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Saturday 15 February 2025
  Design Technology

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The (UK) Open Universitys OpenLearn
The (UK) Open University's OpenLearn Welcome to The Open University's OpenLearn website - free and open educational resources for learners and educators around the world.
You are in the LearningSpace where Open University learning materials are freely available for you to study in your own time, away from any formal teaching environment.
Visit the LabSpace to share and reuse educational resources. Download some learning materials, adapt to your needs: translate, shorten, extend, add examples... and then of course, place it back for others to benefit!
| Arts and History | Business and Management | Education | Health and Lifestyle | IT and Computing | Mathematics and Statistics | Modern Languages | Science and Nature | Society | Study Skills | Technology |
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Primary Design and Technology : Nuffield
Primary Design and Technology : The Nuffield Foundation
On our website you'll find information about the Project, examples of pupils' work, classroom materials to download and other resources for teachers.
There are now six reports on Nuffield approaches to QCA Units of work. They include: Unit 1A, 1C, 2C, 3A, 3D, 6D. Each report contains a full description of the teaching with photographs of children's work
Each year the Nuffield Curriculum Project Centre will host a seminar in which leaders in the field of primary design & technology education research will make presentations to an invited audience of education policy makers, academics, teachers, and education managers.
The Nuffield Primary Design & Technology Project is pleased to be working with the Design and Technology Association (DATA) to contribute to the continuing professional development of primary teachers in the area of design & technology.
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Design and Technology Revision and Quizzes
A school based website designed to help students revise for their exams. A large number of interactive quizzes are included covering work at KS3, KS4 and A-Level. Schemes of work design frames, galleries and homework sheets are also included. Parts drawings for Prodesktop are available for download.
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Design & technology On The Web
Very full site of help topics for projects and courswrok as well as revision. No adverts either !
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Simple Machines
Simple Machines
If you are doing a lesson on simple machines then look at this first ... guaranteed to help and save you time.
levers | pulleys | wheel | axle | inclined plane |
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MITs OpenCourseWare
Welcome to MIT's OpenCourseWare : a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world. OCW supports MIT's mission to advance knowledge and education, and serve the world in the 21st century. It is true to MIT's values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.
MIT OCW: Is a publication of MIT course materials | Does not require any registration | Is not a degree-granting or certificate-granting activity |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Engineering Systems Division | Materials Science and Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
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Tech it Out UK
Everything for Design Technology. In three areas including over 700 A4 pages of content, pictures, animations and edited links. Electronics section has 60 pages suitable for Electronics GCSE.
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Newspaper Tower
What's the tallest tower you can build using only two sheets of newspaper?
Here's the challenge: getting the newspaper to stand up, without using tape, staples, glue, or other materials. But you can bend, fold, or tear the paper itself.
Make a prediction about how tall a tower you can build. What is your prediction based on?
How well does your tower withstand environmental forces? Use a fan to imitate wind gusts or shake the table gently to imitate an earthquake. How can you change your design, using 2 sheets of newspaper and 20 cm of tape, to better withstand these forces?
Try It Out | Explain It | Build on It |
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Nuffield Secondary Design & Technology
Design & technology is a remarkable subject. It can change the way your pupils learn and see the world. The Nuffield approach gives you the power to bring it alive in your classroom.
'This site is dedicated to helping you get the best from the Nuffield approach to D&T. Share your practice with others by emailing details of your pupils' work to the Centre.'
Use the Chooser Charts to help your pupils make and justify good design decisions in all focus areas.
We also list here a selection of companies who provide equipment and resources for use in Design & Technology teaching.
technology | design | DandT | DT | D&T | Nuffield |
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Massive site with links to sites covering all areas of Design and Technology. The site also contains an area where pupils can submit work that they have done for everyone to see. New - A poll where pupils can vote of different design related questions..
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LDraw is a freeware program which can create Lego models in 3D.
Programs based on James' original LDraw have been the conduit for sharing LEGO building ideas within the online LEGO enthusiast community. This community of CAD users (referred to as LCAD, for LEGO CAD) is constantly improving upon the system developing new utilities which utilize the LDraw format.
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Design Technology Department
The Design Technology Department has been created in order to provide free educational materials for schools and colleges.
Key Stage 4 Resistant Materials Lessons | Inventions and Inventors | The Bridge Lessons | Examples of Pupils Work | As and A level Materials | Handouts and revision sheets | Schemes of Work for Key Stage 3 | Schemes of Work for Key Stage 4 | Examples of Department Policies |
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Introducing and Demonstrating Earthquake Engineering Research in Schools
To communicate the challenge and excitement of earthquake engineering research to young people.
Design | Technology |
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Welcome to sodaplay the home of creative play ... graphic design
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Isometrics the internet home for technical illustrators
Tech Drawing Tools now available online / Symbol Libraries /
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LEGO .... has gone computerised
Robots & all that.... can be designed & built to fetch you a beer from the fridge ... and other educationally valuable projects.
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Cardboard Engineering
A site for contemporary automata.....
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The Education Project Asia
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

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