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  Presentation Skills

Presentation Blogger
Presentation Blogger
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5 Secrets of Public Speaking
5 Secrets of Public Speaking From the Best TED Presenters
How can you borrow a bit of the magic that garners some TED talks millions upon millions of views? An author of a book on the subject shares some secrets.
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How to Choose a TEDx Speaker or Talk
How to Choose a TEDx Speaker or Talk
When searching for speakers, you can keep in mind these seven different types of talks.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Presentation Rubric for PBL (pdf)
Presentation Rubric for PBL
Presentation Skills.
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27 Presentation Tips For Students and Teachers
27 Presentation Tips For Students And Teachers INFOGRAPHICS
Preparing students for success In an effort to help you become the next Steve Jobs of presenting, here are more than two dozen different presentation tips perfect for both students and teachers alike.
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How to create a captivating presentation
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Improving your virtual presentation skills #vrtwebcon
Improving your virtual presentation skills by Joe McVeigh #vrtwebcon May 2013
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Controlling Speech Anxiety
Controlling Speech Anxiety
If you get nervous while preparing a public speech, you are not alone. Studies indicate about 80 percent of us feel that way. This presentation will offer techniques to minimize the side effects and even utilize your anxiety to the benefit of your speech.
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Presentation Skills : webinars
-Learn 3 keys to creating a presentation your audience loves
-Learn to present information through clear and compelling visuals
-How to Keep Your Audience’s Attention Throughout Entire Presentation
-How to Prepare Powerful Presentations in an Hour or Less
-The art of using animations in meaningful ways
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Intro to Slide Design: 7 Rules for Creating Effective Slides
Introduction to Slide Design: 7 Rules for Creating Effective Slides
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How Good Are Your Presentation Skills?
How Good Are Your Presentation Skills?
Understanding Your Impact
Includes an audit questionnaire
To brush up on your skills of persuasion, look at The Rhetorical Triangle. This tool asks you to consider your communication from three perspectives: those of the writer, the audience, and the context. It's a method that builds credibility, and ensures that your arguments are logical.
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Getting Pupils to Speak Up [Singapore School]
It's one thing to understand and communicate well in a language; it's another matter when it comes to speaking in public. That's what English teachers at St Margaret's Primary School realised a few years ago. While their pupils had a good grasp of the English language, they clammed up in fear when speaking in front of an audience.
This led the teachers to develop a revised Oral Assessment Framework in 2009, where oral assessment in English goes beyond reading a passage and discussing a picture. Pupils are tested holistically on their oral skills through debates, PowerPoint presentations and news broadcasts.
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The 1-minute guide to good conference presentations
The 1-minute guide to good conference presentations
During the past few months, I’ve been keeping notes on what makes some of these conference presentations so engaging (and others less so). Here’s a 1-minute guide to being a good conference presenter.
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Digitally Speaking: Tools to Improve Online Communication

Global Edu Conference
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A Presentation Skills Guidebook For Beginners
A Presentation Skills Guidebook For Beginners
Some of the most important presentation skills are pure common sense, but we ignore them at our peril. Is that the presenter’s cell phone ringing? Why is this talk running soooo long? Did this guy even rehearse his presentation?
Use this Presentation Skills Guidebook – Beginner’s edition as your handy checklist to refer to in the days leading up to your presentation.
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John Bohannon: Dance vs. powerpoint
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What to wear when presenting
What to wear when presenting
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11 Ways to Improve Your Public Speaking
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Presentations, Speeches + Speaking in Public
Tt Speeches and Presentations 2
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Shamblesguru, Presentation Skills, Video Picks on YouTube
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tedPAD ... analysis of TEDtalks ... the good and the bad.
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TEDx Presentation Design Tips
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Oral Presentation Rubrics
Oral Presentation Rubrics
A+ PowerPoint Rubric This rubric provides 10 performance categories, with criteria for four levels of achievement.
Oral Communication Assessment Rubric (NWREL) (pdf file) Assesses verbal and nonverbal effectiveness, idea development, use of language, and organization of ideas, and response to audience using three levels of achievement.
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Sources Of Advice For Making Good Presentations
The Best Sources Of Advice For Making Good Presentations
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How to stop information overload in your presentation
How to stop information overload in your presentation
Welcome to this website – my aim is to make a difference to the success of your presentations. If this is your first visit start by downloading my free guide “How to make an effective PowerPoint presentation“.
