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Wednesday 26 March 2025
  Assessment and ICT

School Video Recorder + Google Classroom
School video recorder is a privacy-focused tool for recording and sharing short video reflections. Videos are saved privately to Google Drive and can be shared via link if desired.
When combined with Google Classroom, school video recorder is a great option for documenting in-class learning
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Rubrics to Measure Student Learning
Rubrics to Measure Student Learning
A common question that we get with regard to technology projects is "how do I grade it?" The 21st-century communication and collaboration skills which are used with most technology based projects are, in many ways, real-world problem-solving skills. The standard, multiple-choice type tests simply are not going to be able to assess students' learning. Instead of thinking of the assessment itself as the measurement, we are going to need to examine our students' performances of understanding. In other words, the assessment is the tool through which we can gauge how much our students have learned.
General Multimedia Assessment Tools | Assessing Student Blogging | Assessing Wikis | Assessing Websites | Assessing Voicethread Projects | Assessing Podcasts | Assessing Video Projects |
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ICT in Education: Evaluation Tools & Indicators
ICT in Education: Evaluation Tools & Indicators ... UNESCO
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10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have
10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have
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ICT School computer test should be optional
England's exams regulator is advising ministers to scrap their plans for a compulsory computer test for teenagers.
The aim is for all 14-year-olds to do the online test in ICT (information and communication technology) from 2008.
It is has been piloted widely.
But ministers have questioned the need for another statutory test, and the QCA watchdog has now decided it is an unnecessary "burden" for schools.
It says the test should be just one tool teachers use to assess progress.
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GradeL is a free graphical grade book program that currently runs only on Linux.
GradeL, Gradebook for Linux, (rhymes with "cradle") is a gradebook program for teachers. Written in Gambas
GradeL currently supports only the traditional two semester, four marking period schedule. Marking period grades are calculated with either Straight Points (no weights) or Weighted Categories. Semester grades are a weighted combination of two marking periods and a final exam. GradeL produces customizable seating charts and a variety of reports.
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TechLiteracy Assessment
TechLiteracy Assessment : Measure, assess and report on student progress
Learning.com? TechLiteracy Assessment is a district-wide solution for measuring the technology proficiency of your elementary and middle school students. Delivered online, TechLiteracy Assessment helps (USA) districts satisfy accountability requirements by demonstrating that student technology standards are being addressed.
Standards alignment, student tracking, class management, and test administration are all hosted by Learning.com, the industry? leading provider of online technology curriculum and integration tools for students. Learning.com has been delivering K-8 online instructional content in schools nationwide since 2001.
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e-Assessment Glossary
e-Assessment Glossary
The eAssessment Glossary includes terms that are commonly used during the development of items and tests. It looks at the processes involved during the design, presentation and recording of candidate? e-responses to assessment stimuli.
The range of terms identified during this review are words that are commonly used in eAssessment, including terminology that makes use of ICT with either complete or partial use of electronic processes to deliver examinations and assessments. This includes the use of electronic processes for registration of candidates to certification and also the end-to-end assessment processes from the perspective of learners, practitioners, school administrators, learning establishments, awarding bodies and members of the general public. The eAssessment Glossary is comprehensive but it does not contain highly specialised ICT or psychometric terms.
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USA National Educational Tech Standards (NETS)
The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) USA
The primary goal of the ISTE NETS Project is to enable stakeholders in USA PreK-12 education to develop national standards for educational uses of technology that facilitate school improvement in the United States.
The NETS Project will work to define standards for students, integrating curriculum technology, technology support, and standards for student assessment and evaluation of technology use.
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Online Sats tests in ICT : England May 2005
May 2005 : Thousands of teenagers in England have taken online Sats tests in ICT for the first time.
They are guinea pigs for a national test which will become compulsory for 13 and 14-year-olds in 2008.
The trial is being run in more than 500 schools by the exams and curriculum watchdog, the QCA.
The organisation says it is the first time a national test has been sat online anywhere in the world.
The tests are set in a virtual world, with specially-designed software, not standard programs used in many schools.
In 2006, any school can opt to take part in the trials, which will continue until the test becomes compulsory in England's schools in 2008.
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ICT Assignment Worksheet | Student Pre-Assessment Form
ICT Assignment Worksheet
Defines what students need to accomplish and how much time they have to complete each task. Students can also record the information they have gathered onto the assignment worksheet.
A list of questions that help teachers determine the computer knowledge and experience of each student.
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Student Test Reviews Online (USA)
Student Test Reviews Online - test reviews when you need them
Access test information online exactly as it appears in the Mental Measurement Yearbook series
Search by alphabetic or category listings of test titles or by keyword ... free information on almost 4,000 commercially available tests.
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Fischer Family Trust Web Site
The Fischer Family Trust is working in partnership with schools, LEA's and national agencies on a number of projects. The information on this Web Site is, at present, mainly concerned with projects to investigate the use of ICT in schools.
We will also be developing an area of this Web Site devoted to projects that aim to support the effective use of pupil performance data.
Results from research carried out in 1999 and 2000 into the use of Software in Secondary Schools.
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