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Friday 14 March 2025
  Search for Books

Visual Access Point to Online Books and Collections
Pictoscope is a visual discovery service that generates compelling image content capable of instantly improving access to digitized books, artwork and online collections.
Pictoscope's visual discovery index connects patrons directly to important openly available collections and content that otherwise remain overlooked and underused.
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The Book Depository
The Book Depository
We're committed to giving our customers the best possible experience of book buying online, with availability over 9 million titles within 48 hours and free worldwide shipping.
The links below summarise the answers to some of the most common queries we receive, however we're always happy to hear from customers,
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Flooved : Free Textbooks .. or just an alternative?
OK ... not the actual textbooks ... but an option well worth considering.
Personalised content from the best Professors For undergraduate Maths & Physics Students Better than Textbooks & completely Free
All the undergraduate mathematics & physics content you need: made interactive, social and free.
Flooved uses existing lecture notes, handouts and study guides from the worlds best professors and turns them into online interactive resources.…
Quickly find content using our great search & discovery tools or by intuitive topic discovery: let the content find you.
Flooved is completely free and we do not and will never charge access to use the content.
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YABBA – The Young Australians Best Book Awards
YABBA – The Young Australians Best Book Awards
The Young Australians Best Book Awards (YABBA) were established in 1985 by a group of Victorians keen to see children engage in reading Australian books.
Run by a volunteer committee our goal after more than 25 years is still the same.
We seek to provide children a voice within the general Australian children’s book industry.
The YABBA Awards encourages children to read recent Australian published books, rate them against all others and then finally reward that book they feel is best.
During Term 1 each year children across Victoria are asked to recommend their favourite Australian books to other children by nominating their four favourite Australian titles. All nominations are collated and the 10 books with the most nominations in each of the award categories are the shortlisted books for that year.
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400 Free eBooks
400 Free eBooks: Download to Kindle, iPad/iPhone & Nook
This collection features free e-books, mostly classics, that you can read on your iPad/iPhone (purchase), Kindle (purchase), Nook (purchase) or other devices. It includes great works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. To learn how to load books to your Kindle using the links below, please watch this video. This other video explains how to upload epub files to a Nook. Calibre (free software) also offers a handy way to load ebooks to e-readers.
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iBooks Textbooks for the iPad
iBooks Textbooks for the iPad
Introducing an entirely new kind of textbook that’s dynamic, current, engrossing, and truly interactive. A textbook created by publishers using a new authoring tool from Apple. A textbook brought to life by iPad.
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Books for Keeps
Books for Keeps is the UK’s leading, independent children’s book magazine.
It was launched in 1980 and ever since has been reviewing hundreds of new children’s books each year and publishing articles on every aspect of writing for children. There are over 12,500 reviews on our new website and more than 2,000 articles including interviews with the top children’s authors and illustrators.
“The best scholars, reviewers, authors and critics write for Books for Keeps,” says editor Rosemary Stones, “We hold a mirror up to the children’s book world and reflects back its output, issues and preoccupations with intelligence, scholarship and wit.”
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100 Books Every Child Should Read Before Growing Up
100 Books Every Child Should Read Before Growing Up
An exploration of children's literature through a selection of 100 wonderful books. Written for parents, librarians, teachers, and anyone else who loves to read to children.
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Free, Open-Source Digital Textbooks
Free, Open-Source Digital Textbook Provider, Boundless, Releases Its Content Under Creative Commons Licence.
Since first emerging early last year, Boston-based startup Boundless has been on a mission to give students a free alternative to the financial and physical costs of bulky backpacks brimming with pricey hard-copy textbooks.
Co-founders Ariel Diaz, Brian Balfour and Aaron White believe that the incumbents, the old-school textbook publishers (the top four of which still control the market) have been driving up the cost of educational content for years, so Boundless has been fighting the Powers That Be by offering a free, digital alternative culled from existing, open educational resources.
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Free replacement for the college textbook
Boundless Learning publishes a free replacement for the college textbook
Boston startup Boundless Learning has just released its first products — free online materials aimed at serving as substitutes for college textbooks — out of beta to the public.
The company says it has worked with academic experts to craft "online experiences" that aim to convey the information you'd find in a typical textbook, but in a more engaging manner.
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Children's eBook Libraries
Children's eBook Libraries
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Bookboon : free textbooks (as ebooks)
Bookboon : Download free ebooks + no catch + no registration
Textbooks + Business + Travel
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ISBNdb : a book and ISBN database
SBNdb.com project is a database of books providing on-line and remote research tools for individuals, book stores, librarians, scientists, etc.
Taking data from hundreds of libraries across the world ISBNdb is a unique tool you won't find anywhere else.
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Booko is a site with a very simple goal - to find the cheapest place to buy books & DVDs in Australia. This site started out as a personal itch and has slowly grown into a very handy site, slowly adding more shops for comparison and more features to make it easier to use.
Booko is not an online shop. It goes out to the Internet and looks up book & DVD prices for you and figures out the shipping costs. For the international sites like the Amazons (.com and .co.uk), the prices are converted into Aussie dollars.
