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Saturday 15 February 2025
  Curriculum Frameworks

The seven Cs of a character curriculum
The seven Cs of a character curriculum – confidence, curiosity, collaboration, communication, creativity, commitment and craftsmanship
Teaching and the wider education system should move towards a character-based curriculum that focuses on students thinking “creatively and collaboratively”, a new campaign is urging ...
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The School Revolution : In England
Education in England is changing and this film takes you through the changes in the types of school (free schools, academies), the curriculum and the way children are learning.
Why are we demanding more rigour and higher standards?
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International curriculum options
Education Explained: International curriculum options
In this article in the ‘Education Explained’ series, we take a look at the international curriculum options for the children of relocating families in the growing number of international schools across the globe.
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The National Curriculum in England
The national curriculum in England - Framework document - July 2013
Subject to the approval of Parliament, it is the government’s intention that the final version of this framework will be published in the autumn of 2013, and that the elements that require statutory force will come into effect for the majority of year groups from September 2014.
For pupils in year 2, year 6 and year 10, the new English, mathematics and science programmes of study will be introduced from September 2015; and for pupils in year 11 the programmes of study for these subjects will be introduced from September 2016.
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Read the [USA] Common Core Standards
Read the [USA] Common Core Standards
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Implementing the Common Core State Standards [USA]
Implementing the Common Core State Standards [USA]
The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them.
The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.
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Smart and Skilled : Australia (pdf)
Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training system Australia.
It will give people the chance to gain the skills they need to get a job and advance their careers.
This will expand the skills of our workforce to meet demand for jobs.
Smart and Skilled will be implemented in 2014 with ...
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The future shape of the UK National Curriculum 2012 UPDATE
The future shape of the UK National Curriculum 2012 UPDATE
Beyond the core subjects
Revision now in the consultancy phase ...
Final versions published Autumn 2013
First teaching from September 2014
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USA National Education Technology Plan (NETP)
The USA National Education Technology Plan (NETP) is set to transform the traditional classroom settings into a space as exciting for students as the Internet.
The NETP lines up five goals state education officials, researchers, and practitioners believe to represent the changes needed ...
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The International Middle Years Curriculum (imyc)
The International Middle Years Curriculum (imyc)
The IMYC is a curriculum that focuses foremost on student learning. It provides a rigorous, structured yet flexible teaching framework for 11 to 14 year olds to improve their learning and inspire and engage them throughout an often precarious learning and developmental period.
This is achieved through a range of themes to which subjects contribute interdependently providing a coherent and relevant learning experience.
"The IMYC shows real understanding of the unique philosophy and approach to learning that students at this developmental level require,” says Alison Lipp, Curriculum Coordinator at the American International School of Rotterdam, one of the first schools to have taken on the IMYC.
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Review of the National Curriculum
Review of the National Curriculum
On 20 January 2011 the Secretary of State for Education announced a review of the National Curriculum in England.
This section contains information about the review. The review will look at the National Curriculum for both primary and secondary schools.
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UK National Curriculum Review (Jan 2011)
UK National Curriculum Review (Jan 2011)
Education Secretary Michael Gove has said he wants more "facts" in England's national curriculum, as he launches a review of what children are taught.
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The Big Picture: UK Secondary Curriculum
The Big Picture: UK Secondary Curriculum
This is a brilliant one page planning tool ... and although it is UK-centric much has a larger generic use.
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The Big Picture: UK Primary Curriculum
The Big Picture: UK Primary Curriculum
This is a brilliant one page planning tool ... and although it is UK-centric much has a larger generic use
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QCAs (UK) National Curriculum YouTube channel
QCA's National Curriculum YouTube channel
These case studies show how schools have interpreted the new secondary curriculum within the context of their own setting and to meet the needs of their learners.
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UK year strategy for children and learners
The Department (UK DfES) has published its five year strategy for children and learners. It is an ambitious strategy for the next five years and beyond. It seeks not only to address our historic weaknesses, but also to improve every aspect of what we do.
It puts a clear focus on children, learners, parents and employers, not just in setting out what we want to offer, but in designing ways of doing it that promote personalisation and choice.
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A Head Start for Australia: An Early Years Framework
A Head Start for Australia: An Early Years Framework
A Head Start for Australia: An Early Years Framework is a blue-print that sets out what we can do - individually and as a community - to give all Australian kids a great 'head start' in life.
National and international research identifies the areas in which we can take action that will have immediate and long term benefits for young children.
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The National Curriculum Profiles for Australian Schools
The National Curriculum Profiles for Australian Schools
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The International Primary Curriculum
The International Primary Curriculum is the most exciting curriculum project with which we have ever been involved.
Like everything we have done, the IPC is oriented to the future. It helps children develop the knowledge, skills and understandings they will need in their future lives. But it is also built on an awareness of the present reality. It provides the support teachers need now. In doing so, it frees teachers to focus on what is really important in the classroom ?how children learn, rather than the endless preparation and planning of basic work.
The IPC has been in development since 1998. We are grateful for the involvement of many teachers, not least those in schools operated by Shell International. It was our involvement with Shell that gave this project such a kick-start. Shell continues to provide an annual grant towards the International Primary Curriculum? development although the IPC is now a fully independent organisation.
curriculum | framework | primary | international | school | schools |
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Scotland 5-14 Curriculum Guidelines & Resources
This website has been designed to support the implementation of the 5-14 curriculum guidelines in all subjcts in Scotland.

We hope the website will be a useful resource for the profession. It offers examples of good practice from Local Authorities, schools and teachers.
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President George W. Bush Jan2000
Only a few days into his term of office President George W. Bush produced a new education bill (policy) called 'No Child Left Behind' ... this links to that document.
Foreward | Executive Summary | High Standards and Accountability | Putting Reading First | Improving Teacher Quality | Improving Math and Science Instruction | Limited English Proficient Students to English Fluency | Parental Options and Innovative Programs | Encouraging Safe Schools | Enhancing Education Through Technology | Providing Impact Aid | Freedom and Accountability |
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Learning and Skills Act 2000 UK
The core of the Act is the establishment of a new non-departmental public body, the Learning and Skills Council for England (LSC) which will be responsible for post-16 learning, other than higher education. It will take over functions performed by the Further Education Funding Council for England (FEFCE) and the functions currently contracted by the Secretary of State to TECs.
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Shamblesguru 'Curriculum' Video Picks on YouTube
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