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Friday 14 March 2025

iGCSE Guide 2013-2015 Year 10-11
iGCSE Guide 2013-2015 Year 10-11
Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok, Thailand
GCSE stands for the International Certificate of Secondary Education. It is at least of the same standard as, and in many cases is higher than, the GCSE.
For many subjects it is more suited to students in International Schools where the courses and examinations will have an international flavour rather than being grounded in British situations and settings.
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GCSEs are the main qualification taken by 14 to 16 year olds, but are available to anyone who would like to study a subject that interests them. You can take GCSEs in a wide range of academic and 'applied' (work-related) subjects.
GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education. It's highly valued by schools, colleges and employers, so will be useful whatever you are planning to do afterwards.
The qualification mainly involves studying the theory of a subject, combined with some investigative work. Some subjects also involve practical work. GCSEs are usually studied full-time at school or college, taking five terms to complete.
GCSEs are at levels 1 and 2 on the National Qualifications Framework, depending on the grade you get. The framework shows how different types of qualifications compare, in terms of the demands they place on learners.
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General Certificate of Secondary Education
General Certificate of Secondary Education
"The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification awarded in a specified subject, generally taken in a number of subjects by students aged 14–16 in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is equivalent to a Level 2 (A*- C) and Level 1 (D- G) in Key Skills. (In Scotland, the equivalent is the Standard Grade.)
Some students may decide to take one or more GCSEs before or afterwards; people may apply for GCSEs at any point either internally through an institution or externally."
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Plans to scrap GCSE exams for O-Levels (21Jun12)
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Timeline: English school exams
Timeline: English school exams
BBC News Online looks at the changing nature of exams and educational provision during the last 134 years. (UK)
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