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Pecha Kucha: Streamlined Presentations
Pecha Kucha: Streamlined Presentations
Twenty slides displayed for 20 seconds each for a total time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
That's the formula for Pecha Kucha. Pecha Kucha was devised as a way to keep presenters focused and to keep an audience's attention.
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PowerPoint Ninja
PowerPoint Ninja
The PowerPoint Ninja Blog covers practical PowerPoint topics, tips, and tricks.
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Death by PowerPoint
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How to Make a Good Prez
How to Make a Good Prezi – For a Corporate Website
Prezi is more than a zooming, slideless presentation tool that lets you deliver stunning visuals from the stage. Many authors use Prezi for education purposes or to create embeddable web contents. Nevertheless, there is another ever growing field of prezi use that we want to focus on today. More and more companies decide to advertise their services, or introduce their products on their websites using Prezi.
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How to Give a Lousy Presentation
How to Give a Lousy Presentation .... Fifteen ways to make a bad impression
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Guide to presenting in Second Life
Guide to presenting in Second Life .. 3D online Virtual World.
This is a guide to presenting in Second Life: typically an event where a speaker has a slide show and key points to make. It can be a lot more exciting than that generic description, especially when you use SL's unique features to wow and amaze.
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Scoring Power Point
Multimedia presentations may be compelling and persuasive. Or they may be glib and disappointing.
In the worst case, students will devote more attention to special effects than they will spend on the issues being studied.
Powerpointing can become a goal in itself - an unfortunate example of technology being done for technology's own sake.
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Pecha Kucha
From Wikipedia:
"Pecha Kucha (ペチャクチャ?) or Pecha Kucha Night is a presentation format in which (mostly creative) work can be easily and informally shown. It was originally devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa) in Tokyo in 2003 as a place for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. The format has spread virally to many cities across the world.
The name derives from a Japanese term for the sound of conversation ("chit-chat").
The idea behind Pecha Kucha is to keep presentations concise, the interest level up and to have many presenters sharing their ideas within the course of one night.
Therefore the 20x20 Pecha Kucha format was created: each presenter is allowed a slideshow of 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds. This results in a total presentation time of 6 minutes 40 seconds on a stage before the next presenter is up."
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Giving a graduation speech?
Giving a graduation speech?
Read and get inspired by these hard to find motivational speeches. Go to the commencement speeches archive »
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Public Speaking Training for Top Level Leaders, CEOs & Corporate chairmen
Princeton Public Speaking & Matt Eventoff provides public speaking training, presentation skills training & public speaking tips to CEO's, leaders & to executives with fear of public speaking
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Presentation Zen
Presentation Zen .. professional presentation design
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Open Source Presentation Tools
Open Source Presentation Tools
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The Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation
The Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation ... as an example of poor presentations (using PowerPoint)
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Presentation Tips
Presentation Tips ... free tips and advice from Garr Reynolds ... some excellent links.
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Presentation Skills : Videos and PowerPoints
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at http://www.shambles.net/blogforest or click where you see this button The Shambles Forest of Theme Blogs
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The (UK) Open Universitys OpenLearn
The (UK) Open University's OpenLearn
Welcome to The Open University's OpenLearn website - free and open educational resources for learners and educators around the world.
You are in the LearningSpace where Open University learning materials are freely available for you to study in your own time, away from any formal teaching environment.
Visit the LabSpace to share and reuse educational resources. Download some learning materials, adapt to your needs: translate, shorten, extend, add examples... and then of course, place it back for others to benefit!
T175_7 Presenting Information | LDT101_10 Giving presentations | Y159_1 The importance of interpersonal skills |
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gOffice : Online Presentations
gOffice : Online Presentations application
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Presentation Zen
Presentation Zen
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Presentations without PowerPoint
Presentations without PowerPoint
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Presentation Technology in the Classroom
Presentation Technology in the Classroom
In this collection of news, information, and resources, we at eSchool News, with generous support from ELMO USA, strive to bring you up to date on the powerful communication opportunities today's presentation solutions make possible. We have also included articles that address the bigger presentation picture, because technology is not only changing how educators deliver presentations, it's also widening the audience and engaging students at all levels of the learning spectrum.
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PowerPoint Area on Shambles
Note that there is a secion on Shambles specifically dedicated to PowerPoint Presentations.
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Good Presentation Using PowerPoint
Good Presentation Using PowerPoint .... Ten common mistakes
This file is a WordFile ... 100k
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Good Presentation Using PowerPoint
Good Presentation Using PowerPoint .... Ten common mistakes
This file is a PowerPoint File ... 150k
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