Flippity Progress Indicator
Flippity Progress Indicator
Easily turn a Google spreadsheet into
progress indicator bars.

Carol Dweck on Performance Assessmemnt

Teachers Should Be Evaluated Like Athletes
Teachers Should Be Evaluated Like Athletes: Here's Why
By measuring more comprehensively, by recognizing teachers as part of a team, and by measuring more frequently, we can better distill which teachers are most effective.
Like good sports metrics, this approach would have the added benefit of pinpointing where improvement is needed.
To be sure, this is more complicated than the current approach. Yet the effort seems worth it. After all, aren't we all on the same team when it comes to helping students succeed?

Assessment tools
Assessment tools
Te Kete Ipurangi (TKI) is the Online Learning Centre is New Zealand's bilingual education portal and is an initiative of the Ministry of Education.
The Te Kete Ipurangi vision is to provide New Zealand schools with a cost effective electronic platform to communicate curriculum and administrative materials, enhance teaching and learning, raise student achievement and advance professional development for school management and teaching staff.

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