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Sunday 16 March 2025

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So What is Linux?
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The OpenPC project
The OpenPC project: Ready-made GNU/Linux Machines
The Open Desktop communities Open-PC project is now offering three different models of open computers with turn-key GNU/Linux and KDE installations based on OpenSUSE (or Ubuntu). These systems could provide real competition with pre-installed Windows or Mac computers, overcoming some of the most frequently-cited problems with GNU/Linux on the desktop. The systems are now available from vendors in Europe and the USA.
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Fedora : Linux based operating system
Fedora is a Linux based operating system that provides users with access to the latest free and open source software, in a stable, secure and easy to manage form.
Fedora is the largest of many free software creations of the Fedora Project, a partnership of free software community members from around the globe.
Because of its predominance, the word "Fedora" is often used interchangeably to mean both the Fedora Project and the Fedora operating system.
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We love netbooks: they are cheap, compact, light and always connected via 3G.
What we didn't like so much was the user experience so we decided to build our own. We used Linux and made it boot faster and we optimized it for surf and cloud computing. We redesigned the interface and integrated some cool stuff.
This is how the jolicloud project started. The next step is to let you try it out and have your opinion so together we can build the best netbook experience.
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15+ Ways to Make Your Linux Box Hip to Web 2.0
15+ Ways to Make Your Linux Box Hip to Web 2.0
The market of applications managing various Internet-related tasks is divided generally into three parts: Windows-based, Mac OS X-compatible, and Linux-friendly. Some function across all platforms, or perhaps the most mainstream and consumer-centric of the two.
But it is unquestionably the case that the Linux world holds the least currency where desktop-to-Web and Web-to-desktop communication is concerned.
Well, if you’re a Linux user, or perhaps just curious to know what’s now possible on Linux installations in order to better decide whether to “take the leap,” we’re going to do Tux a solid today and see what’s up in the land of “Net apps” to save you from having to search the open source galaxy yourself.
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Blog Linux au Coin
Linux News in French and English
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WaikatoLinuxUsersGroup Wiki!
WaikatoLinuxUsersGroup Wiki!
This link is to a live Wiki and is run for a Linux User Group
The group prefer people to use their own name if they sign up and for participants to have a relevant interest ...
On they bottom of pages they state "Please note that any user can change the contents of pages on this site, and therefore the Waikato Linux Users Group can offer no assurances that the information is correct, and the information on this site is not necessarily the opinion of the Waikato Linux Users Group, or any of its members. Copyright is retained by the individual authors of a page."
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

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