Kaizena - Voice Comments ... works with Google Drive
Kaizena - Voice Comments ... works with Google Drive
We previously posted about improving feedback with an app for Google Drive called Voice Comments. Since its release, this useful tool has helped educators provide more personalized and meaningful feedback to students in their Google Documents. Rather than having to navigate through a sea of red ink, or click through and read comment after comment, the Voice Comments app took the entire feedback process and turned it into a conversational review.
The creators of Voice Comments (formerly 121writing.com, now Kaizena) take feedback very seriously
Read a review HERE
Giving feedback is faster with Kaizena than a word processor, and far faster than red pen. Every feature is designed to save you time, because fast feedback is high quality feedback.

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Online student assessment of their learning gains
Online student assessment of their learning gains
The Student Assessment of their Learning Gains (SALG) website allows instructors to gather learning-focused feedback from students and hence improve the quality of instruction.

GCSE, AS and A2 Level questions, AQA and EDEXCEL
UK databases of UK GCSE and A Level Questions, markschemes and examiners' reports up to 2004.
The software allows tests and homeworks to be created very quickly and is cheap at ?0 for a new user. A number of subjects are available, particularly for the AQA and Edexcel boards in Maths and Science

Testbase N.C. QCA KS1 KS 2 KS3 (UK)
The UK's biggest selling databases of UK National Curriculum Questions, markschemes and examiners' reports up to 2004.
The software allows tests and homeworks to be created very quickly.
Testbase is used by over 13,000 individual schools and by many LEAs who purchase collective licences for all their schools. The software is also used by teacher training colleges, universities and the National Strategies. Once your school has a licence, the software can be used by any teacher in the school or at home. The print-outs can only be used in the purchasing institution.
GCSE and AS/A2 examination materials are available through Exampro, which uses the same program as Testbase, making it easy for teachers to prepare mock papers, revision and end-of-topic tests throughout 14-19 years.

GMAT Online Course : Free Practice Tests Online
GMAT Online Course : Free Practice Tests Online
ACT Practice | Accuplacer Practice | ASVAB Practice | CBEST Practice | CDL Practice | CGFNS Practice | CHSPE Practice | CLAST Practice | COMLEX Practice | GED Practice | GMAT Practice | GRE Practice | HOBET Practice | LSAT Practice | MAT Practice | MCAT Practice | NCLEX Practice | Nursing Exam Practice | OAT Practice | ParaPro Practice | PCAT Practice | Praxis Practice | SAT Practice | TABE Practice | TASP Practice | THEA Practice | USMLE Practice |

GED Tests :General Educational Development (USA)
GED Tests :General Educational Development (USA)
The GED exam is a battery of five tests in Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Language Arts Writing, and Language Arts Reading. The GED tests take seven or more hours to complete. The GED tests are administered many times a year. The GED tests centers are spread across the USA and Canada.
The GED is accepted as an equivalent to a high school diploma by approximately 97% of colleges and universities in the U.S., and 95% of employers because they recognize the GED test as a rigorous examination equal to or exceeding high school proficiency.
This site offers online practice

What is Computer Assisted Assessment?
What is Computer Assisted Assessment?
