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Sunday 16 March 2025
  Spam & Junk email

The aim is to waste the time of scammers, without wasting a second of yours. When you forward an email, you believe to be a scam to me@rescam.org a check is done to make sure it is a scam attempt, and then a proxy email address is used to engage the scammer.
This will flood their inboxes with responses without any way for them to tell who is a chat-bot, and who is a real vulnerable target. Once you’ve forwarded an email nothing more is required on your part, but the more you send through, the more effective it will be.
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Report Phishing Sites to USA Government
Report Phishing Sites to USA Government
US-CERT collects phishing email messages and website locations so that we can help people avoid becoming victims of phishing scams.
You can report phishing to us by sending email to phishing-report@us-cert.gov
Phishing is an attempt by an individual or group to solicit personal information from unsuspecting users by employing social engineering techniques. Phishing emails are crafted to appear as if they have been sent from a legitimate organization or known individual.
These emails often attempt to entice users to click on a link that will take the user to a fraudulent website that appears legitimate. The user then may be asked to provide personal information, such as account usernames and passwords, that can further expose them to future compromises. Additionally, these fraudulent websites may contain malicious code.
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Filters mentioned in a listerserv discussion on Spam
The following are taken from a series of responses on how schools were dealing with spam email ...
- We use Postini through our ISP (Fastmetrics). It is offsite and works very well.
- We use a Barracuda spam filter and love it.
- Our Kerio + Spamassassin and a few RBLs seems to be holding up.
- We use Abaca.com. Great results at about 0.60 per address per month.
- We use hosted Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE). We have been extremely happy with the service ... Best of all, FOPE is included in our Exchange licensing so we have no additional cost in using the service.
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Avoiding Spams And Scams
Avoiding Spams And Scams
Scam artists have always been with us.
Neanderthal families probably had visits from cave-to-cave salesmen hawking fire starters and forehead reduction kits. We modern humans have to deal with email spammers, unscrupulous Web hosts, and online fraud purveyors.
Learn to recognize the signs of an online scam before you get caught by one.
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Barracuda Central Reputation System
Barracuda Central is the 24/7 security center operated by Barracuda Networks to monitor and block the latest Internet threats.
Data collected at Barracuda Central is analyzed and used to create definitions for automatic Energize Updates that fuel the Barracuda Networks products.
BarracudaCentral.org is dedicated to providing technical insight for security professionals. By sharing data, BarracudaCentral.org aims to build a strong community to collectively fight the latest Internet threats.
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Akismet : anti-spam (free for personal use)
Automattic Kismet (Akismet for short) is a collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging, so you never have to worry about spam again.
In the spirit of helping the blogosphere as much as possible, we've decided to make Akismet free for as many people as possible. We have free API keys available for your personal blog.
"Before Akismet I was spending more time deleting spam than creating content. Now I can focus on actually blogging!" When a new comment, trackback, or pingback comes to your blog it is submitted to the Akismet web service which runs hundreds of tests on the comment and returns a thumbs up or thumbs down.
The Akismet API can be adapted for almost any application with submitted content, including forums, wikis, and contact forms.
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Spam Analyse emails and newsletters (free)
Spam Analyse emails and newsletters (free) that you send out
Spam Analyse your newsletters and improve the deliver your email-marketing.
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Open-source Apache SpamAssassin Project
SpamAssassin uses a wide variety of local and network tests to identify spam signatures. This makes it harder for spammers to identify one aspect which they can craft their messages to work around.
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SpamBayes (free)
SpamBayes -
The SpamBayes project is working on developing a Bayesian anti-spam filter, initially based on the work of Paul Graham. The major difference between this and other, similar projects is the emphasis on testing newer approaches to scoring messages. While most anti-spam projects are still working with the original graham algorithm, we found that a number of alternate methods yielded a more useful response.
SpamBayes will attempt to classify incoming email messages as 'spam', 'ham' (good, non-spam email) or 'unsure'. This means you can have spam or unsure messages automatically filed away in a different mail folder, where it won't interrupt your email reading. First SpamBayes must be trained by each user to identify spam and ham. Essentially, you show SpamBayes a pile of email that you like (ham) and a pile you don't like (spam). SpamBayes will then analyze the piles for clues as to what makes the spam and ham different. For example; different words, differences in the mailer headers and content style. The system then uses these clues to examine new messages.
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SpamPal is a mail classification program that can help separate your spam from the mail you really want to read.
SpamPal sits between your email program and your mailbox, checking your email as you retrieve it. Any email messages that SpamPal considers to be spam will be "tagged" with a special header; you simply configure your email client to filter anything with this header into a separate folder and your spam won't be mixed up with the rest of your email anymore!
SpamPal is free software; you can download and install it entirely free-of-charge. This isn't a trial, or a crippled cut-down version to tempt you towards an expensive "full" version, or a package loaded with spyware to steal your personal details - the fully-featured version of SpamPal can be downloaded and used without imposition or restriction!
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ePrompter automatically and simultaneously checks and retrieves your email messages from up to sixteen password protected email accounts such as AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, Earthlink, Email.com, iName, Juno, Mail.com, Mindspring, MSN, POP3, OneBox, Rediffmail, SBC Yahoo, Switchboard, USA.net and hundreds of other email domains.
The number of new messages in each individual email account can be easily seen on the main ePrompter screen. And with a simple click on the account of your choice, you can read, delete or respond to any of your messages.
ePrompter gives you the ability to delete unwanted spam or suspicious looking mail - the kind that might contain viruses - without having to launch your email program or go to your web mail's site.
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email decoder (really for webmasters)
This only works for those who have email addresses listed on websites ... which spammers then steal. (or harvest)
On your website use and image to display your email address but have the code generated by this page as the email itself ... difficult to 'harvest' by spammers.
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Spam Arrest
Welcome to Spam Arrest, your starting point for stopping spam. Unlike other anti-spam solutions, Spam Arrest quickly and easily blocks spam before it ever gets to your inbox ?no matter how the spam is disguised or where it comes from.
Spam Arrest offers solutions for individuals as well as for enterprise and service providers.
spam | junk | mail | junkmail |
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Cloudmark SpamNet saves you time and frustration by automatically stopping spam. The service is free and easy to use. Spend time reading your email—not deleting unwanted spam messages.
When you become a SpamNet spamfighter you help block spam for yourself and the entire community. The program is easy to use and runs invisibly in the background of your email program.
spam | junk | mail | junkmail |
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Introducing MailWasher, the easiest way to check and manage your emails before you download them.
MailWasher is a powerful email checker with effective spam elimination. Discover the safe way to stop unwanted viruses and emails before they get to your computer.
Finding it hard to be removed from mailing lists? Getting harassed by someone on your email? Tired of getting junk email from unknown sources? Why not make them think you no longer exist by bouncing back their email so it looks like your address has been closed down.
Are you tired of getting forwarded emails with large attachments that take ages to download? Are you scared of getting an email virus? Why not delete the email directly off the server so you don't have to download it.
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