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Open Access Resources : Books and Journals
Open Access Resources : Books and Journals ... listed at the Hilton C Buley Library
Free web collections, book, journals, teaching materials, and other resources.
This guide concentrates on English language collections, though some collections mentioned do have resources in several languages.
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Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources
Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources
When educators pool their expertise to create a culture of shared knowledge, everyone benefits.
Use of free and open textbooks can lower educational costs for students. Become involved with the open educational resources (OER) movement so that doors to higher education stay open to all.
The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) is a joint effort by the OER Center for California, Foothill-De Anza Community College District, the League for Innovation in the Community College and many other community colleges and university partners to develop and use open educational resources (OER) and especially open textbooks in community college courses.
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Find a Book
The idea behind The Lexile Framework for Reading is simple: if we know how well a student can read and how hard a specific book is to comprehend, we can predict how well that student will likely understand the book.
When used together, Lexile measures help a reader find books and articles at an appropriate level of difficulty (visit Find a Book ), and determine how well that reader will likely comprehend a text. You also can use Lexile measures to monitor a reader's growth in reading ability over time.
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Accessible book
Accessible book
One web page for every book ever published. It's a lofty but achievable goal.
To build Open Library, we need hundreds of millions of book records, a wiki interface, and lots of people who are willing to contribute their time and effort to building the site.
462,147 books / 389,927 ebooks published between 1192 & 2016.
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Which Book
Which Book
"... - a new way of choosing what to read"
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Bookboon provides free ebooks for students and travelers in PDF format.
No registration is required. Our free books are legal and written exclusively for Bookboon.
They are financed by a few in-book ads.
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Google Book Search Tools
Google Book Search
We've launched a set of free tools that allow retailers, publishers, and anyone with a web site to embed books from the Google Book Search index.
We are also providing new ways for these sites to display full-text search results from Book Search, and even integrate with social features such as ratings, reviews, and readers' book collections.
By providing tools that help sites connect readers with books in new and interesting ways, we hope publishers and authors will find even wider audiences for their works.
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Seven Stories, the Centre for Children's Books
Seven Stories, the Centre for Children's Books
... giving access to records of its extensive collection of artwork and archives.
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WorldCat is the world's largest library network : search more than 10,000 libraries worldwide
WorldCat is the largest library network in the world. WorldCat libraries are dedicated to providing access to their free resources on the Web, where most people start their search for information.
At the heart of WorldCat is a database of information about the things libraries own that is constantly updated by information professionals. Whether you're searching for something yourself or a librarian is working on your behalf, WorldCat makes it easier to find and obtain reliable, validated information.
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Readers Advice
Readers Advice : hundreds of subject-specific book lists gathered into about a dozen main categories and alphabetized by author, with monthly updates
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Abebooks is the world's largest online marketplace for books. Whether it's new, used, rare, or out-of-print, you can find it here, through our community of over 13,000 independent booksellers selling 70 million books from around the globe.
The Rare Book Room | New & Used Textbooks | New Books | Book Club | Authors' Corner | Libros en Espa?l | Australia & New Zealand |
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MSN Book Search
MSN Book Search
MSN will launch MSN Book Search (MSNBS) sometime in first half of 2006. In the early stages, MSNBS will be found as a separate vertical on the MSN Search page (just like Image, News, etc.) but eventually MSN hopes to include book results in web results pages.
MSN is working with the Open Content Alliance to bring millions of publicly available print materials worldwide to the Web.
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ebrary that has been around since 1999. ebrary offers numerous services including one that lets you search and read over 20,000 in-copyright books for free.
You pay only to print and copy text.
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Google Book Search
Google Book Search
Search the full text of books (and discover new ones)
Just do a search on Google Book Search or on Google.com. When we find a book whose content contains a match for your search terms, we'll link to it in your search results.
Click a book title and you'll see the Snippet View which, like a card catalog, shows information about the book plus a few snippets - a few sentences of your search term in context.
You may also see the Sample Pages View if the publisher or author has given us permission or the Full Book View if the book is out of copyright
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By organizing fiction and recreational nonfiction according to their Genres and appeal features, we make it easy to find the books you're looking for.
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ATN Book Lists
ATN Book Lists has grown significantly since its birth in 1996.
These recommendations are harvested from a variety of listserv such as LM_NET, Childlit, Booktalkers @egroups.com, YALSA, etc. The reading lists were started as part of a librarian collaborative project, All Together Now, begun by Dale Copps.
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BooksPrice - Multiple Book Price Comparison
http://www.booksprice.com is a free innovative service of finding the best price on a purchase of several books together.
This service is more useful than the standard services which perform one book comparison at a time, and can save more money when buying several books together.
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The top 100 selling books of 2004
The top 100 selling books of 2004 list from USA Today
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Promote your books on Google - for free.
Promote your books on Google - for free.
Open your books to the worldwide audience that's searching for them. Whether you're a large publisher or a small press, the Google Print program enables you to add your books to Google's search results
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AddALL - Book Search and Price Comparison
AddALL - Book Search and Price Comparison
The book search engine that allows you to comparison shop more than 40 online bookstores including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Borders.
You can expect the most complete book search and the best price Internet-wide when you use AddAll
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