ACT Scores explained
ACT Scores explained

ACT (test) .. wikipedia
ACT (test) .. wikipedia
"The ACT (pronounced as an initialism, "a see tee"; originally abbreviation of American College Testing)[1] is a standardized test for high school achievement and college admissions in the United States produced by ACT, Inc.[1] It was first administered in November 1959 by Everett Franklin Lindquist as a competitor to the College Board's Scholastic Aptitude Test, now the SAT Reasoning Test.
The ACT has historically consisted of four tests: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science Reasoning. In February 2005, an optional Writing test was added to the ACT, mirroring changes to the SAT that took place later in March of the same year"

The ACT Student Web Account ..
The ACT Student Web Account ..

American College Testing (ACT) Assessment
The American College Testing (ACT) Assessment, which was introduced in 1959, is an alternative to the SAT that virtually all colleges and universities now accept. Developers of the test tout it for its curriculum-based questions, saying that their test is more directly related to what is actually taught in high school.
America's most widely accepted college entrance exam ?and more! ACT provides educational and career planning for students and teachers at every level.

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