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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  eLearning / e-Learning

30 Myths About eLearning That Need To Die In 2013
30 Myths About eLearning That Need To Die In 2013
For as long as eLearning has been around, it has been haunted by the voices of those who aim to criticize its authenticity, viability, and quality. But is it true?
Do students of traditional institutions boast more success than those who’ve chosen distance learning?
It’s time for some of these myths to die.
A brilliant list to stimulate professional discussion ...
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The Introductory Guide to Online Learning
The Introductory Guide to Online Learning
Free download
The International Association of K-12 Online Learning released an updated 'introduction to online learning' (Nov2010).
They also released a state-by-state update of progress. The National Primer on K-12 Online Learning provides a comprehensive overview of online learning by examining the basics about online teaching and learning, evaluating academic success, professional development, technology and other topics.
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The Cost of eLearning 2.0
The Cost of eLearning 2.0
“A typical first-year budget may be in the $100,000-$200,000 range for a Fortune 1000 company, while a small business or divisional learning initiative may spend $30,000–$50,000. Smaller learning initiatives cost less because there are fewer concerns, such as tying it in with CRM software."
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Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning
Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning: A Review of (USA) State-Level Policy and Practice, 2009 is the latest in a series of annual reports that began in 2004 that examine the status of K-12 online education across the country, providing a research-based overview of the latest policies, practices and trends affecting online learning programs across all 50 states.
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What is the Future of Teaching and Online Learning?
What is the Future of Teaching and Online Learning? “On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction,” concluded the report’s authors in their key findings."
The report looked at just under one hundred studies that compared the performance of students in online learning environments (or courses with an online study component) to those who were given strictly face-to-face instruction for the same courses.
What they found was that students who completed all or some of their coursework online tested on average in the 59th percentile, compared to the 50th percentile for those who received only classroom instruction, and that the results are statistically significant.
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e-Learning : What it is, why it is important and how it will develop
e-Learning : What it is, why it is important and how it will develop (August 2007).
A guide to E-learning for teachers, school senior leaders,curriculum and assessment planners and policy makers.
This paper arose out of a (UK) think tank event was organised jointly by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and Naace, the Association for Advancing Education through the use of ICT.
When you use the terms ‘ICT’, ‘ICT Capability’ and ‘E-learning’does your audience precisely understand what you are referring to?
pdf file 194KB published August 2007 ... recommended!
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Success Factors for an Efficient Blended eLearning
Success Factors for an Efficient Blended eLearning
Blended Elearning, Online Content, Instructional design, Delivery Environment, learning management system.
This paper presents an enhanced blended elearning model and discusses the essential success factors of an efficient elearning system. The success factors in an elearning system are related to students, instructors, the developed course content and the delivery medium and environment. A new framework for the delivery of the online content is presented and mapped to the activity theory. This mapping explains and organizes the interactivity relations between instructors, students and online learning objects as they are bounded by the technology, Learning management system (LMS) and ebvironment
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The Open Content Initiative (OCI)
The Open Content Initiative (OCI)
The Open Content Initiative (OCI) will make educational resources freely available on the Internet, with state of the art learning support and collaboration tools to connect students and educators.
From The Open University (UK)
"The philosophy of open access and sharing knowledge is a wonderful fit with the founding principles of The Open University and with the University's very strong commitment to opening up educational access and widening participation. The University will be developing forms of open content e-learning which will reach less experienced learners and, we hope, encourage an appetite for further learning. The Open University will be the first in the UK to offer Open Content materials under a Creative Commons licence. We are deeply grateful to The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for its generous support."
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Virtual Learning, an e-learning resource
Virtual Learning, an e-learning resource
In the Virtual Learning site you can find case studies, research papers, conference presentations, publications and a range of resources to support e-learning.
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eLearning? Or learning with ICT?
eLearning? Or learning with ICT?
Is ?-learning?distinctly different from traditional learning processes or is it just part of learning? Though learning happens without the ?? can e-learning happen without any of the other aspects of learning?
Moveable type did not just create book-learning, it fundamentally changed education and learning processes and the curriculum. Likewise, e-learning is the catalyst that is fundamentally changing education, learning and the curriculum today.
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e-Learning: Production (G79J 16)
PDA E-LEARNING: PRODUCTION - SQA has developed a Professional Development Award (PDA) e-Learning: Production (G79J 16), which is designed for professionals interested in the preparation of e-learning materials for delivery.
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MIT and the OpenCourseWare Project
MIT and the OpenCourseWare team are excited to share with you a first sampling of course materials from MIT's Faculty. We invite educators around the world to draw upon the materials for their own curricula, and we encourage all learners to use the materials for self-study.
MIT OpenCourseWare reflects the commitment of the MIT faculty to advancing education by increasing access to their academic materials through the Internet and the World Wide Web. We believe that with modern communication technology we can not only transmit information but also stimulate and enhance the deeply human, person-to-person endeavor of education.
We hope the idea of openly sharing course materials will propagate throughout many institutions and create a global web of knowledge that will enhance the quality of learning and, therefore, the quality of life worldwide.
We are opening our pilot to the public for review and feedback. It contains a sample of MIT courses, offering an early look at the content and design of OCW. As we pursue our intensive work to find the most effective way to make OCW a valuable resource for all who use it, we will continue to add courses, until virtually all are available.
MIT | free | courseware | but no degrees | video streaming lectures | Aeronautics and Astronautics | Biology | Chemical Engineering | Chemistry | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | Economics | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | Engineering Systems Division | Linguistics & Philosophy | Mathematics | Mechanical Engineering | Ocean Engineering | Physics | Political Science | Sloan School of Management | Urban Studies and Planning | MIT |
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World Association for Online Education
The World Association for Online Education is an international professional organization concerned with online pedagogy and turning online education into a professional discipline. WAOE offers membership services relevant to educators concerned with teaching online, public services for international society, and collaboration with other educational organizations functioning in cyberspace.
WAOE Websites are dispersed among many languages and countries with the main site disseminating general information about membership, communication channels, current projects and so forth.
elearning | e-learning | online | learning | distance |
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