friends worldwide! From the feedback we receive everyday, it is obvious that many ePALS students and teachers develop long-lasting online friendships.
With technological breakthroughs being made in Internet voice and video communications, ePALS is currently positioned to help schools share classroom photographs, images, sound and video clips. In the process, students will use the latest tools and learn about the incredible technological revolution that is making it all possible.
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